INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for
IBM-PC (MS Windows). Whether you are an
Internet experienced user or just a beginner
Internet Book is for you. It gives you an
easy way to gather information about all the
Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages,
Gophers, Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail
Addresses, and News Groups. All your
information about the Internet can now be
stored at one place and easily retrieved!
🔎︎ | BBS225.ZIP | 171.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | BBS ACCESS 2.25 DOSBBS ACCESS 2.25 DOS
BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
easy-to-use data communications program for
calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
files. The protocols included are ASCII,
Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,
Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens
to file and will record the time and length
of each call. BBS can change and save modem
initialization strings and all screen colors
can be changed & saved. {STAR} [ASAD]
🔎︎ | BINF111.ZIP | 318.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | BBS INFORMANT 1.11 DOSBBS INFORMANT 1.11 DOS
BBS Informant v1.11 BBS List / Search Door!
BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door
used for adding, listing, and searching
through BBS names. Stores over 40 fields of
data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone
numbers, modem speed & brand, software &
version, sysop, emphasis, number of lines,
storage space, CD-ROMS, services offered,
summary, & more! Supports WildCat, PCBoard,
other BBS's that support DOOR.SYS.
🔎︎ | CIDJ13.ZIP | 35.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | CID_JNC 1.3 DOS CID_JNC v1.3 - CID_JNC logs andCID_JNC 1.3 DOS
CID_JNC v1.3 - CID_JNC logs and
displays calls received using CallerID and a
modem or an external device with CallerID
capabilities. The caller name can be looked
up in a phone book database and the
date,time, and name is written to a log file
that can be viewed/printed at any time.
Supports many modems, fully configurable.
Shareware $12.95..$21.95. Registered users
unlock the shareware screen with SN.
🔎︎ | CSLAV116.ZIP | 476.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | COMPUSLAVE FOR DOS 1.16 DOS included. Easy to use!COMPUSLAVE FOR DOS 1.16 DOS
CompuSlave v1.16 -CompuServe Message DB
CompuSlave imports CompuServe forum capture
files into a database, converting them to
individual messages. Add, delete, edit, and
search the entire database for key words or
phrases. Make those messages work for you!
Create your own technical support resource.
Ideal for power users, programmers, and
network administrators. Network support is
included. Easy to use!
CompuSlave For Windows Version 2.12
CompuSlave imports CompuServe forum messages
from a capture file into a database. Search
the entire database for keywords or phrases.
Create your own tech support resource using
the combined knowledge of the CompuServe
forum members. Ideal tool for tech support
personnel, programmers, network
administrators, or any user who searches the
CompuServe forum messages for information.
CTS Serial Port Utilities v3.3: Detect/Fix
modem & comm problems. ID ports & IRQs used,
conflicts & ports that can't generate IRQs.
Three NEW utilities: BIOS_Fix, ResetModem &
HangUp solve many modem problems. Run
"PortInfo /L" from DOS or the Win95 "DOS
mode" to identify most modem installation &
setup problems. Additional Windows setup
tests included for registered users.
🔎︎ | FAX_N103.ZIP | 700.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | FAXMAIL NETWORK FOR WIND 1.03 W95 printingFAXMAIL NETWORK FOR WIND 1.03 W95
Complete faxing program for Windows 33bit,
95, NT. Allows faxing from any program that
can print. FaxMail Network for Windows makes
creating high quality faxes as easy as
printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester.
-timed sends -broadcast queue holds 32,000
-works in DOS and Windows -GOOD help system
-all functions very fast -background FAX
🔎︎ | FAX_V506.ZIP | 704.5K | Mar 27, 2021 | FAXMAIL FOR WINDOWS 5.06 W95 WIN printingFAXMAIL FOR WINDOWS 5.06 W95 WIN
Complete faxing program for Windows 3.1x, 95
and NT. Allows faxing from any program that
can print. FaxMail for Windows makes
creating high quality faxes as easy as
printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester.
