• Fidonet Central

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to All on Monday, December 28, 2020 02:26:13
    Somewhere along the line, Mike Powell had a melt down in
    the POLITICS echo. I am inviting him to join in the discussion
    here, in the CONSPRCY echo, so that all can play without fear
    of retribution from a "moderator" gone amuk -


    What should be considered as being swear words? Should those words
    be limited to Carlin's original list? Sure, Carlin was poking fun of
    the FCC. And television in general. But hey. This is an international
    echo. Not limited to an English-speaking audience. And as you know,
    there are far more swear words available than Carlin's original list.

    A swear was used.

    A telephone number is not a swear word.

    He was asked to stop.

    The FCC ruling did not cover telephone numbers.

    Now you are being told to stop.

    There is nothing in your silly rules about posting telephone numbers.

    Final warning.

    Feel free to update your silly rules to include telephone numbers.

    Either speech is free. Or it is not. Can't have it both ways.

    It is not free speech. Never said it was. From the rules:

    Rule Number 1: There are no Rules.
    Rule Number 2: See Rule Number 1.

    "Fidonet is a worldwide computer network that is used for
    communication between bulletin board systems (BBSes)." ~Wikipedia

    # There is no such thing as "free speech" in this echo. You can speak your
    mind within reason but the moderator reserves the right to stop and
    immediately correct boorish behavior. We're all adults; let's act like

    That was posted in the original response to the message in question.

    This is not the Sicilian Mafia.
    And Mike Powell is not The Godfather.

    Freedom of expression is essential, otherwise there is no freedom
    at all for anyone. You are welcome to express yourself any which way
    you want. The same as everyone else.

    Not here you aren't.

    My grandfather was Sicilian. Just like Don Corleone. Spoke fluent
    Sicilian, too. Probably taught Marlon Brando how to act.

    Why did my grandfather come to America? To get away from the
    dictator who ruled Italy. We all know who that was - the one before
    the next dictator who ruled Italy.

    If you want to swear in an echo, swear in your own or any others that are dedicated to free speech.

    Participants own an echo.
    Participants vote with their feet.
    Those who don't like it here, leave.
    End of story.

    Of course, there are also sadists, and masochists.
    Those who actually enjoy pain and suffering.
    And/or inflicting it on others.

    But most folks who like it here, stay.
    And most folks who do not like it here, leave.

    That is just the way things work.
    In the Free World.
    Which includes sadists and masochists.

    All of the sysops that comprise this "worldwide computer network"
    known as Fidonet are volunteers. I am sure each and every one of them
    are able to swear about whatever they want to swear about, none of
    them needing lessons from Mike Powell or anybody else.

    This includes probationary sysops, who may or may not decide to
    become full-fledged sysops. After all, participants are not limited
    to sysops-only.

    Mike Powell does not like people using swear words.
    He must really hate Jesus. But that's okay.

    Mike Powell doesn't like what someone says, he can use his (N)ext key.
    Or at least turn the page in the Holy Book so he doesn't have to listen
    to Jesus.

    For too long, the structure of Fidonet had been very similar
    to the organizational structure of the Sicilian Mafia. This was
    due to a small handful of misguided souls who had no idea how
    to run a business, much less a worldwide computer network.

    This structure was originally set up by a gay man in San Francisco
    who thought of himself as being an anarchist. How did he get the
    idea? Probably imagined himself as "Don Corleone" after he watched
    Marlon Brando play the part in "The Godfather".

    Go ahead. Look at the structure of Fidonet, as Tom Jennings
    himself had set it up -

    NCs - Button Men
    RCs - Underbosses
    ZCs - Dons/Godfathers
    ICs - La Costra Nostra (along w/their Counselors/"Consigliers")

    Fidonet began as one global network, not broken into zones. Jennings
    later broke it into 6 zones, which when you add it all up, amounts to
    the twelve person body known as "Fidonet Central". Kind of like the
    Twelve Apostles, with Tom Jannings as Jesus.

    And then he left.
    Just like Jesus.

