• Iran & Armageddon

    From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to All on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 23:33:40
    Iran and Armageddon

    Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist

    WASHINGTON - Lest you get carried away with today's good news from
    Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild
    pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have
    gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off
    the map. He subsequently amended himself to say that Israel should
    simply be extirpated from the Middle East map and moved to some German
    or Austrian province. Perhaps near the site of an old extermination

    Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says Ahmadinejad. Nothing but "myth," a "legend" that was "fabricated ...
    under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' "

    This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials,
    who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements
    unacceptable. That something serious may accrue to Iran for this
    - say, expulsion from the U.N. for violating its most basic principle
    by advocating the outright eradication of a member state - is, of course,
    out of the question.


    Everyone knows where Iran's nuclear weapons will be aimed. Everyone
    knows they will be put on Shahab rockets that have been modified so
    they can now reach Israel. And everyone knows that if the button is
    pushed, it will be the end of Israel.

    But it gets worse. The president of a country about to go nuclear
    is a confirmed believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and Christianity, Shiite Islam has its own version of the messianic return
    u the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam. The more devout believers in
    Iran pray at the Jamkaran Mosque that houses a well from which, some
    believe, he will emerge.

    When Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he
    immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last
    month, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth

    And as in some versions of fundamentalist Christianity, the second
    coming will be accompanied by the usual trials and tribulations,
    death and destruction. Iranian journalist Hossein Bastani reported
    Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will
    reappear in two years.


    Copyright - The Seattle Times Company

    Full article at Raiders News Updates - http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/

    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to STEVE ASHER on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 16:08:00
    Hello Steve,

    Iran and Armageddon

    Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist

    WASHINGTON - Lest you get carried away with today's good news from
    Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild SA>pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have SA>gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off
    the map. He subsequently amended himself to say that Israel should
    simply be extirpated from the Middle East map and moved to some German
    or Austrian province. Perhaps near the site of an old extermination

    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be
    located in present-day Uganda.

    Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says SA>Ahmadinejad. Nothing but "myth," a "legend" that was "fabricated ... SA>under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' "

    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely) under
    the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews. And not
    all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to death. Some died
    of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any event, 4 out of 5
    European Jews died prematurely as a result of Nazi rule.

    This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials, SA>who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements SA>unacceptable. That something serious may accrue to Iran for this
    - say, expulsion from the U.N. for violating its most basic principle
    by advocating the outright eradication of a member state - is, of course, SA>out of the question.

    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the
    United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also a
    religious state. But that's beside the point.


    Everyone knows where Iran's nuclear weapons will be aimed. Everyone
    knows they will be put on Shahab rockets that have been modified so
    they can now reach Israel. And everyone knows that if the button is SA>pushed, it will be the end of Israel.

    Nah. Just the end of Tel Aviv. And Tehran.

    But it gets worse. The president of a country about to go nuclear
    is a confirmed believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and SA>Christianity, Shiite Islam has its own version of the messianic return
    u the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam. The more devout believers in
    Iran pray at the Jamkaran Mosque that houses a well from which, some SA>believe, he will emerge.

    Like the American president, the Iranian president wants to bring about
    a self-fulfilling prophecy. ;)

    When Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he SA>immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last SA>month, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic SA>Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth

    Somebody has to make it happen. ;)

    And as in some versions of fundamentalist Christianity, the second
    coming will be accompanied by the usual trials and tribulations,
    death and destruction. Iranian journalist Hossein Bastani reported SA>Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will SA>reappear in two years.

    For the Mahdi to appear, so too must the Dajjal. As is well-known in
    fido circles, I am he. ;)


    * SLMR 2.1a * Forget Iraq! Let's rebuild New Orleans!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 22:11:28
    On (20 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to STEVE ASHER...
    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be
    located in present-day Uganda.

    What a load!

    "Zionist" refers to Mount ZION -- in the same physical land of Israel
    that the Bible shows historically belonged to the Jews for thousands of

    Uganda was offered to the Zionists, who promptly rejected it as
    irrelevant to their legal claim to their OWN land!

    (by historical right, and because they purchased land there from the
    Arab chieftains, and reclaimed this then-worthless(because the Arabs
    let it go to crap) land from desert & swamps!)

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 22:14:27
    On (20 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to STEVE ASHER...
    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely) under
    the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews. And not
    all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to death. Some
    of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any event, 4 out of 5
    European Jews died prematurely as a result of Nazi rule.

    With the opening of Soviet archives, we now know that the slaughter of
    Jews was closer to 7.5 million than 6! :P

    All in all a most terrible time in human history -- and those who
    stupidly(& evilly) attempt to deny it only show that they ally
    themselves with the perpetrators of it more than those who helped
    end it and rescue the few remaining alive victims. . .

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 22:16:21
    On (20 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to STEVE ASHER...
    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the
    United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also a religious state. But that's beside the point.

    Israel is not nor has ever been a "resigious state" -- Israel is the one
    and only middle eastern democracy -- this is why the Arab nations hate
    her so much, because Israel's existence shows their population that
    there exists a way of freedom and personal liberty, and CHOICE regarding religious belief/observance!

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 14:26:00
    Hello George,

    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be >LL>located in present-day Uganda.

    What a load!

    "Zionist" refers to Mount ZION -- in the same physical land of Israel GP>that the Bible shows historically belonged to the Jews for thousands of GP>years!

