From Takallfix At 3:640/1321@3:640/1321 to Denzuko on Sunday, February 09, 2020 00:43:02
    Greetings, Here are the results of your recent search for files
    posted by takAllFix for Wildcat Winserver systems.

    BBS Name : The File Bank BBS!
    Sysop : Terry Roati
    Fidonet : 3:640/1321
    Telnet : tfb-bbs.org
    Web : https://tfb-bbs.org
    Location : Cairns, Australia --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Search For : ALLFILES.TXT - 5 Found

    Area [41] wcBasic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 TOP20DL1.ZIP 102k Top20dl/NewsCenter V1.1 - Designed for Wildcat 5.0 in W

    Area [2038] Sysops GT Power Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 EBLIST21.ZIP 22k EBLIST 2.1 - Creates an ALLFILES.TXT for your GT System

    Area [2085] MM1 : PcBoard BBS & Utils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 JTFOX36.ZIP 130k JTFOX v:3.60; Configurable directory colorizer for PCBo

    Area [2608] Pier01 : BBS Programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 Y2_01.ZIP 46k AllFiles.txt List Generator For BBS
    5 JTFOX36A.ZIP 134k JTFOX 3.60, now includes a `new', friendlier interface,

    The File Bank BBS!
    telnet: tfb-bbs.org
    Total Calls : 22158
    Total Users : 35
    Total Messages : 199238
    Total Files : 224945 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    takAllFix for WinServer v8 by takSoftware
    takSoftware can be contacted at taksoftware.com, 1:116/110
    --- Report Created by takAllFix+ 8.01 (REGISTERED)
    This Registered Version limited to 30 matches
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:640/1321) (3:640/1321)