• The real and right list og XPIC FDN

    From Gert Koefoed Andersen@2:236/150 to Janis Kratch on Sunday, July 01, 2007 17:35:02
    Hello Janis!

    The first list was with some wrong echo in it so here is the right one:
    Other will later get the real xpic.fdn list.

    ----- xpicfecho.fa begins -----
    % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % File Echo Description
    % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ XPIC2ADM XPIC: Upstream XPICs to Admin.
    XPICHUMOR XPIC: Various funny pictures.
    XPICMUSIC XPIC: More humorous pictures.
    XPICSYSOP XPIC: Various pictures of Sysops.
    xpicaero XPIC: Aero files ????
    xpicart XPIC: Arts and this kinds
    xpiccars XPIC: Cars Pics
    xpiccat XPIC: Pics of cats
    xpiccomp XPIC: Computer pics
    xpicdance XPIC: Dance pics
    xpicdog XPIC: Pics of dogs and some info text
    xpicfantasy XPIX: Fantasy pics
    xpicgame XPIC: Various Game pics
    xpicmoscow XPIC: Pic from Moscow
    xpicmoto XPIC: Motor Pics
    xpicnhl XPIC: Pic of NHL
    xpicozzy XPIC: Pics of OZZY that crazy person
    xpicracing XPIC: Racing XPictures
    xpicship XPIC: Pictures of ships
    xpicsoccer XPIC: Soccer X Pictures
    xpictattoo XPIC: Tattoo Pics
    xpicwaepon XPIC: Waepon pictures

    xpicsex.eros XPIC: Erotic pictures
    xpicsex.prn XPIC: Nauty pictures (Fui Fui)

    ----- xpicfecho.fa ends -----

    Take care,

    - Get the best in the world with linux -

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.19-gentoo-r5 (x86_64))
    * Origin: http://www.kofobbs.dk (2:236/150)