    Zionist refers to a late 19th Century political movement, designed
    to bring about the creation of a modern Jewish state. Once that goal
    had been achieved, in 1948, the Zionist movement should have been
    disbanded. But it wasn't. Instead, Jews chose to continue their
    pursuit of Zionism, to expand their "modern Jewish state" to include
    all of Palestine, and even the entire Middle East region.

    Uganda was offered to the Zionists, who promptly rejected it as GP>irrelevant to their legal claim to their OWN land!

    The early Zionists wanted Uganda as their "Israel". Later, through
    illegal immigration to Palestine, Zionists figured they could steal
    Palestine instead.

    (by historical right, and because they purchased land there from the
    Arab chieftains, and reclaimed this then-worthless(because the Arabs
    let it go to crap) land from desert & swamps!)

    The Jews were slaves in the land of Egypt. Maybe one can make
    the argument that Egypt belongs to the Jews, given that Pharaoh
    is no longer around. But even that is a stretch.

    The Jews do not have an exclusive claim to the land of Palestine.
    Palestine belongs to the original inhabitants of the land. And those inhabitants are known today as Palestinians.


    * SLMR 2.1a * --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E--
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 14:31:00
    Hello George,

    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely) under >LL>the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews. And not >LL>all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to death. Some
    of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any event, 4 out of 5 >LL>European Jews died prematurely as a result of Nazi rule.

    With the opening of Soviet archives, we now know that the slaughter of GP>Jews was closer to 7.5 million than 6! :P

    Nobody knows the exact numbers, but most historians agree on 11 million
    people, of which 6 million were Jews. Perhaps the real numbers are much higher. Maybe 15 million people, of which 7 or 8 million were Jews.
    In any event, it was a genocide.

    All in all a most terrible time in human history -- and those who GP>stupidly(& evilly) attempt to deny it only show that they ally
    themselves with the perpetrators of it more than those who helped
    end it and rescue the few remaining alive victims. . .

    Hitler was fighting three wars simultaneously. And he almost won.


    * SLMR 2.1a * If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 14:33:00
    Hello George,

    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the >LL>United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also a >LL>religious state. But that's beside the point.

    Israel is not nor has ever been a "resigious state" -- Israel is the one GP>and only middle eastern democracy -- this is why the Arab nations hate GP>her so much, because Israel's existence shows their population that
    there exists a way of freedom and personal liberty, and CHOICE regarding GP>religious belief/observance!

    The political state of Israel has become the god of the Jews.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 15:17:05
    On (21 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    Zionist refers to a late 19th Century political movement, designed
    to bring about the creation of a modern Jewish state. Once that goal
    had been achieved, in 1948, the Zionist movement should have been disbanded. But it wasn't. Instead, Jews chose to continue their
    pursuit of Zionism, to expand their "modern Jewish state" to include
    all of Palestine, and even the entire Middle East region.

    Where DO you get your information?
    Look at the NAME of the movement, that's all the CLUE you need: ZIONist
    -- as in MOUNT ZION (as in IN ISRAEL!))

    The early Zionists wanted Uganda as their "Israel". Later, through illegal immigration to Palestine, Zionists figured they could steal Palestine instead.

    What "steal"? There's never NOT been a Jewish presence in "Palestine"
    Land they BOUGHT from those who were squatting on the land previously
    stolen from the Jews!

    The Jews were slaves in the land of Egypt. Maybe one can make
    the argument that Egypt belongs to the Jews, given that Pharaoh
    is no longer around. But even that is a stretch.

    The Jews do not have an exclusive claim to the land of Palestine. Palestine belongs to the original inhabitants of the land. And those inhabitants are known today as Palestinians.

    Bullcrap! All through the past 2,000 years the "Palestinians" were
    universally understood to refer to "Jews"!

    There were a few wandering Arab nomads, who did not consider the land
    theirs (they didn't settle ANYWHERE, they just crapped on wherever they visited, then left)

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 15:20:19
    On (21 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    With the opening of Soviet archives, we now know that the slaughter
    Jews was closer to 7.5 million than 6! :P

    Nobody knows the exact numbers, but most historians agree on 11
    people, of which 6 million were Jews. Perhaps the real numbers are
    higher. Maybe 15 million people, of which 7 or 8 million were Jews.
    In any event, it was a genocide.

    Yes, and intended specifically as such -- and almost succeeded, because
    even though Hitler stated it plainly what he was going to do, nobody
    cared -- just like now with Iran!

    All in all a most terrible time in human history -- and those who GP>stupidly(& evilly) attempt to deny it only show that they ally GP>themselves with the perpetrators of it more than those who helped GP>end it and rescue the few remaining alive victims. . .

    Hitler was fighting three wars simultaneously. And he almost won.

    Because the West didn't try as hard as they could've (everybody knew
    what the rail lines were for (transporting boxcarsful of Jews to death
    camps) but nobody bombed the tracks!

    But, of course, Hitler just put into motion what all the "Christian"
    countries wanted to happen anyway!

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 15:22:57
    On (21 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    Israel is not nor has ever been a "resigious state" -- Israel is
    the one
    and only middle eastern democracy -- this is why the Arab nations
    her so much, because Israel's existence shows their population that GP>there exists a way of freedom and personal liberty, and CHOICE regarding
    religious belief/observance!

    The political state of Israel has become the god of the Jews.

    Why would you say that silly statement?

