Another good site dedicated to the "Religion of Peace" that has me
laughing til I cry - though it isn't all a laughing matter, of course.
"Clarity and Resolve"
Got any pressing thoughts on the Religion of PeaceTM, jihad, freedom,
or some combination thereof? Email Patrick and let it out.
Shopping for Fatwas
* Stop by the store and peruse our quality infidel merchandise.
Annoys Islamocrats and leftocrats alike!
Arab-Israeli Islamosupremacist: Jerusalem Capital of New Caliphate
In today's edition of The Delusions That Pass for Perfectly Normal
Islamic Thought, the Caliph will sit in Jerusalem.
Malaysian Islamocrat: Dar al-Islam Should Be Nuclear
Jew and infidel-hating nutcase/former "president" of Malaysia,
Mahathir Mohamad says that it's time for the worldwide Islamobomb.
The Perfect Papal Jihad Storm
Any man of God who can produce the level of sheer frustrated rage from Islamosupremacists worldwide that Pope Benedict XVI has, is all right
in my book.
Pope-Induced Islamoseething Watch
I guess there is some validity to the old cliche "the truth hurts."
From Wahhabi mouthpiece, Islam Online: Muslims Fume at Pope's Islam
J&K: Death Cult Freedom of the Press
You don't realize how pedestrian the savage practice of beheading all
perceived enemies of Islam is until you follow death cult news for a
little while: Abducted lensman beheaded in J&K
Jihad Intl. Inc. Opens Lebanese Branch
If this story, along with the one we noted earlier this evening, is
true, al-Qaeda is definitely ramping up for something big in the
Levant: LEBANON: AL-QAEDA POINTMAN REVEALED (salute to intellnet)
Dutch Dhimmitude Watch
It's almost like the savage murder of Theo van Gogh two short years
ago in a daylit Amsterdam street never happened: Minister Welcomes
Sharia In Netherlands If Majority Wants It (salute to TYR)
Cheers, Steve..
* Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA
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