Rules of the CONSPRCY echo
Bjorn Felten wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Rules of the CONSPRCY echo
Be advised that the Noble Knights Around the Janis' Round Table is trying to do a FIDONEWS on you in this echo, Lee!
It seems like this echo too has been echolist hijacked. Not that it matters any, since it's already on the FidoWeb, but take care!
It was Tim Richardson idea....... he's Lee's buddy. ;)
Rules of the CONSPRCY echo
Be advised that the Noble Knights Around the Janis' Round Table is trying to do a FIDONEWS on you in this echo, Lee!
It seems like this echo too has been echolist hijacked.
Not that it matters any, since it's already on the FidoWeb, but take
Rules of the CONSPRCY echo
Be advised that the Noble Knights Around the Janis' Round Table is
trying to do a FIDONEWS on you in this echo, Lee!
It seems like this echo too has been echolist hijacked. Not that it
matters any, since it's already on the FidoWeb, but take care!
It was Tim Richardson idea....... he's Lee's buddy. ;)
It was Tim Richardson idea....... he's Lee's buddy. ;)
Mine too...
toRules of the CONSPRCY echo
Be advised that the Noble Knights Around the Janis' Round Table is trying
do a FIDONEWS on you in this echo, Lee!matters
It seems like this echo too has been echolist hijacked. Not that it
any, since it's already on the FidoWeb, but take care!
I seem to have made a mistake, here.
He may have this confused with "Controversial" where I have
cross responded to some messages from him in other echos, but
that is allowed in that echo.
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin: news:// (2:203/2)
so which one of you three is the wife?? oh wait...
mark lewis wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
12 Aug 15 18:18, you wrote to Bj.rn Felten:
Rules of the CONSPRCY echo
Be advised that the Noble Knights Around the Janis' Round Table is
trying to do a FIDONEWS on you in this echo, Lee!
It seems like this echo too has been echolist hijacked. Not that it
matters any, since it's already on the FidoWeb, but take care!
It was Tim Richardson idea....... he's Lee's buddy. ;)
so TR is lou dripkin of past fidonet history known to play at open mic nights in the north western (seattle and similar areas) of the US? that sounds more like LL... especially when they talk of ""sucking heads""
of crawfish cajun style...
of course, i could be wrong since this is the CONSPRCY echo...
so which one of you three is the wife?? oh wait...
Is that your spontaneous reaction?
How incredibly single-minded of you.
so which one of you three is the wife?? oh wait...
Is that your spontaneous reaction? How incredibly single-minded of you.
so which one of you three is the wife?? oh wait...
Is that your spontaneous reaction? How incredibly single-minded ofyou.
It's weird how they run out of anything of substance to say...they
go right to the homo slams.
McGarrity is a good one for that. So's Lewis.
They'll spend several packet cycles denouncing anyone who dares
to oppose marriage between two same sex sodomites, putting it under
the `equal rights' thing and all that.
But when they want to inundate someone with the worst, most disgusting insults they can think of....they go right into homo-slams mode!
So...for all their most strenuous defense of sodomites, in the end
they reveal their knowledge that its a sick disgusting life-style.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Lee Lofaso wrote to Tim Richardson <=-
McGarrity is a good one for that. So's Lewis.
They'll spend several packet cycles denouncing anyone who dares
to oppose marriage between two same sex sodomites, putting it under
the `equal rights' thing and all that.
But when they want to inundate someone with the worst, most disgusting insults they can think of....they go right into homo-slams mode!
So...for all their most strenuous defense of sodomites, in the end
they reveal their knowledge that its a sick disgusting life-style.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
McGarrity is a good one for that. So's Lewis.
They'll spend several packet cycles denouncing anyone who dares
to oppose marriage between two same sex sodomites, putting it under
the `equal rights' thing and all that.
But when they want to inundate someone with the worst, most disgusting
insults they can think of....they go right into homo-slams mode!
