• Moonshine-anigans

    From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to all on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 00:01:29
    Isn't it funny how when Fox TV had the 2-hour documentary on the Moon
    Landing Hoax, there were hundreds of sites online with the same photos &
    videos & stories, but now all those hundreds(thousands?) of sites are
    gone, replaced by NASA proofs that there was no hoax, or misdirection
    with an 1835 story about a moon hoax. . .

    Funny, that. . .

    Anybody know a site with the proofs on it, please?

    Because I care,
    |<+]::-) (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)
  • From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to George Pope on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 02:36:35
    Hi George,

    Isn't it funny how when Fox TV had the 2-hour documentary on the
    Moon Landing Hoax, there were hundreds of sites online with the
    same photos & videos & stories, but now all those
    hundreds(thousands?) of sites are gone, replaced by NASA proofs
    that there was no hoax, or misdirection with an 1835 story about a
    moon hoax. . .

    Funny, that. . .

    Anybody know a site with the proofs on it, please?

    I don't have Fox here, but SBS TV showed "Dark Side of the Moon"
    a few years ago, which was a French "documentary" about the faking
    of the moon landing footage with Stanley Kubrick's help. The
    original French name is "Operation Lune" (with accents), directed
    by William Karel. If that is the show, you might find some of the
    sites by searching on "Dark side of the Moon" and SBS.

    The overview is at .. http://www.sbs.com.au/whatson/index.php3?id=326

    Cult Documentary: Dark Side Of The Moon

    Screening on SBS Television Saturday, October 4th at 8.30pm documents
    for the first time the role that the famous director Stanley Kubrick
    played in the Apollo 11 moon landing.

    When Kubrick's cinematic masterpiece Barry Lyndon was released in 1975
    critics acclaimed the extraordinary lighting effects he achieved -
    recreating the candlelit interiors of the 18th century. This was
    possible because of Kubrick's access to a highly specialised camera,
    the only one of its kind in the world, which was normally used for
    filming spy satellites. NASA's loan of the camera to Kubrick raised
    questions at the time but it is only since Kubrick's death that a full explanation is possible.


    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)