Astonishingly, he compared himself to Noah from the Old Testament in one ranting outburst.
"People said 'look at that man building that boat in the mountain'," he said. [...]
Noah built a boat in the mountain? Interesting. Regards, Roger
world power. At any rate, that one disturbing element is the fact
that those who refuse to go along with the One World Government
will be beheaded. There is only ONE modern major religion where
beheading by a sword remains an acceptable form of capital
punishment, and it certainly isn't Christianity or Judaism or
Buddhism or Hinduism.
Astonishingly, he compared himself to Noah from the Old Testament in one ranting outburst.
"People said 'look at that man building that boat in the mountain'," he said. [...]
Noah built a boat in the mountain? Interesting.
Hello Steve. Thanks for sharing the information regarding the
"Noahide Laws" and "The Responsibilities of the Gentiles". While I obviously don't agree with it all, I did find it interesting.
I am curious. Are you of Jewish descent? Your last name is
obviously Jewish, Asher, of course, being Jacob's second son by
Zilpah, the maid of his first wife, Leah.
I was surprised to learn that certain sects of Judaism support
beheading. However, I don't think that what you are saying is
exactly the same as what I was saying in my previous post.
In other words, when I stated that there is only one religion that
I am aware of where beheading with a sword is an acceptable form of capital punishment, what I really meant to express is that there is
only one religion that I know of where beheading with a sword is
currently an ACTIVE and ENFORCED form of punishment. This certainly
cannot be said of Judaism. There are no public executions by a
sword in Israel that I am aware of, but in some Muslim countries,
there most certainly are.
As crazy or as unbelievable as the previous UK article may sound, there is o JS>disturbing element which seems to clearly define the religious nature of the JS>endtime One World Government of the Beast. The word "beast" is used in the JS>Bible to refer to a specific political leader, or the government of a specif JS>nation, or a world power. At any rate, that one disturbing element is the fa JS>that those who refuse to go along with the One World Government will be JS>beheaded. There is only ONE modern major religion where beheading by a sword JS>remains an acceptable form of capital punishment, and it certainly isn't JS>Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism.
Noah built a boat in the mountain? Interesting. Regards, Roger
To my knowledge, the Bible does not specifically say where Noah built the Ar JS>What we do know is that once the flood waters receded, the Ark rested upon t JS>"mountains of Ararat", which is a mountainous region of eastern Armenia, JS>between the river Araxes, and the lakes Van and Oroomiah. Some Bible scholar JS>and archeologists claim to have discovered the remains of the Ark, as well JS>anchor stones, an altar that Noah built afterwards, and even the remains of JS>the stone house that Noah built afterwards, as well as the vineyard that he JS>planted, and areas where animals were kept afterwards. Exactly how accurate JS>true any of this really is, I honestly do not know. Over the decades, there JS>have been several claims of having found the Ark in different areas of the JS>Arafat region.
To my knowledge, I am not of Jewish descent, despite my last name - Scottish, and English, though there may be a link I am not aware of.
I accept your distinction, but in return point out the "obligation" on Jews to seek observance of "Halacha" laws, and the obligation to impose Noahide Laws upon Gentiles. Israel is currently a secular state, unlike islamic "theocracies" such as Iran / Saudi Arabia.
The clear "halachic" requirement is that Israel change from a secular state to a theocracy, under the (currently nascent) Sanhedrin, and to rule the Gentile nations by imposing & enforcing Noahide Laws.
The sword, axe, and guillotine were all widely used by Christians. Even the Jews beheaded folks, usually with a sword, in times past. In fact, crucifixion was also a Jewish custom, not used solely by the Romans. However, crucifixion rarely resulted in the loss of one's head. In any event, the death penalty today is in disfavor among all civilized nations, except the USA. It is only a matter of time before the USA joins the fold, along with all other nations. Which, in my opinion, would be a good thing.
The Bible and the Qur`an both agree on the "mountains of Arafat" as being the resting place of Noah's Ark. Whether the ark still exists, or remains where it originally came to rest, is an open question. The best claim of Noah's Ark that I have come across seems to be an area in Iran, where remnants of what could be the Ark have been found. But, as you noted, there have been several claims over the years, in various places.
In fact, crucifixion was also a Jewish custom, not used solely by
the Romans.
On 04/06/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Choudary calls for
Sharia "Law" in UK.
I accept your distinction, but in return point out the
"obligation" on Jews
to seek observance of "Halacha" laws, and the obligation to impose
Laws upon Gentiles. Israel is currently a secular state, unlike islamic "theocracies" such as Iran / Saudi Arabia.