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Thursday, December 22, 2005 13:57:00
    Hello George,

    Zionist refers to a late 19th Century political movement, designed
    to bring about the creation of a modern Jewish state. Once that goal >LL>had been achieved, in 1948, the Zionist movement should have been >LL>disbanded. But it wasn't. Instead, Jews chose to continue their >LL>pursuit of Zionism, to expand their "modern Jewish state" to include >LL>all of Palestine, and even the entire Middle East region.

    Where DO you get your information?

    Real history books.

    Look at the NAME of the movement, that's all the CLUE you need: ZIONist GP>-- as in MOUNT ZION (as in IN ISRAEL!))

    Religious propaganda is not historical fact.

    The early Zionists wanted Uganda as their "Israel". Later, through >LL>illegal immigration to Palestine, Zionists figured they could steal >LL>Palestine instead.

    What "steal"? There's never NOT been a Jewish presence in "Palestine" GP>Land they BOUGHT from those who were squatting on the land previously GP>stolen from the Jews!

    Modern arhaeologists agree that Egyptians and Canaanites inhabited
    Palestine from the earliest recorded days of history, 3000 B.C. to
    1700 B.C. The Egyptians and Canaanites were followed by the other
    occupiers, such as the Hyksos, Hittites, and Philistines. It's
    funny that the Hebrew period of rule came LATER, starting only in
    1020 B.C. and lasting until 587 B.C. Then Palestine was overrun
    by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, and Syrians.
    Then came the Hebrew Maccabeans, who held partial rule in 164 B.C.
    A century later, in 63 B.C., the Roman Empire conquered Palestine,
    including Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jews' beloved Second Temple
    in 70 A.D., scattering the remaining Jews to the winds.

    IOW, the Jews only controlled Palestine for about 600 years of the
    past 5000 years of Palestine's recorded history. Hardly a claim of
    legitimate ownership. Especially since the Canaanites, Egyptians,
    Muslims, or Romans controlled Palestine for a much longer period
    of time.

    The Jews were slaves in the land of Egypt. Maybe one can make
    the argument that Egypt belongs to the Jews, given that Pharaoh
    is no longer around. But even that is a stretch.

    The Jews do not have an exclusive claim to the land of Palestine. >LL>Palestine belongs to the original inhabitants of the land. And those >LL>inhabitants are known today as Palestinians.

    Bullcrap! All through the past 2,000 years the "Palestinians" were GP>universally understood to refer to "Jews"!

    The Jews never controlled any part of Palestine during the past 2000
    years, except for the period 1948 to present. IOW, less than 60 years.

    There were a few wandering Arab nomads, who did not consider the land GP>theirs (they didn't settle ANYWHERE, they just crapped on wherever they GP>visited, then left)

    On May 14, 1948, a group of 37 Jews got together in Tel Aviv and
    declared Israel's independence as a "natural and historic right."
    The only problem with their statement was that they did not represent
    the majority population of Palestine, who happened to be Arabs and
    Muslim. In fact, only one member of that group of 37 Jews had been
    born in Palestine. So what you are saying, or suggesting, is that
    a handful of "wandering Jews" created the state of Israel, intended
    to be for Jews only.


    * SLMR 2.1a * BE A SAINT +
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Thursday, December 22, 2005 14:08:00
    Hello George,

    With the opening of Soviet archives, we now know that the slaughter
    of Jews was closer to 7.5 million than 6! :P

    Nobody knows the exact numbers, but most historians agree on 11
    million people, of which 6 million were Jews. Perhaps the real
    numbers are much higher. Maybe 15 million people, of which 7 or 8 >LL>million were Jews. In any event, it was a genocide.

    Yes, and intended specifically as such -- and almost succeeded, because GP>even though Hitler stated it plainly what he was going to do, nobody GP>cared -- just like now with Iran!

    Iran merely wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Hitler wanted
    to rid the world of Jews (and a few other groups). Big difference.

    All in all a most terrible time in human history -- and those who >GP>stupidly(& evilly) attempt to deny it only show that they ally >GP>themselves with the perpetrators of it more than those who helped
    end it and rescue the few remaining alive victims. . .

    Hitler was fighting three wars simultaneously. And he almost won.

    Because the West didn't try as hard as they could've (everybody knew
    what the rail lines were for (transporting boxcarsful of Jews to death GP>camps) but nobody bombed the tracks!

    First of all, nobody outside of Germany took Hitler seriously.
    And even after Hitler started offing people, the world cared not.
    Jews were not seen as real people, even in America, back in those
    days. Same with those with mental or physical disabilities. They
    weren't real people. Understand? As such, it was okay for Hitler
    to do away with folks who weren't real people. In America, people
    who were mentally retarded were sterilized so they could not have
    children. Most Americans had no problem with that. Same deal with
    Jews in Germany. Nobody cared about Jews, or those with mental
    problems, etc.

    But, of course, Hitler just put into motion what all the "Christian" GP>countries wanted to happen anyway!

    Culling the herd. Keeping the best. Makes for a better race of men.
    We do the same with dogs. We breed dogs to create the best breeds.
    Hitler did the same thing, only with humans, in order to create his
    Aryan Race. Today, instead of selective breeding, we use DNA. And
    tomorrow we will use human cloning.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Christopher Walken for President.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Thursday, December 22, 2005 14:10:00
    Hello George,

    Israel is not nor has ever been a "resigious state" -- Israel is
    the one and only middle eastern democracy -- this is why the Arab >GP>nations hate her so much, because Israel's existence shows their >GP>population that there exists a way of freedom and personal liberty,
    and CHOICE regarding religious belief/observance!

