It seems like this BBS (Tommi's in Finland) gets this message, as well
as almost every other ditto, from The Major Black Hole of the NAB.
Yeah, well. It worked this time. But who knows how many times it will work in the future?
Please study the seen-bys below. It shows how many systems are receiving the
messages here -- compared to the path it has taken to get here from neighbouring Finland to Sweden.
Then study the path line. Thanks to Andrew at 1:320/119, one of the participants of our new Fidoweb, most of you in the seen-by list will be able to see this.
But don't expect the middle man, one of the Troika, 1:140/1, to be trusted with the smooth operation of our beloved network.
X-JAM-SEENBY2D: 10/1 11/200 331 34/999 120/544 123/500 124/311 128/2 187 135/364
X-JAM-SEENBY2D: 138/146 140/1 14 17 18 153/7715 203/0 2 3 211/37 221/0 222/2 226/0
X-JAM-SEENBY2D: 230/150 249/303 250/306 261/20 38 100 1381 1406 266/512 1413 267/155
X-JAM-SEENBY2D: 275/100 280/1027 288/34 311/1 320/101 119 219 340/400 342/77 396/45
X-JAM-SEENBY2D: 633/260 712/848 772/1 801/161 189 3828/7 5020/1042 5030/709 1256
X-JAM-PATH2D: 221/0 140/1 261/38 320/119 203/0 2
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news:// (2:203/2)