Interesting...although unless these particular Jews in some way
take over the world in a religious sense, as they have already done
in a financial sense, and to some degree, even in a political
sense, it will never be possible for them to enforce these laws
upon the Gentile nations at any level. Of course, if there were to
be a One World Government, whose leader was of Jewish origin...
Noah built a boat in the mountain? Interesting.
To my knowledge, the Bible does not specifically say where Noah built the Ark.
true any of this really is, I honestly do not know. Over the decades,
there have been several claims of having found the Ark in different
areas of the Arafat region.
On 04/06/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Choudary calls for
Sharia "Law" in UK.
I accept your distinction, but in return point out the "obligation"
on Jews to seek observance of "Halacha" laws, and the obligation to
impose Noahide Laws upon Gentiles. Israel is currently a secular
state, unlike islamic "theocracies" such as Iran / Saudi Arabia.
Jews have no such obligation. To say that means you know nothing
about Judaism.
The clear "halachic" requirement is that Israel change from a
secular state to a theocracy, under the (currently nascent)
Sanhedrin, and to rule the Gentile nations by imposing & enforcing
Noahide Laws.
Interesting...although unless these particular Jews in some way
take over the world in a religious sense, as they have already done
in a financial sense, and to some degree, even in a political
sense, it will never be possible for them to enforce these laws
upon the Gentile nations at any level. Of course, if there were to
be a One World Government, whose leader was of Jewish origin...
I couldn't help but notice the phrase "under the (currently
nascent) Sanhedrin". This again seems to emphasize how serious this particular sect of Jews is to rebuilding the temple, and
re-establishing their old form of religious worship...and
I am not totally unfamiliar with these things, being as some of
them are a central part of Christian eschatological beliefs, but I
am curious as to how you personally became interested in them. You obviously have a deeper knowledge of them than the average person,
and probably even more than the average Christian. While you stated
that you are not of Jewish descent, do you nevertheless observe
some form of the Jewish religion? Again, just curious.
Mulling over Joe Bruchis to Jeff Snyder 05 Apr 2009
On 04/06/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Choudary calls for
Sharia "Law" in UK.
I accept your distinction, but in return point out the "obligation"
on Jews to seek observance of "Halacha" laws, and the obligation to
impose Noahide Laws upon Gentiles. Israel is currently a secular
state, unlike islamic "theocracies" such as Iran / Saudi Arabia.
Jews have no such obligation. To say that means you know nothing
about Judaism.
If you have any evidence in support of your assertion, feel free to provide it. My knowledge of Judaism is limited to what information
Jews themselves provide, the ease which I can find the information,
my ability to read and understand the information, and the fact
that there are other views that may oppose or modify the information
that I post. My Fidonet messages are not meant to cover every shade
of belief or opinion on any subject, and are always open to challenge, expansion, or discussion. Some Jewish sources that can be readily
found say that Jews have such obligation - you say they do not.
The Rambam explicitly rules (Code, Kings 8:10):
"Moshe Rabbeinu commanded from the mouth of G-d to convince all the inhabitants of the world to observe the commandments given to the
Children of Noach."
It is the Jew's duty to see to it that all peoples lead the righteous
and decent life which comes from compliance with the Seven Noachide Laws. Not only is it a Jew's duty because he has been so commanded by G-d, but it is also to his own benefit.
In fact, crucifixion was also a Jewish custom, not used solely by
the Romans.
Lee, I definitely would like to see your citation on that one.
The only thing that makes a Jew a Jew is that one is born
of a Jewish Mother. That's it in totality. Everything else
is philosophy, and is also geographical and/or secular in
It does no good to try to nail it down, because it can't be nailed-down.
There is no one description of Judaism or Jewishness other
than the one I stated.
The Rambam explicitly rules (Code, Kings 8:10):
"Moshe Rabbeinu commanded from the mouth of G-d to convince all the >SA>inhabitants of the world to observe the commandments given to the >SA>Children of Noach."
Moses Maimonides, also known as Rabbi Moses ben Maimon or
Rambam, was just another Rabbi. He was a great philosopher
and theologian, but he was not G-d, as it seems he is being
made out to be.
It is the Jew's duty to see to it that all peoples lead the righteous >SA>and decent life which comes from compliance with the Seven Noachide Law >SA>Not only is it a Jew's duty because he has been so commanded by G-d, bu >SA>it is also to his own benefit.
Not a bad teaching, I must say. But only a teaching, nonetheless.
Hello Joe,
The only thing that makes a Jew a Jew is that one is born
of a Jewish Mother. That's it in totality. Everything else
is philosophy, and is also geographical and/or secular in
"What is a Jew?" - Sigmund Freud
To the best of my knowledge, that question has never been sufficiently answered by anybody. One man's definition of a Jew might be totally different than another man's definition. As such, how can anyone define what cannot be defined?