    The political state of Israel has become the god of the Jews.

    Why would you say that silly statement?

    Nothing silly about it.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Forget Iraq! Let's rebuild New Orleans!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Thursday, December 22, 2005 17:42:23
    On (22 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    Look at the NAME of the movement, that's all the CLUE you need:
    -- as in MOUNT ZION (as in IN ISRAEL!))

    Religious propaganda is not historical fact.

    The historical fact is that religious zealotry(focused on Mount Zion)
    initiated the whole movement. . .

    Modern arhaeologists agree that Egyptians and Canaanites inhabited Palestine from the earliest recorded days of history, 3000 B.C. to

    it wasn't "Palestine" until after the Romans stole it from the Jews and
    renamed it after Israel's old enemies, the Philistines. . .

    1700 B.C. The Egyptians and Canaanites were followed by the other occupiers, such as the Hyksos, Hittites, and Philistines. It's
    funny that the Hebrew period of rule came LATER, starting only in
    1020 B.C. and lasting until 587 B.C. Then Palestine was overrun

    There's archaelogic evidence putting the Hebrews there ca. 3000BCE

    by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, and Syrians.
    Then came the Hebrew Maccabeans, who held partial rule in 164 B.C.
    A century later, in 63 B.C., the Roman Empire conquered Palestine, including Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jews' beloved Second Temple
    in 70 A.D., scattering the remaining Jews to the winds.

    IOW, the Jews only controlled Palestine for about 600 years of the
    past 5000 years of Palestine's recorded history. Hardly a claim of legitimate ownership. Especially since the Canaanites, Egyptians, Muslims, or Romans controlled Palestine for a much longer period
    of time.

    I wasn't talking "controlled", I was talking "maintained a presence"

    The Jews never controlled any part of Palestine during the past 2000 years, except for the period 1948 to present. IOW, less than 60

    I didn't say "controlled"; the Arabs didn't "control" it either -- and
    also did not maintain permanent habitations there, unlike the Jews, who, although lacking international recognition, considered it "home"

    born in Palestine. So what you are saying, or suggesting, is that
    a handful of "wandering Jews" created the state of Israel, intended
    to be for Jews only.

    Since when did I say that? Israel has never, since 1948 been "Jews only"
    -- it's a DEMOACRACY (look that up!) the only one in the Middle East,

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Thursday, December 22, 2005 17:59:35
    On (22 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    Iran merely wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Hitler
    to rid the world of Jews (and a few other groups). Big difference.

    It starts this simply. . .

    But, of course, Hitler just put into motion what all the
    countries wanted to happen anyway!

    Culling the herd. Keeping the best. Makes for a better race of men.
    We do the same with dogs. We breed dogs to create the best breeds.
    Hitler did the same thing, only with humans, in order to create his
    Aryan Race. Today, instead of selective breeding, we use DNA. And tomorrow we will use human cloning.

    So what makes Semites(the Jewish half thereof, anyway) not part of
    "better race of men"?

    What makes it acceptable for Christians(who exist only because of the
    Jews, and one in particular) to deem Jews inferior?

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to LEE LOFASO on Saturday, December 24, 2005 02:00:02
    Mulling over LEE LOFASO to STEVE ASHER 20 Dec 2005

    G'day Lee,

    Iran and Armageddon

    Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist

    WASHINGTON - Lest you get carried away with today's good news from
    Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild SA>pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have SA>gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off
    the map. He subsequently amended himself to say that Israel should
    simply be extirpated from the Middle East map and moved to some German
    or Austrian province. Perhaps near the site of an old extermination

    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be
    located in present-day Uganda.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. It seems that it was proposed as
    a temporary refuge (British Uganda Program) that would not affect the
    ultimate aim ... a Jewish state in Israel.

    Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says SA>Ahmadinejad. Nothing but "myth," a "legend" that was "fabricated ... SA>under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' "

    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely)
    under the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews.
    And not all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to
    death. Some died of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any
    event, 4 out of 5 European Jews died prematurely as a result of
    Nazi rule.

    I have the figures for each nation in a book here, but I will accept
    your "4 out of 5" as about right.

    This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials, SA>who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements SA>unacceptable. That something serious may accrue to Iran for this
    - say, expulsion from the U.N. for violating its most basic principle
    by advocating the outright eradication of a member state - is, of course, SA>out of the question.

    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the
    United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also
    a religious state. But that's beside the point.


    Everyone knows where Iran's nuclear weapons will be aimed. Everyone
    knows they will be put on Shahab rockets that have been modified so
    they can now reach Israel. And everyone knows that if the button is SA>pushed, it will be the end of Israel.

    Nah. Just the end of Tel Aviv. And Tehran.

    If God is to be believed, no weapon formed against Israel will prosper,
    and that would include nuclear weapons ... Tehran may well be destroyed, Damascus will be a ruinous heap.

    But it gets worse. The president of a country about to go nuclear
    is a confirmed believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and SA>Christianity, Shiite Islam has its own version of the messianic return
    u the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam. The more devout believers in
    Iran pray at the Jamkaran Mosque that houses a well from which, some SA>believe, he will emerge.