So...for all their most strenuous defense of sodomites, in the end
they reveal their knowledge that its a sick disgusting life-style.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gayif
he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior.
I've coined it the "Don Quixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
In that I believe each person should
live their life as they see fit as long as it's not hurting another?
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
If Richardson feels as if he is being so injured over the lifestyle of another, he can always do what he preaches, <N>ext.
Lee Lofaso wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
McGarrity is a good one for that. So's Lewis.
They'll spend several packet cycles denouncing anyone who dares
to oppose marriage between two same sex sodomites, putting it under
the `equal rights' thing and all that.
But when they want to inundate someone with the worst, most disgusting
insults they can think of....they go right into homo-slams mode!
So...for all their most strenuous defense of sodomites, in the end
they reveal their knowledge that its a sick disgusting life-style.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
No agenda?
"I aimlessly travel, meaning I have no agenda other than
to get small in the world, be quiet and observe people."
- Walton Goggins, actor
Are you really such a person as the actor portrayed?
Is it even possible for any such fictional person to be
an actual person? I think not.
Man is, by his very nature, a political and a social
creature. He is a participant, not a mere spectator,
in this world. How he participates is up to him.
But participate he must, if he is to be alive at all.
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gay
he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
Nature or nurture? Does man (or woman) have an actual
choice as to their own sexual orientation? Is it
something forced upon them by the accident of their
birth? Some, like Lady Gaga, would say yes, such
people are "born that way". Others believe it is a
free choice, including one that can be changed if
one so desires.
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior.
What did Jesus say in regards to those who are gay
and lesbian? I remember a particular story about a
woman who was about to be stoned by an angry mob.
Supposedly for having committed adultery. After
saving the woman from her fate, Jesus asked her
who she was with. Ahd do you know what she told
him? "With no man." Jesus did not condemn her.
He did tell her not to do it again. But what
that "it" happened to be is not recorded in the
gospel (flipping the bird at an angry mob only
makes an angry mob more angry ...).
I've coined it the "Don Quixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
That depends on your agenda. :)
In that I believe each person should
live their life as they see fit as long as it's not hurting another?
That would be an agenda. Imposing your own view(s)
on that of another. Does the USA (or any other country)
have the right to act as the world's policeman? Even
with the best of intentions? Why, or why not?
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
Better re-read that document again. For example,
slavery still continues to exist, as any prisoner
being incarcerated can attest.
If Richardson feels as if he is being so injured over the lifestyle of another, he can always do what he preaches, <N>ext.
The Constitution does protect the separation of
church and state. In regards to same sex marriage,
the state has no authority to impose its own rules
on that of a religious institution. Except for
Mormons. The only religion the state said that
men had to limit themselves to one wife.
Lee Lofaso wrote to Tim Richardson <=-
I have no agenda. What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gay if he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior.
I've coined it the "Don Quixote
Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
In that I
believe each person should live their life as they see fit as long as it's not hurting another?
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
If Richardson feels as if he is being so injured over the
lifestyle of another, he can always do what he preaches, <N>ext.
Tim Richardson wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Lee Lofaso wrote to Tim Richardson <=-
I have no agenda. What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gay if he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
`Implying' in a sneaky way that I am.
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior.
Those are the favorite tactics of you, Lewis and others.
I've coined it the "Don Quixote
Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
In that I
believe each person should live their life as they see fit as long as it's not hurting another?
Lets examine that a little;
I being a non-sodomite (three sons and several grandchildren ought to pretty wel
well speak for that) do not wish harm on sodomites. But they wish harm
on me. And all normal society for that matter.
They forced a change in our marriage laws when nobody wanted those laws changed.
They forced their mandated presence in the Boy Scouts of America, when nobody wanted them anywhere near our young boys.
They've forced their way into our schools, when nobody wanted them
there either.
They are even allowed to destroy businesses by forcing an over-rule of
a Constitutionally-established mandate of everyone in America having
the freedom to believe in their religion of choice, and to the practice thereof.
