• "Future Jihad In America"

    From Steve Asher@3:800/432 to All on Sunday, September 03, 2006 20:36:54
    The "jihadist ideology" may be spreading in the USA and world
    wide, but its spread is in vain; the valley of Hamon-gog
    awaits them.


    The "Azzam" Threat: A prelude to Future Jihad in America
    By Walid Phares

    PS: This is a short version posting. The longer version will be
    posted later.

    The video tape issued by al Qaeda's "as-sahhab" production, in which
    Ayman Zawahiri introduces Jihadist Adam Gahdan to the world as a
    senior speaker to the American people on behalf of the movement,
    should be taken seriously. Not necessarily at the level of detecting
    the next Terror attack but at the level of understanding this prelude
    to Future Jihad both in America and within the West. I wasn't
    surprised at all by the 45 minutes elaboration by convert Gahdan
    regarding all of the issues he raised. For "Azzam al Amrikee" is the
    clearest specimen of Jihadism's second generation within the US, in as
    much as the 7/7 videos revealed the type of future Jihadists for Great Britain's second generation. However, when one would listen carefully
    to the taped video, you'd find a treasure of knowledge and indicators
    for the current state of thinking of al Qaeda and its ideologues. In
    short it is a sample of what is on the mind of Salafi Jihadists for
    the United States and the West. Following are few of the issues I

    1) The hand behind the message

    In short, Azzam's videotaped message is indeed "American." Experts
    have heard it in US and Canadian cities and internet is flowing with
    it. Whether Gadahn was reading from a prompter or not - and I believe
    he was with great skills - I tend to believe that such a speech - rather
    than being dismissed as mere propaganda - is a message coming to us
    from what's already inserted inside America, which leads me to the
    second point

    2) Who is it destined to?

    It is basically addressed to those who will carry a "Jihad in
    America," possibly asserting Adam Gahdan as their leader. Also, this
    is a very intelligent move to pierce the linguistic shield of
    America's media and reach US citizens directly, as a way to spread
    confusion at least among those who have a hazy understanding of the

    3) The ideological platform

    In short, the "Azzam" video reconfirms clearly, in an English
    language that academic translators won't be able to distort,
    that al Qaeda's movement worldwide and in the United States
    is seeking total annihilation or conversion of the enemy:
    American and other democracies.

    [... ...]

    7) The Al Qaeda offer: Conversion or fire

    "Azzam's mission in this tape was to deliver a message. His bottom
    line is this: We - the Jihadists - have you cornered everywhere and
    you are not going to win this war. His central message is typically
    Jihadic: "Surrender, convert or the fire:" Meaning war on Earth, all
    of it, and Hell fire after death.


    This fascinating and revealing taped-speech bring the American public
    even closer to what lays ahead for this generation and the next one as
    long as the Jihadist ideology is spreading inside America and


    Dr Walid Phares is a Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense
    of Democracies and a visiting Fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy. He is the author of Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies
    against America.

    September 2, 2006 07:28 PM


    Full article at "Counterterrorism Blog": http://counterterrorismblog.org/2006/09/the_azzam_threat_a_prelude_to_1.php

    Cheers, Steve..

    * Origin: "Look up, and live!" (3:800/432)
  • From George Pope@1:153/715.1275 to Steve Asher on Thursday, September 07, 2006 06:28:18
    On (03 Sep 06) Steve Asher wrote to All...
    "Azzam's mission in this tape was to deliver a message. His bottom
    line is this: We - the Jihadists - have you cornered everywhere and
    you are not going to win this war. His central message is typically Jihadic: "Surrender, convert or the fire:" Meaning war on Earth, all
    of it, and Hell fire after death.

    And no Christian can complain about this, because this is exactly the
    same thing that led to Christianity's becoming a world-wide religion!

    Because I care,
    |<+]::-) (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))

    --- PPoint 1.76
    * Origin: Cyberpope pointing via Bandmaster BBS! (1:153/715.1275)