    Like the American president, the Iranian president wants to bring
    about a self-fulfilling prophecy. ;)

    I don't know about self-fulfilling, but certainly fulfilling Ezekiel 38.

    When Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he SA>immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last SA>month, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic SA>Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth

    Somebody has to make it happen. ;)

    And as in some versions of fundamentalist Christianity, the second
    coming will be accompanied by the usual trials and tribulations,
    death and destruction. Iranian journalist Hossein Bastani reported SA>Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will SA>reappear in two years.

    For the Mahdi to appear, so too must the Dajjal. As is well-known
    in fido circles, I am he. ;)

    But in Islamic circles, the finger of dajjal-hood is firmly pointed
    at Mister Bush ... according to google results, at least. :)

    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Friday, December 23, 2005 13:55:00
    Hello George,

    Look at the NAME of the movement, that's all the CLUE you need:
    ZIONist -- as in MOUNT ZION (as in IN ISRAEL!))

    Religious propaganda is not historical fact.

    The historical fact is that religious zealotry(focused on Mount Zion) GP>initiated the whole movement. . .

    Before the age of civilization there were nomads. And nomads went
    wherever they felt like going. Usually wherever they could find food.
    And women. And then some nomads got together and formed a community.
    And that community built the pyramids, located in present-day Egypt.
    Now, it could be that the Jews got the Great Pyramid confused with
    Mount Zion. After all, the Jews did help build the Great Pyramid.

    Modern arhaeologists agree that Egyptians and Canaanites inhabited >LL>Palestine from the earliest recorded days of history, 3000 B.C. to

    it wasn't "Palestine" until after the Romans stole it from the Jews and GP>renamed it after Israel's old enemies, the Philistines. . .

    The land of Palestine has always been the same, regardless of what name
    the land of Palestine was called.

    1700 B.C. The Egyptians and Canaanites were followed by the other >LL>occupiers, such as the Hyksos, Hittites, and Philistines. It's
    funny that the Hebrew period of rule came LATER, starting only in
    1020 B.C. and lasting until 587 B.C. Then Palestine was overrun

    There's archaelogic evidence putting the Hebrews there ca. 3000BCE

    Proto-Canaanites, perhaps. But not Hebrews. The Patriarchs were not
    Hebrews. Moses was. But Moses was born much later than 3000 BC. And
    besides, Abraham was from Iraq. Not Palestine. And Moses was from
    Egypt. Not Palestine.

    by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, and Syrians.
    Then came the Hebrew Maccabeans, who held partial rule in 164 B.C.
    A century later, in 63 B.C., the Roman Empire conquered Palestine, >LL>including Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jews' beloved Second Temple
    in 70 A.D., scattering the remaining Jews to the winds.

    IOW, the Jews only controlled Palestine for about 600 years of the
    past 5000 years of Palestine's recorded history. Hardly a claim of >LL>legitimate ownership. Especially since the Canaanites, Egyptians, >LL>Muslims, or Romans controlled Palestine for a much longer period
    of time.

    I wasn't talking "controlled", I was talking "maintained a presence"

    In that case, all of Palestine belongs to the Arabs, since they were
    there first. ;)

    The Jews never controlled any part of Palestine during the past 2000 >LL>years, except for the period 1948 to present. IOW, less than 60

    I didn't say "controlled"; the Arabs didn't "control" it either -- and GP>also did not maintain permanent habitations there, unlike the Jews, who, GP>although lacking international recognition, considered it "home"

    Really? Egyptians never controlled Palestine? Canaanites never
    controlled Palestine? Hyksos never controlled Palestine? Hittites
    never controlled Palestine? Philistines never controlled Palestine?
    Assyrians never controlled Palestine? Babylonians never controlled
    Palestine? Greeks never controlled Palestine? Syrians never
    controlled Palestine? Hebrew Maccabeans never controlled Palestine?
    Romans never controlled Palestine? Muslims never controlled Palestine? Christians never controlled Palestine? What makes you think the Jews
    have an exclusive claim to the land of Palestine? What makes you think
    that any other group has an exclusive claim to the land of Palestine?
    Why is it that you want the Jews to have everything for themselves,
    even though the Jews have no exclusive claim to any of the land of

    born in Palestine. So what you are saying, or suggesting, is that
    a handful of "wandering Jews" created the state of Israel, intended
    to be for Jews only.

    Since when did I say that? Israel has never, since 1948 been "Jews only" GP>-- it's a DEMOACRACY (look that up!) the only one in the Middle East, GP>ever!

    Israel is a theocracy, and no democracy. A Zionist theocracy, having
    nothing to do with religious Judaism. Of course, the Zionists use
    Judaism as an excuse to exclude non-Jews from participating in their "democracy".


    * SLMR 2.1a * This tagline stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to GEORGE POPE on Friday, December 23, 2005 14:09:00
    Hello George,

    Iran merely wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Hitler >LL>wanted to rid the world of Jews (and a few other groups). Big >LL>difference.

    It starts this simply. . .

    Maybe Hitler was right. Had he succeeded in ridding the world of
    Jews, the Arabs would not be complaining. And then nuclear war would
    be avoided. Instead, what we have today is fallout from WWII.

    But, of course, Hitler just put into motion what all the
    "Christian" countries wanted to happen anyway!