They are less than 4 or 5 percent of the entire US population, yet they have been allowed to force their agenda on the entire country.
There will come a day when people here will strongly regret having gone along with this insanity.
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
So is freedom of religion and the practice thereof. But it's been put
in the toilet by an agenda of sodomites.
If Richardson feels as if he is being so injured over the
lifestyle of another, he can always do what he preaches, <N>ext.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work with leftist policies. Abortion is a
good example of that; Over 50 million dead since Roe v Wade. No telling where this sodomite takeover will lead. But it won't be good, that's assured.
Nothing the left does that's long term ever is.
While you're at it.... make
sure Congress repays the 2.7 trillion they borrowed from it... oh wait, that was a Reagan/Greenspan thing... it couldn't have been bad.
Bjorn Felten wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
While you're at it.... make
sure Congress repays the 2.7 trillion they borrowed from it... oh wait, that was a Reagan/Greenspan thing... it couldn't have been bad.
That's interesting. I guess that you by trillion actually is talking about billion (remember that I'm a metric guy) but just the same.
The reason I ask is that the Swedish government "borrowed" 250
milliard (billion to you) SEK from our national pension funds in 1999,
and they still haven't paid it back.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gayif
he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior. I've coined it the "Don Quixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
In that I believe each person should live their life as they see fit aslong
as it's not hurting another?
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
Lee Lofaso wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
Oh, come now. You don't really believe that, do you?
Getting through the day is an agenda in and of itself.
How you do it is up to you. For total invalids, it
is up to others. But it is most definitely an agenda.
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue with him being gay
he was. I stated it was his choice and his alone.
What does it matter what the sexual orientation of
an individual might or might not be? How is that relevant
to the discussion at hand?
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet his narrow-mindedness so he feels superior. I've coined it the "Don Quixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. Good for what?
Perhaps Don Quixote should have been tilting at millers
rather than windmills? And what about his assistant, Sancho
Panza? Would he have been better off staying behind?
In that I believe each person should live their life as they see fit as
as it's not hurting another?
It is our nature to judge others. That is not a bad
thing, but rather a good thing. By what standard should
we judge others, and wish others to judge us? That is
what we should be asking ourselves, not deluding ourselves
with the false concept of pretending to be masters of our
own fate.
-=begin excerpt=-
"And who succeeds in tilting at windmills," answered Murrel.
-=end excerpt=-
[from "The Return of Don Quixote", by G.K. Chesterton]
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
Since when? Allowing others to do as they please as long
as they do not harm others? People harm others all the time,
in various ways. And it is all legal, fully protected by
the law. We even sanction murder, in our name, calling it
"justice", and pay a doctor who has sworn to "do no harm"
to inject the victim with a deadly poison ...
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
Oh, come now. You don't really believe that, do you?
Getting through the day is an agenda in and of itself.
How you do it is up to you. For total invalids, it
is up to others. But it is most definitely an agenda.
Why do you take my words out of context.
I stated I had no agenda towards Richardson, now you make it a lesson in life.
Play the game with Richardson....
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue BM>with him beinggay if he was. I stated it was his BM>choice and his alone.
What does it matter what the sexual orientation of
an individual might or might not be? How is that relevant
to the discussion at hand?
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet hisQuixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. BM>Good for what?
narrow-mindedness so he feels superior. I've coined it the BM>"Don
Perhaps Don Quixote should have been tilting at millers
rather than windmills? And what about his assistant, Sancho
Panza? Would he have been better off staying behind?
A question we'll never know the answer to will we?
In that I believe each person should live their BM>life as they see fitas long as it's not hurting BM>another?
It is our nature to judge others. That is not a bad
thing, but rather a good thing. By what standard should
we judge others, and wish others to judge us? That is
what we should be asking ourselves, not deluding ourselves
with the false concept of pretending to be masters of our
own fate.
I never said it was bad. As you stated, we all judge but the key at what level do we take that judgement. Richardson has taken it to a level where he's judge, jury and executioner... and personally speaking, not a very good one but he has
that right.