-timed sends - broadcast queue holds 32,000
-works in DOS and Windows -GOOD help system
-all functions very fast -background FAX
🔎︎ | FAXHVN30.ZIP | 624.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | STEP FAXHAVEN 3.0 DOS utility for converting betweenSTEP FAXHAVEN 3.0 DOS
1-Step FAXHAVEN ver. 3.0 includes 1-Step Hih
Quality FAX ver. 5.0 (for sending FAXes)
*PLUS* all of the FAX receive processing
functions: receive, view, print, purge,
archive convert to several other graphic
formats. FAXHAVEN provides a powerful
utility for converting between
FAX-receive/ready formats & PCX/DCX/TIFF
(several types of TIFF). FAXHAVEN also
provides another powerful ility for
🔎︎ | FSL212.ZIP | 261.1K | Mar 27, 2021 | FSLOGIN 2.12 DOSFSLOGIN 2.12 DOS
FSLOGIN v2.12 Full Screen Login for
Novell NetWare. Full Screen Login is a login
utility for Novell NetWare users. FSLOGIN
provides a userfriendly, menu driven
interface to guide the user through the
login process. This includes prompting for a
new password before the password actually
expires. Version 2 supports NetWare 2, 3 and
4, as well as NetWare Directory Services.
🔎︎ | HO51.ZIP | 607.7K | Mar 27, 2021 | HANDS ON REMOTE ACCESS 5.00 DOS distribution policy.HANDS ON REMOTE ACCESS 5.00 DOS
support/access to 115200 baud. Good feature
set in limited RAM. Minimally intrusive and
easily customised. Liberal developers
distribution policy.
🔎︎ | HO5JX.ZIP | 872.0K | Mar 27, 2021 | HANDS ON 5.00 DOS modified. Liberal support staffHANDS ON 5.00 DOS
Hands On version 5.00 LONG DESCRIPTION:
Easy Up and Running Remote Support Update.
Easy use. Hands On has small RAM size,
useful set of features in a complete
toolkit. Minimally intrusive and easily
modified. Liberal support staff
distribution policy. See the manuals for
most details. Free Support. eg HO5x.ZIP
with x denoting the first letter of the
release month
1-Step High Quality FAX ver. 5.0. produces
and send letter-quality FAXes in one step.
Provides a variety of type faces and type
sizes. Works w. pre-printed forms. Allows
thumb-tacking graphics like a signature or
logo. Produces a variety of image formats:
FAX-ready, PCX, DCX, TIFF. Runs on DOS or
Windows. HQ-FAX 5.0 offers these new
features: a PCL interface, FAX logging,
tracing, broadcasting, scheduling.
🔎︎ | LAN206.ZIP | 154.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | LAN MENU SYSTEM 2.06 DOSLAN MENU SYSTEM 2.06 DOS
LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company.
Menu and Security System for DOS Networks.
LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, Help
System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3
style menu system with password protection,
telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in
network support and mouse support. Screen
Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and
menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass)
Member of [ASAD] and {STAR}
🔎︎ | LGNCHK.ZIP | 36.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | LOGIN CHECKER (VER 2.60) 2.60 DOS netware users!LOGIN CHECKER (VER 2.60) 2.60 DOS
Login Checker (ver 2.60) Verifies that
Novell users login OK. This utility will
verify that users of a Novell(2.x, 3.x)
network login correctly. If not, they get a
menu asking them to try again. Easy to use
and install. This product does one task and
does it well. No work station changes are
needed. Registered for use for over 45,000
netware users!
🔎︎ | LINK210.ZIP | 191.1K | Mar 27, 2021 | LINK 2.10 WIN Link Auto Dialer for Callback ServicesLINK 2.10 WIN
Link Auto Dialer for Callback Services
Connect your comm programs to your server
using your callback service. Voice dial and
timer. Keep and print records. Best hits
list of both programs and voice numbers.
Compact interface Shareware |
🔎︎ | MODSTA19.ZIP | 312.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | MODEMSTA 1.9 WINMODEMSTA 1.9 WIN
ModemSta 1.9 : Animated icon replica or
larger indicator displays of modem's front
panel. Several great 3D looks. For use with
internal, external and PCMCIA modems. Modem
initialization, logging of incoming calls
and connections, CONNECT SPEED, DIALED
status info, show communications settings,
generation of sounds at comm events. Also
parallel ports. Win3/Win95. Shareware US$15.