    Culling the herd. Keeping the best. Makes for a better race of men. >LL>We do the same with dogs. We breed dogs to create the best breeds. >LL>Hitler did the same thing, only with humans, in order to create his >LL>Aryan Race. Today, instead of selective breeding, we use DNA. And >LL>tomorrow we will use human cloning.

    So what makes Semites(the Jewish half thereof, anyway) not part of GP>"better race of men"?

    Hitler based his philosophy on hate. Without having a scapegoat, the
    cult of Hitler (Nazism) could not succeed. And the Jews made for a very convenient scapegoat. So did the mentally disabled and the physically
    disabled and the blacks and the gypsies...

    What makes it acceptable for Christians(who exist only because of the GP>Jews, and one in particular) to deem Jews inferior?

    When St. Paul was a Jew, then known as Saul, he sought to slaughter
    every Christian he could find. When St. Paul became a Christian, he
    was very much apologetic. Although he addressed Jews, as well as
    Gentile, some Christians misinterpreted his words to mean Jews were
    inferior. That is the basis of Jew-hating among some so-called


    * SLMR 2.1a * I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to STEVE ASHER on Friday, December 23, 2005 14:24:00
    Hello Steve,

    Iran and Armageddon

    Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist

    WASHINGTON - Lest you get carried away with today's good news from >SA>Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild >SA>pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have >SA>gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off >SA>the map. He subsequently amended himself to say that Israel should >SA>simply be extirpated from the Middle East map and moved to some German >SA>or Austrian province. Perhaps near the site of an old extermination >SA>camp?

    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be >LL>located in present-day Uganda.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. It seems that it was proposed as
    a temporary refuge (British Uganda Program) that would not affect the SA>ultimate aim ... a Jewish state in Israel.

    That is basically correct. But there were two different approaches.

    There were actually two groups of Zionists - "Practical Zionists" and "Political Zionists". "Practical Zionists" wanted to settle in the land
    of Palestine and then develop a Jewish state from within. "Political Zionists", led by Theodore Herzl, wanted to get European powers to
    establish a Jewish state, ultimately in the land of Palestine. After
    Herzl died in 1904, the "Practical Zionists" took over.

    Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says >SA>Ahmadinejad. Nothing but "myth," a "legend" that was "fabricated ... >SA>under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' "

    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely)
    under the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews.
    And not all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to
    death. Some died of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any
    event, 4 out of 5 European Jews died prematurely as a result of
    Nazi rule.

    I have the figures for each nation in a book here, but I will accept
    your "4 out of 5" as about right.

    Some Jews managed to flee Europe altoghether, going to Palestine or to
    other places. Other Jews somehow managed to survive while not leaving
    Europe. When one is trying to survive, one does what one has to do.
    Even if those means are illegal. :)

    This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials, >SA>who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements >SA>unacceptable. That something serious may accrue to Iran for this
    - say, expulsion from the U.N. for violating its most basic principle >SA>by advocating the outright eradication of a member state - is, of course, >SA>out of the question.

    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the >LL>United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also
    a religious state. But that's beside the point.


    Everyone knows where Iran's nuclear weapons will be aimed. Everyone >SA>knows they will be put on Shahab rockets that have been modified so >SA>they can now reach Israel. And everyone knows that if the button is >SA>pushed, it will be the end of Israel.

    Nah. Just the end of Tel Aviv. And Tehran.

    If God is to be believed, no weapon formed against Israel will prosper, SA>and that would include nuclear weapons ... Tehran may well be destroyed, SA>Damascus will be a ruinous heap.

    Syria is weaker than Iraq was when Saddam was in power. Iran is a
    bit stronger. But neither Syria nor Iran is a match for the US of A.
    However, the war in Iraq is not popular with many Americans. And if
    America pulls out of Iraq...

    But it gets worse. The president of a country about to go nuclear
    is a confirmed believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and >SA>Christianity, Shiite Islam has its own version of the messianic return >SA>u the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam. The more devout believers in >SA>Iran pray at the Jamkaran Mosque that houses a well from which, some >SA>believe, he will emerge.

    Like the American president, the Iranian president wants to bring
    about a self-fulfilling prophecy. ;)

    I don't know about self-fulfilling, but certainly fulfilling Ezekiel 38.

    Christian Fundamentalists want to bring about the Second Coming of
    Christ. In order to do that, the stage has to be set for Armageddon.

    Islamist fanatics want to bring about the coming of the Mahdi. In
    order to do that, the stage has to be set for Armageddon.

    When Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he >SA>immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last >SA>month, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic >SA>Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth

    Somebody has to make it happen. ;)

    And as in some versions of fundamentalist Christianity, the second >SA>coming will be accompanied by the usual trials and tribulations,
    death and destruction. Iranian journalist Hossein Bastani reported >SA>Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will >SA>reappear in two years.

    For the Mahdi to appear, so too must the Dajjal. As is well-known
    in fido circles, I am he. ;)

    But in Islamic circles, the finger of dajjal-hood is firmly pointed
    at Mister Bush ... according to google results, at least. :)

    Darn! Does that mean I have to wait until Bush leaves office? :)


    * SLMR 2.1a * We all live in a yellow subroutine.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to LEE LOFASO on Saturday, December 24, 2005 20:27:39
    Mulling over LEE LOFASO to GEORGE POPE 23 Dec 2005

    Since when did I say that? Israel has never, since 1948 been "Jews only" GP>-- it's a DEMOACRACY (look that up!) the only one in the Middle East, GP>ever!