    Of course, we all know Tom Jennings is not coming back.
    And neither is Jesus. La Costra Nostra is no more, having
    been replaced by something far greater.

    Here in the Free World, we call it the FidoWeb. And like all good
    things under the sun, the FidoWeb is here stay.

    Benito Mussolini got rid of the Sicilian Mafia in Italy.
    American soldiers brought them back in. And now Mike Powell
    thinks he is "Il Duce" - even though he does not even qualify
    as a "Button Man" for his "Godfather" Nick Andre.

    What a joke.


    Hands too small! Can't build a wall!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Lee Lofaso on Sunday, January 09, 2022 15:33:28
    What should be considered as being swear words? Should those words
    be limited to Carlin's original list? Sure, Carlin was poking fun of
    the FCC. And television in general. But hey. This is an international

    Why do we NEED to set aside words & call them "bad"?

    There are no bad words; bad intent, bad usage, but not "bad words."

    I was reasdy; if any of mny son'sd teaxcherscomplained about him swearing, I'd remind them theier job id to teach acrtual English language, not their artificially limited version. As far as I'm conmcerned, if he usded the terms grammatically & contextually correctly, & not as a means of hurting or causing fear in others, have at it!

    Now he's at the age when all he can do is use as many as possible & as often as possible so I have to teach himn that overusing swear words when other words fuit the intended conveyance of a thought work better, only makes him look like an igbnorant moron.

    The F-Bomb is a lovely word that should be used like a bit of habanero pepper - - when a dash of emphasis/spice is needed, but you don't drop in the entire pepper! & you don't need habanero in everything you ingest. I'd not like habanero-flavoured/spiced apple juice, I don't think, but maybe. . hmmm. . .

    Words are words & included in the company of all words -- used when useful to indicate a concept to a listener who understands the words the same way you do,
    & as you intend them to be heard.

    Don't get me wrong; there are people & situations that require the worst of Carlin's 7, & a few new ones from since, & maybe one or two coined for the occasion. There are times I want the recipent of my words to back up in fear for their very life, because I seem like a crazed lunatic(cue: Pink Floyd) who has just snapped! But I'm not 13, so I know when this situation has arisen & I know how to respond to it properly for my desired results.

    But you'll not mistake me for that role outside of that singular situation.

    I prefer to use words to amuse, to entertain, to educate, & to edify. . .

    But that's my opinion on words & my opinion is like an arsehole: everybody has one & only the products of mine don't stink. Hah!

    Let me leave all you-all with this. . .

    *Lifts leg* "brrrapppp"
    aaahh. . .

    A swear was used.
    A telephone number is not a swear word.
    He was asked to stop.
    The FCC ruling did not cover telephone numbers.

    What exactly happened that a phone number was equated to being a swear word?

    I can see both being banned, but that still doesn't make them equivalents.

    I don't think the FCC covers private communications?

    If one is using an FCC-covered medium to make threats or to conspire -- that's a separate issue & can be dealt with by existing laws about such, without needing to go after online communications in general.

    Everybody knows that "I'm going to rape your mom" said in a MMMRPG game is not a literal statement or threat. It translates directly to "Wahh, I'm unhappy with what you just said or did. Wahhhh" & I'd argue that is the literal meaning in that medium, for the phrase, in the Supreme Court if asked to!

    Either speech is free. Or it is not. Can't have it both ways.
    It is not free speech. Never said it was. From the rules:

    Constitutional free speech applies to those mediums governed by the federal government, no?

    If you're in my home & you say "pickles are green" & I don't want you to, I can tell you to GTFO. If you ignore me, you're trepassing, & can be charged with such.

    I'm in my home right now, but the echo belongs to someone else's home.

    If yuou say "pickles are green" I canm refister my poinion with you that I don't like that phrase & you're free to tell me to go buck a fuffalo, or I can even just skip the offending message, deleting it out of my packet.

    Rule Number 1: There are no Rules.
    Rule Number 2: See Rule Number 1.

    in THIS echo; Mike canmake up any kind of crazy shit he weants & so long as he's fairly posted them with the echo definition, for all toview before ebntering the echo, their entrance/participati8on constitutes acceptance of those rules.