-=begin excerpt=-
"And who succeeds in tilting at windmills," answered Murrel.
-=end excerpt=-
[end snip}
[from "The Return of Don Quixote", by G.K. Chesterton]
Why is it you always go off on a tangent with something you think is important in a discussion? You, as well as Richardson, know exactly why I used that reference. Try working up a discussion when talking ab out Cervantes' version.
askLast I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
Since when? Allowing others to do as they please as long
as they do not harm others? People harm others all the time,
in various ways. And it is all legal, fully protected by
the law. We even sanction murder, in our name, calling it
"justice", and pay a doctor who has sworn to "do no harm"
to inject the victim with a deadly poison ...
The right to be gay and the right to same sex marriage? Why should you
such a question?
With regard to your statement, It takes a nominal effort on one's part to understand if it is indeed harmful to another. Laws have been structuredto
help allieviate this burden on society.
With regard to your "injection", I agree, there should be no capitol punishment. Why should anyone be put in that situation where they must live with the fact they MAY have killed another human being.
Lee Lofaso wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
An agenda. Everybody has an agenda. I have an agenda. They
have an agenda. Everybody else has an agenda, too. The difference
between me and others is that my agenda is not a hidden agenda.
The question is, what is it those with hidden agendas are hiding,
or trying to hide?
I have no agenda.
Oh, come now. You don't really believe that, do you?
Getting through the day is an agenda in and of itself.
How you do it is up to you. For total invalids, it
is up to others. But it is most definitely an agenda.
Why do you take my words out of context.
Nothing has been taken out of context. You made a
statement that I find patently false, as such a notion
is too absurd to be taken seriously.
I stated I had no agenda towards Richardson, now you make it a lesson in life.
You stated you have no agenda. Period. I find the notion
to be silly and absurd. And then you continue, stating a
well-known heresy as being your basic philosophy of life.
Play the game with Richardson....
We are all heretics, of one kind or another.
You take issue with that, for whatever reason.
What Richarson failed to comprehend is I had no issue BM>with him beinggay if he was. I stated it was his BM>choice and his alone.
What does it matter what the sexual orientation of
an individual might or might not be? How is that relevant
to the discussion at hand?
His agenda is to take other's words, twist them to meet hisQuixote Syndrome". He stated above I am good for that. BM>Good for what?
narrow-mindedness so he feels superior. I've coined it the BM>"Don
Perhaps Don Quixote should have been tilting at millers
rather than windmills? And what about his assistant, Sancho
Panza? Would he have been better off staying behind?
A question we'll never know the answer to will we?
Some questions are never meant to be answered.
Other questions should never be asked at all.
In that I believe each person should live their BM>life as they see fitas long as it's not hurting BM>another?
It is our nature to judge others. That is not a bad
thing, but rather a good thing. By what standard should
we judge others, and wish others to judge us? That is
what we should be asking ourselves, not deluding ourselves
with the false concept of pretending to be masters of our
own fate.
I never said it was bad. As you stated, we all judge but the key at what level do we take that judgement. Richardson has taken it to a level where he's judge, jury and executioner... and personally speaking, not a very good one but he has
that right.
Having the legal/constitutional right to do something (such
as freedom of speech) is a kind of right that we both agree on.
But that is not the same as the philosophy you stated, which
is something far different, and regarded as sinister by many -
Cultural Relativism: A Misguided Movement Towards Pluralism
& Tolerance Cultural relativism, like moral relativism, pervades
today's world. As long as we don't "hurt" anyone, anything goes.
Absolute truth has been discarded along with God. We live in a
society of pluralism and tolerance. We reject the idea of universal
right and wrong. With a diminishing list of objective standards,
our legislative system is having a harder time defining the laws,
and our court system is having a harder time interpreting them.