    Israel is a theocracy, and no democracy. A Zionist theocracy,
    having nothing to do with religious Judaism. Of course, the
    Zionists use Judaism as an excuse to exclude non-Jews from
    participating in their "democracy".

    I have to disagree with that. Israel is a multi-party parliamentiary
    (knesset) democracy. Some religious parties would prefer a theocracy,
    and exercise influence by entering into coalitions with the larger
    parties to form a government. Arabs can be, and are, elected to the
    Knesset. There isn't a lot of detail on the Knesset web site, but
    Wikipedia is informative - Israeli law forbids registration of anti-democratic, racist or anti-Zionist parties, such as Kach party,
    which was disqualified for wanting to evict Arab population from Israel, abolish democracy & establish a theocracy.

    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)
  • From LEE LOFASO@1:123/140 to STEVE ASHER on Sunday, December 25, 2005 09:22:00
    Hello Steve,

    Since when did I say that? Israel has never, since 1948 been "Jews only" >GP>-- it's a DEMOACRACY (look that up!) the only one in the Middle East, >GP>ever!

    Israel is a theocracy, and no democracy. A Zionist theocracy,
    having nothing to do with religious Judaism. Of course, the
    Zionists use Judaism as an excuse to exclude non-Jews from >LL>participating in their "democracy".

    I have to disagree with that. Israel is a multi-party parliamentiary SA>(knesset) democracy.

    Really? Lemme see if I got this right -

    Israel has no written constitution.
    Israel has no bill of rights.

    The government of Israel, at least in part, is actually a theocracy,
    given that all Jewish residents come under the authority of rabbinical
    courts in the areas of domestic and social relations. For details,
    see the Rabbinical Courts Jurisdiction Law of 1953. An example of how tyrannical this law is, proselytizing by Christians and others
    (non-Jews) is a crime punishable by five years in prison.

    Some religious parties would prefer a theocracy, and exercise
    influence by entering into coalitions with the larger parties to form
    a government.

    Yeah, right. But in Israel it all comes down to two groups - Labor
    and Likud. Labor (secular Zionism) and Labor (messianic Zionism) are
    really two faces of the same coin. Nothing more. Secular Zionists
    profess a humane and compromising form of Zionism, accepting the idea
    of the partition of Palestine, and willing to trade land for peace.
    Messianic Zionists are more direct, and to the point, their core belief
    and guiding prinicple being the Jewish claim to Eretz Yisrael.

    In Hebrew, Ebretz Yisrael means "Land of Israel", a phrase implying
    Jewish rule over all of Palestine, as well as Jordan and other areas.
    IOW, all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers.

    Arabs can be, and are, elected to the Knesset.

    Window dressing.

    There isn't a lot of detail on the Knesset web site,

    No shit. Why not try the AIPAC web site? You can get all the Jewish propaganda you want on that site. And more. :)

    but Wikipedia is informative -
    Israeli law forbids registration of anti-democratic, racist or SA>anti-Zionist parties, such as Kach party, which was disqualified for SA>wanting to evict Arab population from Israel, abolish democracy & SA>establish a theocracy.

    While Israel tries to present a secular face to the world, it is in
    actuality a theocratic state for Jews. While professing to allow Arabs
    (and please notice the wording, Arabs rather than Muslims or Christians)
    to be elected to the Knesset, at no time will Israel ever allow an Arab
    (Muslim or Christian) to be elected Prime Minister.


    * SLMR 2.1a * All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Saturday, December 24, 2005 17:36:00
    On (23 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    The land of Palestine has always been the same, regardless of what
    the land of Palestine was called.

    The claim now is between Jews being the oldest inhabitants & the Moslems
    being the oldest inhabitants -- now considering Islam only began ca 400
    CE, I think the math is pretty easy on this one!

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to LEE LOFASO on Saturday, December 24, 2005 17:39:24
    On (23 Dec 05) LEE LOFASO wrote to GEORGE POPE...
    Maybe Hitler was right. Had he succeeded in ridding the world of
    Jews, the Arabs would not be complaining. And then nuclear war would
    be avoided. Instead, what we have today is fallout from WWII.

    Right -- then the Muslims would now be focussing on Christians instead
    of putting that target off for a while (to quote more than one Islamic
    leader, "first the Jews, then the Christians, who are just Jews in

    So what makes Semites(the Jewish half thereof, anyway) not part of GP>"better race of men"?

    Hitler based his philosophy on hate. Without having a scapegoat, the
    cult of Hitler (Nazism) could not succeed. And the Jews made for a
    convenient scapegoat. So did the mentally disabled and the physically disabled and the blacks and the gypsies...

    Right -- and hatred doesn't need a target to exist -- the one who lives
    by hate/evil will always live by hate/evil, and simply adjust the target
    as needed (eg. when the first one is eliminated, and/or found to be too difficult to eliminate)

    When St. Paul was a Jew, then known as Saul, he sought to slaughter
    every Christian he could find. When St. Paul became a Christian, he
    was very much apologetic. Although he addressed Jews, as well as
    Gentile, some Christians misinterpreted his words to mean Jews were inferior. That is the basis of Jew-hating among some so-called "Christians".

    Pretty stupid, eh?

    It makes one wonder HOW they could so misinterpret the words found in
    their Bible so as to, in a sense, suggest that their founders(JC & Paul)
    should have been exterminated!

