BBS Lists
By Sean Dennis
If you're looking for a new BBS to try or are trying to find one from
the past that may still be around, here's a few places to try:
** The BBS Corner's Telnet and Dial-Up BBS Guide
Maintained by Dave Perrussel (1:275/89)
Dave maintains one of the most up-to-date telnet and dial-up
BBS lists in the world. There are over 450 BBSes listed on
his site. You can get to the dial-up BBS guide by clicking
on the "Dial-Up BBS Guide" link on the left side of the page
under the "Other Useful Information" header.
** Synchronet BBS List
Automatic maintenance
The Synchronet BBS List has the unique ability to check all of
the nodes listed in it nightly to make sure they are actually
responding if someone calls (note that it just means the port
is open, not that there may be a BBS there). There are over
160 active Synchronet-based BBSes listed and that number changes
slightly each night.
If you know of another -actively maintained- BBS list, please feel
free to send me the information and I'll make sure it gets in here.
BBS Software List
Updated 2022-01-17
Maintained by Andrew Leary (1:320/219)
Editors Emeritus: Robert Couture, Janis Kracht,
Sean Dennis
M=Mailer T=Tosser B=BBS D=Door C=Comm/Terminal
P=Points E=Editor I=Internet U=Utility #=Info
F=TIC/SRIF Processor
FGAZ 18-02 Page 10 24 Jan 2022
___ MultiMail/FreeBSD v0.52
--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: Outpost BBS (1:18/200)