• Teaching Islam In UK Unis

    From Mullah Lodabullah@3:800/432 to All on Sunday, June 24, 2007 22:09:34

    A recent government report on how Islam is taught in British universities signals another step towards the Islamisation of Britain and its education system. It was launched by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, at the opening
    of the "Islam and Muslims in the World Today" conference sponsored by Cambridge University on 4 June 2007.

    Should this report be implemented, education will be handed over
    more and more to Muslims who will train and shape the next generation.

    This means a further move towards the establishment of Islam in the
    UK as a religion of state.


    Some of the reportAEs recommendations:

    1. Universities should employ Muslim scholars to teach Islamic theology: "Students should be given the opportunity to learn from competent traditionally trained Islamic scholars in at least those parts of
    the syllabus that directly inform everyday practice of Islam".

    2. All universities must employ Muslim chaplains or advisers to deal with
    the growing number of Muslim students on campus.
    More prayer rooms for Muslims should be provided.

    3. Islamic Student Societies should be better recognised and encouraged.

    4. Universities should cooperate with Islamic schools and colleges
    (dar al-ulum) to break down the divisions between British society
    and the Muslim community. Universities should help madrassas and
    dar al-ulum because they play a key role in Muslim communities and
    in the training of future community leaders. They need a formal link
    to higher education qualifications.

    5. Islamic studies should be linked to job opportunities such as teaching, chaplaincy and Islamic banking.

    6. Universities should provide add-on modules in Islamic studies for all students.

    7. Guidance should be given to all universities on Friday prayers, Ramadan
    and halal food. All university staff should receive awareness training on Muslims and Islam.

    An analysis of these recommendations reveals that the report is in
    fact asking for a privileged position for Islam in the universities.
    It would seem to aim at transforming Islamic studies in Britain into
    a Muslim monopoly, a Muslim enclave in which the vast majority
    of staff and students are Muslim.


    Full article at "Barnabas Fund" ... http://www.barnabasfund.org/email/auto/email.php?id=bf07-Br6K-7409-woSP-A1aT

    * Origin: JIHAD - Just Islamic Hatred And Death (3:800/432)