    If sysops up the chain think those rules are full of what makes the tomatoes grow faster, they'll not carry the echo, & too bad, so sad. . . Like you say, we users can say "screw y ou & your stupid echo & it's more stupid rules" & let t die like so many other echoes on Fido. . .

    I have the same echo I had 20 years ago; a Funny Jokeds echo, PG-16. Another guy had a Jokes echio that was strict G-rated(not suitable for those under 98)

    He got uppioty with users posting jo0kes that if you realt dug into them & redfined the situations enough, could be seen as dirty by a filthy minded poseur. He kicked people out by the dozens. Most still liked reaing & sharing jokes & migrated to my echo, which, with his unintended advertising tripled in size in no time!

    No problem; we enjoyed sharing our jokes to the tune of 20-50 posts a day in the ercho, 7 days a week!

    His echo had a post a week from someone who was then promptly kicked out for a rules violation or three.

    Nt echo isn't as free re rules as this one, but it's simple: don't be an asshole, don't post porn(i.e. PG 16 content only), have fun.

    "Fidonet is a worldwide computer network that is used for
    communication between bulletin board systems (BBSes)." ~Wikipedia

    Yup & if echoes are too strict, they get dropped & this wil no longer be the case.

    My echo used to have a rule that everty post had to be a joke or funny story, but with the dying out of BBSes, my predecessort & I had to poivot & sau eacghmpost should include some funny content -- along came the "Oblijgatory Joke, or ObJoke for short, or even OJ) wherethere'd be a 3 page conversation & a little hjoike tacked on at the bottom.

    We ca't adford to unreasonablty alienate too many from BBSing & Fidonet as we're gasping on fumes as it is. . .

    As a mod, my job is to do what I can to make Fido a desireable & fun place, at least in my echo.

    Whoever got castigated & booted by Mike is welcome in FUNNY, too, to read some humour & hopefully forget his experience over there. . .

    If he asks me nicely(or so) in there for a list of ways to describe an artsehole moderator, I'm sure I can find it around here somewhwhere; if not, then Daryl Stout'll have it!

    # There is no such thing as "free speech" in this echo. You can speak
    mind within reason but the moderator reserves the right to stop and
    immediately correct boorish behavior. We're all adults; let's act like

    Some adults enjoy scatophilia & crapping on people. Please lie down on the drawn rectangle on the floor over here; 7 of us had a HUGE all you can eat Dim Sum breakfast today, including LOTS of fiber-based dishes & lots of stewed prunes for dessert. We'll be with you in a minute.

    That was posted in the original response to the message in question.
    This is not the Sicilian Mafia.
    And Mike Powell is not The Godfather.

    He can be in his own echo, if he'sd given sufficuwent notice via description & posted rules. I'll not visit & I'm sure many others won't either.

    He can sit in his mommy's basement playing with handcream & his own feces all day & call himself a godfather all he wants, really.

    Freedom of expression is essential, otherwise there is no freedom

    In my private domains/property, there are only the freedoms I accept & allow.

    If I'm looking for a roomie to share an apartment with kitchen & bathroom, I can legally turn anyone away for any reasons, even racial ones.

    I'll be a bigot, of course, but I won't be breaking any laws. When word gets around my ad will be taken down & I'll be banned from posting it anywhere. Is that freedom?

    Yeah, "play by the democratically accepted rules or f*** off" is the ultimate overriding rule.

    Why did my grandfather come to America? To get away from the
    dictator who ruled Italy. We all know who that was - the one before
    the next dictator who ruled Italy.

    Hmm. . .sounds familiar, let me throw a darty at the list of decades -- that one, right? Close enjough. . okay, let me try again. . same answer?

    If you want to swear in an echo, swear in your own or any others that are
    dedicated to free speech.
    Participants own an echo.
    Participants vote with their feet.
    Those who don't like it here, leave.
    End of story.

