• Current Order Form

    From Bryan Turner@1:124/7013.1 to ALL on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 08:44:17
    APOGEE/3D REALMS ORDER FORM - FAX SHEET (Fax number: 972-278-4670)
    PAGE 1 OF 2 - May 21, 2001 Revision

    ** If you don't see your title here, you can write it in below **

    [ ] Max Payne Pre-Order: Free Mousepad for all pre-orders!
    **AND** Free Priority shipping for US customers ($47.95)

    [ ] Duke Nukem: Music to Score by Enhanced CD (Audio/Win95/98) ($14.95)
    [ ] Balls of Steel - 5 Tables including a Duke Table (Win95/98 CD) ($24.95)

    [ ] Shadow Warrior CD -- Help Lo Wang kick ass in the far east ($19.95)
    [ ] Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition CD (Plutonium PAK is built in!) ($19.95)
    [ ] Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium PAK CD - Upgrade v1.3d to Atomic ($ 4.95)
    [ ] Terminal Velocity CD - includes cinematics, etc. ($15.00)

    [ ] Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold - Futuristic 3D action, 66 levels! ($10.00)
    [ ] Boppin' - VGA arcade/puzzle game w/160 levels & level editor! ($10.00)
    [ ] Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure - Help rescue Cosmo's parents ($10.00)
    [ ] Crystal Caves - Help Mylo Steamwitz save his business! ($10.00)
    [ ] Death Rally, Top down 3D racing with combat & gore! (CD Only) ($10.00)
    [ ] Duke Nukem I (the original) -- Non-stop pure action! ($10.00)
    [ ] Duke Nukem II -- New VGA explosive action game ($10.00)
    [ ] Hocus Pocus CD -- VGA parallaxing platform action/puzzle game! ($10.00)
    [ ] Monster Bash - EGA Classic Scroller with a Halloween Theme! ($10.00)
    [ ] Mystic Towers -- Totally unique action/puzzle game! ($10.00)
    [ ] Paganitzu - CGA/EGA puzzle game - One of our best puzzle games ($10.00)
    [ ] Planet Strike -- 3D Action, sequel to original Blake Stone ($10.00)
    [ ] Raptor: Call of the Shadows CD - Best DOS shooter ever on PC! ($15.00)
    [ ] Realms of Chaos, CD-ROM Version - VGA arcade/action! ($10.00)
    [ ] Rise of the Triad, CD-ROM Version - Includes PowerPack ($15.00)
    [ ] Secret Agent - You're 006 1/2 - Save the world from DVS! ($10.00)
    [ ] Stargunner CD - The new Standard in PC Shooters! ($10.00)
    [ ] Wacky Wheels CD - Upgrade Edition With 42 total tracks! ($10.00)
    [ ] Wolfenstein 3-D CD All SIX EPISODES "Wolf-Pack" ($15.00)
    [ ] Wolfenstein 3-D Hint Book (with all maps, story and secrets) ($ 2.00)
    [ ] Xenophage CD - Fierce Fighting Fun ($10.00)


    [ ] Commander Keen: Vorticons/Galaxy Combo - CD Only ($20.00)
    [ ] Word Rescue & Math Rescue Combo - CD Only ($29.95)
    [ ] Death Rally & Xenophage Combo - CD Only ($15.00)


    [ ] Duke Nukem Forever Beverage Cup Holders - Set of four ($ 7.95)
    [ ] Duke Nukem Baseball Cap - Black, One size Fits all ($14.95)
    [ ] Duke Nukem 3D Strategy Guide Book ($ 4.95)
    [ ] Duke Nukem 3D Mouse Pad ($ 5.95)
    [ ] T-Shirt: Apogee Logo (White) (L,M,XXL), (Natural - L) ($ 5.95)
    [ ] T-Shirt: Monster Bash (White) (M,L,XL,XXL) ($ 5.95)

    [ ] other _________________________________________________________________

    --- continued ---

    APOGEE SOFTWARE ORDER FORM - FAX SHEET (Fax number: 972-278-4670)
    PAGE 2 OF 2

    Name (please print)________________________________________________________

    Address ___________________________________________________________________

    Address ___________________________________________________________________

    City _______________________ St./Prov. _________________ ZIP/Code _________

    Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone/Fax _______________________

    E-Mail ____________________________________________________________________

    DISK SIZE: [ ] 3.5" 1.44M [ ] CD-ROM
    (Please check all that you can use - we will send the highest
    available format.)

    SHIPPING [ ] USA: $5. Each additional item add $1.
    CHARGES: [ ] Canada & Mexico: $6. Each additional item add $1.
    [ ] All other countries: $8. Each addtl. item add $2; shirts add $4

    If this is being shipped to TX, you must add 8.25% sales tax to total order.

    Total payment: $______________

    Payment: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express
    [ ] Check [ ] Money Order

    Card number: ______________________________________________________________

    Expiration date: _____/_____ (MM/YY) Signature: __________________________

    Note: Payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn against a U.S. bank.
    Please do not send cash!

    Mail to: Apogee Software, Ltd. Order: 1-800-APOGEE1 (1-800-276-4331)
    P.O. Box 496389 Phone: (972) 278-5655 (Foreign orders)
    Garland, TX 75049-6389 Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover welcome!

    Thank you for your order! Make checks payable to "Apogee". Allow up to
    two weeks for delivery. All prices subject to change without notice.
    All items subject to availability.

    For more ordering info, and for specials not listed here, please visit our order info page on the web at http://www.3drealms.com/order.html.

    Thank you! <<<APOGEE ECHO>>>

    * Origin: Pegasus Flight *REMOTE* (1:124/7013.1)
  • From Joe Siegler@1:124/9006 to Bryan Turner on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 18:24:00
    For more ordering info, and for specials not listed here, please visit our order info page on the web at http://www.3drealms.com/order.html.

    You do realize that you're not supposed to use Fidonet for commercial activities, right?

    /me laughs.

    Joe Siegler
    APOGEE Echo Creator and former moderator

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0074
    * Origin: Apogee / 3D Realms Headquarters - Garland, TX (1:124/9006)