• Israel - preparing for ?

    From PETER COGGON@1:123/140 to MULLAH LODABULLAH on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 12:43:00
    Hello Mullah Lodabullah.,

    The title did not seem to come through fully, as it seems
    it is still a mystery... What does Israel have to prepare
    for, as I saw only at the end of the title AN ...so I put

    Quoting Mullah Lodabullah to All <=-

    At some stage, the world will jump out of the frying
    pan of islam, perhaps when it realises that fawning
    and appeasement do not work, and into the fire of the
    false messiah (Antichrist).

    What Islamic frying pan do you mean?

    If you are referring to the single actions of one country
    then , that hardly consitutes the world.

    Fawning and appeasement, I doubt that very much sir.

    Those days ended in 1939.

    The fire of the false messish < antichrist >? But then
    there are more of those who think this is all bunk, and
    that message seems to be advertised on the sides of

    Something like, don't worry if you don't believe in deitys
    you can get on with your life.

    While islam gets much of the attention, with good reason,
    it is not the only bad wolf seeking to devour.

    What attention? huh...

    Zion rejected the Messiah,Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone,
    and will attempt redemption via another, counterfeit, whose
    number is 666 ...

    This sounds familar. But then one must believe


    Zion Needs the Messiah
    by Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
    Even though he may tarry, we are not to lose hope.
    The mood has not really changed since the elections.
    There is disillusionment with the current political
    leaders of various political and military solutions
    have failed to bring us redemption. This
    disillusionment should increase our yearning for the
    spiritual leadership and vision of the Messiah, of
    whom it is written, oA redeemer shall come to Zion
    and to those of Jacob who turn back from defection.
    (Isaiah 59:20) As a classical commentator, Ibn Ezra,
    explains, this verse is referring to the Messiah.

    Sad that Israel must first place its trust in a
    fake, having rejected the real, until His return
    at the end of the time of Jacob's Trouble.

    Ok ... your take, interesting....

    ! Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)

    Have a Great Day! There is no GOD. Why worry...get on with
    your life. Or so Richard Dawkins and others profess, and are
    getting many on all sides to realize.

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