• Interfaith Meeting With Pope B16

    From Daryl Fatwa@3:800/432 to All on Thursday, March 06, 2008 02:48:10
    The "U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops" has put out a press release
    for an interfaith meeting with Pope B16, stating that "... The Qur'an
    is the revered word of God, proclaiming GodAEs message of peace."

    If any of these Bishops bothered to read the Bible, they would know
    that the Koran is anything but the "revered word of God", and proclaims anything but "God's message of peace".

    If they want to play the harlot with false gods, they will find there
    are consequences, usually unpleasant.

    ============================================================================ Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu Leaders to Meet With
    Pope Benedict XVI in Washington

    WASHINGTON, March 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --- Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain and Hindu communities will meet with Pope Benedict XVI April 17, at
    the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center during the April 15-20 papal visit
    to the United States.

    The meeting will include a papal address, greetings from inter-faith leaders and the presentation of symbolic gifts by young members of each community.


    The gifts symbolize the path to peace in the deepest teachings of each group.

    They include:


    A small, finely crafted edition of the Qur'an, in green leather and gold
    leaf edging. The Qur'an is the revered word of God, proclaiming God's
    message of peace. Green is the traditional Islamic color.


    SOURCE U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/ story/03-04-2008/0004767674&EDATE=

    * Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)