It does no good to try to nail it down, because it can't be nailed-down.
Kind of like trying to nail jello to a wall.
There is no one description of Judaism or Jewishness other
than the one I stated.
Even your description is open to question.
Philosophy is an intellectual discipline.
Theology is also an intellectual discipline.
Both philosophy and theology serve to answer
certain questions. But no philosopher or
theologian is God.
Was Jesus "just another Rabbi", as some have claimed? During his public ministry, He was asked, many times, what His source was for what He stated. Who, or what, was His authority? A rabbi is expected to have learned from another rabbi. Original thought being unthinkable. What rabbi, or school of religious study, did Jesus cite? Or is it true that Jesus claim was that He truly was the Son of God?
Was Jesus just a teacher (rabbi), as some have claimed?
Was Jesus just a philosopher, as George W. Bush claimed?
"What is a Jew?" could be restated "Who is that Jew?"
Certainly Jesus was no mere teacher (rabbi) or philosopher.
The sword, axe, and guillotine were all widely used by Christians. Even the Jews beheaded folks, usually with a sword, in times past. In fact, crucifixion was also a Jewish custom, not used solely by the Romans.
true any of this really is, I honestly do not know. Over the decades,
there have been several claims of having found the Ark in different
areas of the Arafat region.
Where would that be? Roger
Since I reject the "noahide laws" as a rejection of God's plan of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ, I am not overly concerned by arguments about obligations or otherwise on Jews to enforce these "laws".
... or who was regarded by Jews as being "Moshiach", regardless of his origin, but most likely or almost certainly Jewish (IMO).
They are quite serious - there is some discussion about who will build the Temple (Moshiach?), or whether it is already built, in Heaven, and ready to descend at the time of "G-d's" choosing. Since the previous temples were built by man, it is reasonable to expect that the next one will be built by men, and prophetically to be occupied by the Antichrist (false Messiah).
My interest goes back about 30 years, when as a non-Christian, I became interested in the identity of Antichrist, and who he might be. The most likely candidate is the one the Jews are expecting as "Moshiach", since they (generally) rejected the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, who came in his father's name, and still await a future "messiah", who may appear at any
Noah built a boat in the mountain? Interesting.
To my knowledge, the Bible does not specifically say where Noah built
the Ark.
The best guess anyone has is that Noah lived on the plains between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. That the ark ended up on the mountain
is in the Bible, but Genesis doesn't state exactly where Noah lived.
I'm inclined to believe it is according to the best guess stated
On 04/08/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Choudary calls for Sharia
I do have more things to say to you, but I am wondering if perhaps we should
switch this conversation to the EDGE_ONLINE echo, being as that is what I originally designed it for, and these topics fit right in. I simply feel somewhat limited regarding what I can say and do in this echo, being as
it is
not really specifically designed for overtly religious discussions. I'd like
to respect the sensitivities of others who may visit this echo, and not intentionally push their buttons, or step on their toes.
We have so much more to discuss, it seems, so let me know if you care to hop
on over there.
On 04/08/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Choudary calls for Sharia "Law" in UK.
Since I reject the "noahide laws" as a rejection of God's plan ofsalvation
and eternal life through Jesus Christ, I am not overly concerned by"laws".
arguments about obligations or otherwise on Jews to enforce these
We appear to be on the same team...I think. :)
I will be very disappointed if Steve Asher continues discussing your warped understanding of the Jewish religion with you. He has stated
to me he does not go along with your Elders of Zion Protocols
developed by Nazis.
I will be very disappointed if Steve Asher continues discussing your >JB>warped understanding of the Jewish religion with you. He has stated
to me he does not go along with your Elders of Zion Protocols
developed by Nazis.
That document ("The Protocols of the Elders of Zion") was written by the BA>Russian Czar's secret police sometime right around 1900. While the Nazis BA>*used* that document they did not *write* it.
Russians were always better writers, poets, composers, and artists than Germans. Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tsvetayeva, Tchaikovski, Repin, Vysotsky, etc., along with Nobel Prize Laureates (in literature) Pasternak, Bunin, Solzhenitsn, Brodskiy, and Sholohov. All the Germans seem to have is Wagner (extremely loud music) and Hitler (Mein Kampf).
Replying to a message of Joe Bruchis to Wordweaver:
I will be very disappointed if Steve Asher continues discussing your
warped understanding of the Jewish religion with you. He has stated
to me he does not go along with your Elders of Zion Protocols
developed by Nazis.
That document ("The Protocols of the Elders of Zion") was written by the Russian Czar's secret police sometime right around 1900. While the Nazis *used* that document they did not *write* it.
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