    Because I care,
    <+]::-{)} (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to LEE LOFASO on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 03:14:22
    Mulling over LEE LOFASO to STEVE ASHER 23 Dec 2005

    G'day Lee,

    Iran and Armageddon

    Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist

    WASHINGTON - Lest you get carried away with today's good news from >SA>Iraq, consider what's happening next door in Iran. The wild >SA>pronouncements of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have >SA>gotten sporadic press ever since he called for Israel to be wiped off >SA>the map.

    The Zionists of the 19th Century wanted the state of Israel to be >LL>located in present-day Uganda.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. It seems that it was proposed as
    a temporary refuge (British Uganda Program) that would not affect the SA>ultimate aim ... a Jewish state in Israel.

    That is basically correct. But there were two different

    There were actually two groups of Zionists - "Practical Zionists"
    and "Political Zionists". "Practical Zionists" wanted to settle in
    the land of Palestine and then develop a Jewish state from within. "Political Zionists", led by Theodore Herzl, wanted to get European
    powers to establish a Jewish state, ultimately in the land of
    Palestine. After Herzl died in 1904, the "Practical Zionists" took

    There wouldn't be a lot of point in establishing a Jewish state anywhere
    but in the "Holy Land". It was God who dispersed them, and who is bringing
    them back to the lands He covenanted to them.

    Except that there were no such camps, indeed no Holocaust at all, says >SA>Ahmadinejad. Nothing but "myth," a "legend" that was "fabricated ... >SA>under the name 'Massacre of the Jews.' "

    Roughly 11 million people were slaughtered (or died prematurely)
    under the Nazis. Of those 11 million, roughly 6 million were Jews.
    And not all of those Jews died as a result of being gassed to
    death. Some died of disease, others of starvation, etc. In any
    event, 4 out of 5 European Jews died prematurely as a result of
    Nazi rule.

    I have the figures for each nation in a book here, but I will accept
    your "4 out of 5" as about right.

    Some Jews managed to flee Europe altoghether, going to Palestine or
    to other places. Other Jews somehow managed to survive while not
    leaving Europe. When one is trying to survive, one does what one
    has to do. Even if those means are illegal. :)

    Some attempted to leave Europe for (eg) USA, but were turned back to
    face death ... as you say, people will use illegal means to survive.

    This brought the usual reaction from European and American officials, >SA>who, with Churchillian rage and power, called these statements >SA>unacceptable. That something serious may accrue to Iran for this
    - say, expulsion from the U.N. for violating its most basic principle >SA>by advocating the outright eradication of a member state - is, of course, >SA>out of the question.

    There are only two religious states in the world recognized by the >LL>United Nations - Israel and Vatican City. Of course, Iran is also
    a religious state. But that's beside the point.


    Like the American president, the Iranian president wants to bring
    about a self-fulfilling prophecy. ;)

    I don't know about self-fulfilling, but certainly fulfilling Ezekiel 38.

    Christian Fundamentalists want to bring about the Second Coming of
    Christ. In order to do that, the stage has to be set for

    I don't see that Christian Fundamentalists (or anyone) has a mandate
    to bring about the second coming of Christ, as we are specifically
    not told the hour or the day ... it could happen at any time. However, Dominionists and Reconstructionists (ala Rushdoony) are seeking to
    "take dominion" over the Earth & place it under "God's Laws" in order
    for Christ to return.

    Islamist fanatics want to bring about the coming of the Mahdi.
    In order to do that, the stage has to be set for Armageddon.

    The (Jewish) Temple Institute is working towards preparing the
    instruments and accessories for priestly use in the as yet unbuilt
    Temple, announcing this week the completion of the "me'il techelet";
    the "blue robe" of the High Priest (cohen gadol). They hope this
    will hasten the day when the High Priest will enter the Heichal
    (Holy Sanctuary) and stand before the divine presence of the Almighty. Unfortunately for them, the "divine presence" in the Sanctuary will
    not be the Almighty, but the Abomination of Desolation (the Beast).

    When Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he >SA>immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last >SA>month, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic >SA>Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth

    Somebody has to make it happen. ;)

    Could it be the followers of Helena Blavatsky, Benjamin Creme and
    the like? Google blavatsky messiah mahdi for some links to check out.

    And as in some versions of fundamentalist Christianity, the second >SA>coming will be accompanied by the usual trials and tribulations,
    death and destruction. Iranian journalist Hossein Bastani reported >SA>Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will >SA>reappear in two years.

    For the Mahdi to appear, so too must the Dajjal. As is well-known
    in fido circles, I am he. ;)

    But in Islamic circles, the finger of dajjal-hood is firmly pointed
    at Mister Bush ... according to google results, at least. :)

    Darn! Does that mean I have to wait until Bush leaves office? :)

    Or is asked to leave office. :)

    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)
  • From George Pope@1:112/91 to Lee Lofaso on Monday, December 26, 2005 03:26:33
    Maybe Hitler was right. Had he succeeded in ridding the world of
    Jews, the Arabs would not be complaining. And then nuclear war would
    be avoided. Instead, what we have today is fallout from WWII.

    Maybe Osama bin Laden was right -- destroy the American corporate infrastructure, and then they can't exploit/abuse the world's nations any more!

    Because I care,
    |<+]::-) (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    ... nfx v3.1 A text taken out of context is a pretext -- Mitch Bond
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)