    In a figfurastive sense, the users own it, but by Fido regs, the moderator owns it. The Sysops carrying it in their feed own rights to echo it or block it. If I'm a sysop & dozens f my users are demanding an echo be taken down, I dont evcen care why, sure, why not, ain't no thang to delete a tag in my feed. . .

    If I'm a sysop, there's an abiding rule: don't piss off me or my users.

    Of course, there are also sadists, and masochists.
    Those who actually enjoy pain and suffering.
    And/or inflicting it on others.

    & they have tyheuir own virtual hangouts, I'm sure. . c/w live video feeds, optional extra blood.

    Mike Powell does not like people using swear words.
    He must really hate Jesus. But that's okay.

    I don't recall Jesus saying word fuciking one about swearing.

    You can't tell me a guy who hung out on Smuid Row with the deniuzxens, drinking cheap wine, didn't swear, right along with ther est of 'em.

    I've drank in the worst Skid Row in North America & nobody drnks there & talks like a minister, unless they are a minister giving away some sort of handouts.

    I was a minister, a times, but I wasn't better than the guys down there, down on their luck, drinking cheap hooch, so wshen they ffered me a seat & a drink, I thanked them & drank. when it was time to get a new bottle,. I ponied up my share, if I was given the honour of opening it, I poured out a drink for our dead homies first thing.

    Mike Powell doesn't like what someone says, he can use his (N)ext key.

    Too many forget this &/or their Delete key, &/or their "Log off" button. . .

    For too long, the structure of Fidonet had been very similar
    to the organizational structure of the Sicilian Mafia. This was
    due to a small handful of misguided souls who had no idea how
    to run a business, much less a worldwide computer network.

    oh well; here's a network: hop on in or f*** right off, we don't care too much. which . .

    I have fun wherever I drop in to chat on Fidonet &/or the rest of the johnny- come-lately Interwebz. . .

    I was here before anyone had even heard of AOL or Compuserve!

    I like it here (Fidonet & other nets & echoes, & especially the BBSes that keep them going. . . )

    Muich love,

    <+]:-{)} <--Official cyberpopicon for the Cyberspace Pope(me!), Bishop of ROM

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Shaun Buzza@1:229/110 to George Pope on Sunday, January 09, 2022 19:00:12
    Muich love,


    Just another drunken Pope...

    Less is more, my friend.

    SysOp, PiBBS
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: PiBBS (1:229/110)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Shaun Buzza on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 10:01:22
    Muich love,

    Just another drunken Pope...
    Less is more, my friend.

    I ain't been drunk since NYE 31-Dec-1989 & that was a cooker! But I was offline the whole time.

    I'm old school Fido, BBS, & UUNET -- I put what I got to say into one message & anyone can pick any part to reply to (or not -- your prerogative, my friend)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Shaun Buzza@1:229/110 to George Pope on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 13:49:26
    Muich love,

    Just another drunken Pope...
    Less is more, my friend.

    I ain't been drunk since NYE 31-Dec-1989 & that was a cooker! But I was offline the whole time.

    I'm old school Fido, BBS, & UUNET -- I put what I got to say into one message & anyone can pick any part to reply to (or not -- your prerogative, my friend)

    That's a lesson I still haven't learned: never mix alcohol and internet. :)

    Thank you for not getting too annoyed at what was meant to be a joke. It was clear from your lack of spelling or grammar mistakes that you weren't
    actually drunk.

    Good day to you!

    SysOp, PiBBS
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: PiBBS (1:229/110)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Shaun Buzza on Friday, January 14, 2022 10:07:40
    That's a lesson I still haven't learned: never mix alcohol and internet. :)

    No worries; I've mixed it with no ill effect to myself or others -- My personality & actions don't really change when I'm high or drunk -- I am me, always.

    Thank you for not getting too annoyed at what was meant to be a joke. It was clear from your lack of spelling or grammar mistakes that you weren't actually drunk.

    I have the same lack of errors when high or drunk, but no worries. . . it's all good! :)

    We're chatting in Fido, providing fresh fodder for the echo-mailers -- which is kind of the point of every echo, hmm?

    I'm here for a good time, not a long time (or, who knows, maybe both?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)