In just a few decades, our entertainment industry has pushed
the "acceptance" of lewdness and indecency to levels we never
imagined. Our children are losing their moral compass and
lashing out in violence like never before. Our schools teach
that we are an accident of evolution. Our institutions teach
that we must accept all types of lifestyles or be deemed
"intolerant," or worse, "hate mongers." Relativism encourages
us to accept pornography in the media and fornication in our
colleges and universities. Many things that were deemed a
"sin" only a few years ago are now either accepted or promoted
in our culture. According to the relativists, all points of
view are true except for those that teach absolutes -- absolute
truth, absolute right or wrong, or an absolute God.
[from "The Return of Don Quixote", by G.K. Chesterton]
Why is it you always go off on a tangent with something you think is important in a discussion? You, as well as Richardson, know exactly why I used that reference. Try working up a discussion when talking ab out Cervantes' version.
"Someday perhaps the story will be told of the adventures
of the new Don Quixote and the new Sancho Panza, as they
wandered about the winding roads of FidoNet [sic] ..."
[from "The Return of Don Quixote" by G.K. Chesterton]
Last I saw that was Constitutionally proected.
Since when? Allowing others to do as they please as long
as they do not harm others? People harm others all the time,
in various ways. And it is all legal, fully protected by
the law. We even sanction murder, in our name, calling it
"justice", and pay a doctor who has sworn to "do no harm"
to inject the victim with a deadly poison ...
The right to be gay and the right to same sex marriage? Why should you
such a question?
Existing state laws against sodomy/homosexuality have been
deemed unconstitutional by the USSC. The only thing that
remains off limits now is bestiality. And apparently group
marriages. But give the USSC time. Even the most taboo
of taboos will no longer be taboo ...
With regard to your statement, It takes a nominal effort on one's part to understand if it is indeed harmful to another. Laws have been structured
help allieviate this burden on society.
There are "unjust" laws that should never be honored or
respected by anyone. Let's say marijuana is a banned
substance. If an individual depended on the use of MJ
in order to maintain a quality standard of life, would
you blame that individual for breaking the law? Would
you provide MJ to that individual if requested, even if
it meant breaking the law?
Is it a criminal act for a homeless person to steal
a loaf of bread? Should that individual be locked up,
his/her only real crime being the want to survive?
With regard to your "injection", I agree, there should be no capitol punishment. Why should anyone be put in that situation where they must live with the fact they MAY have killed another human being.
St. Thomas Aquinas, a doctor of the RCC, said it was
okay to execute people, as some people deserved to die.
But that was before man had developed the technology
to keep those vicious creatures properly fed, clothed,
housed, and locked up.
Besides, I have a better idea as to what to do with
such people. Rather than locking them up for the rest
of their natural lives, send them to the Moon, or to
Mars, and allow them to build a habitat for those who
want to relocate from a place that is getting much
too hot to handle?
Tim Richardson wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
well speak for that) do not wish harm on sodomites. But they wish harm on me. And all normal society for that matter.
Your /opinion/...
What does it matter what the sexual orientation of
an individual might or might not be? How is that relevant
to the discussion at hand?
Tim Richardson wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Tim Richardson wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
well speak for that) do not wish harm on sodomites. But they wish harm on me. And all normal society for that matter.
Your /opinion/...
Not at all. Fact!
When sodomites `parade their pride' nobody throws anything at them or verbally threatens them. (They'd probably get arrested)
Sodomites throw feces at counter demonstrators, loudly curse them, even make threats of physical violence to them.
Sort of like Cassell....making false accusatons, and then wanting
people's heads smashed in because he's wrong but wants to be RIGHT so desperately! --- SBBSecho 2.27-Win32
Tim Richardson wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
@TZ: 40f0
What does it matter what the sexual orientation of
an individual might or might not be? How is that relevant
to the discussion at hand?
They think to throw that suspicion in as a distraction. Nothing more.
Its the old ruse....try to threaten them into silence. Make an
implication and the silent threat is there of what you'll face if you protest any further.
That's only effective against people who are afraid of their
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