• FidoGazette V18 I06 Page 1

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Monday, March 14, 2022 18:21:13
    FGAZ 18-06 Page 1 21 Mar 2022


    Spring Has Sprung

    Over at 'Gazette HQ, it has been a beautiful day today at around 65F
    (18C) and clear, sunny skies. This after having four inches of snow
    on the ground last weekend. The weather can be very fickle around
    here this time of year.

    A few updates:

    - The 'Gazette and the 'Gazette Submission Guideliners are now
    available via anonymous FTP at bbs.outpostbbs.net in

    - You can now submit FG articles via anonymous FTP; just drop off your
    article in /incoming. Please let me know that you submitted an
    article via netmail, email, or a message in FIDOGAZETTE.

    - I will be publishing the FidoGazette in FIDOGAZETTE both by a single
    message and individual pages as individual messages. I will signify
    the full single message in the message title with "[FULL]" in the
    beginning of the subject so if your system cannot handle that message,
    you can safely skip it.

    As always, I am looking for more articles for the FidoGazette. Your
    submissions are welcome!

    Thank you for reading the FidoGazette. Your patronage is appreciated.

    -- Sean Dennis
    FidoGazette Editor/Publisher


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)