🔎︎ | NB22.ZIP | 214.3K | Mar 27, 2021 | NOTICE BOARD 2.2 DOS schools.NOTICE BOARD 2.2 DOS
NOTICE BOARD V2.2 The Notice Board package
provides all of the facilities of an office
notice board on the PCs attached to your
Network, and a menu system (without memory
overhead) rolled into one. In use worldwide
by everyone from government agencies to
🔎︎ | PBBSW35A.ZIP | 1.3M | Mar 27, 2021 | POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS 3.5 WIN as BBS! Disk 1 of 2POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS 3.5 WIN
flexible BBS system with GUI Config,
ANSI/ASCII/RIP su pport, dBase,
Internet/Usenet mail server, TELNET support,
X/Y/Zmod em, CD-ROM Support,
Multi-Languages, MAPI Gateway, Major group
tel econference, Receive a FAX on same line
as BBS! Disk 1 of 2
🔎︎ | PWRED202.ZIP | 392.1K | Mar 27, 2021 | POWER EDIT 2.02 WIN Vbrun300.dll.POWER EDIT 2.02 WIN
Power Edit Network Text Editor v2.02 File
encryption, email, spellchecking Powerful
file preparation and transfer for WFW 3.11
or stand alone word processor. View incoming
mail from the network, full edit and reply.
Fully modifiable desktop fonts, colors,
sounds. Spellchecker with 100,000 word
dictionary in registered version. Requires
🔎︎ | QSLAV110.ZIP | 506.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | QWKSLAVE 1.10 DOSQWKSLAVE 1.10 DOS
QwkSlave v1.10 QWK Message Database!
QwkSlave imports QWK mail packets, storing
each message as a database record. Add,
edit, delete, print, browse, sort, & search
through messages. Cross referencing makes
finding an original message and its response
as easy as a mouse-click. Ideal as a
technical support reference tool. Network
support included. Easy to use push-button
interface w/mouse support! (286 or higher)
🔎︎ | SFTLNK10.ZIP | 526.7K | Mar 27, 2021 | SOFTLINK 1.00 WINSOFTLINK 1.00 WIN
SoftLink Communications Terminal\host Full
function comm program. Auto Script Record
and Playback. Auto Timer and On Line Time
Records. Fully configurable. Supports all
commercial modems. Easy connection makes it
simple for the user to get his program up
and running and files downloading. Batch
file transfer with background transfer
method enables the user to economize time.
Shareware $30.00 + $10.00 shipping
🔎︎ | SLOG120.ZIP | 74.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | SEARCH*LOG 1.10 DOSSEARCH*LOG 1.10 DOS
Search*Log - A SYSLOG.DBF log file browser
for use with Searchlight 4.5 BBS systems.
Here is the easiest and most advanced
activity log viewer for sysops to browse
through a SYSLOG.DBF activity log file.
Search*Log allows the Sysop to quickly
review the contents of a SYSLOG.DBF activity
log. All activity codes are reformated on
screen in clear, easy to understand English.
For sysops using Searchlight 4.5 BBS
🔎︎ | TAGLX400.ZIP | 240.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | TAG LINE XPRESS 4.00 DOS content.TAG LINE XPRESS 4.00 DOS
TAG LINE XPRESS V4.00 Enhanced tagline
manager for offline mail readers. Supports
UNLIMITED taglines; installs automatically
into most readers; has a built in quote
enhancer and signature manager; suggests
taglines based on subject and message
🔎︎ | TS3J.ZIP | 481.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | TELESHARE/DOS 3.00 DOS support. egTELESHARE/DOS 3.00 DOS
TeleShare/DOS version 3.00 LONG DESCRIPTION:
Versatile remote access shareware package.
Good basic Remote Support and access to
115200 baud. TeleShare/Host has small RAM
size and snappy screen updates, enabling its
use in workplace settings avoided by others.
Minimally intrusive and easily modified.
Liberal support staff distribution policy.
See the manuals for most details. Free
support. eg
🔎︎ | VBDIAL1.ZIP | 411.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | VBDIAL 2.1 DOS VBRUN200.DLL.VBDIAL 2.1 DOS
VBDIAL (VERSION 2.1C) Names & No's shown in
scrollable PickList with a SpeedSearch. Can
dial to Talk OR for BBS access. Full ANSI
colors, backscroll, Zmodem, Macros, Session
Logs etc. This one Talks, folks! It even
tells if a number is local or toll! Needs
🔎︎ | WBFRM10H.ZIP | 1023.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | WEBFORMS 1.0h WINWEBFORMS 1.0h WIN
WebForms v1.0 is a World Wide Web
forms generator which automatically creates
HTML forms and reads their responses!
Responses are sent to your e-mail address.
No HTML knowledge is necessary. Comes
complete with on-line help system and
tutorial. WebForms is great for taking
customer orders, doing surveys, or anything
you can think of that requires user input on
the World Wide Web. Makes doing business on
🔎︎ | WEBPAR15.ZIP | 86.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | WEBPARSE 1.50 WIN individual emal messages.WEBPARSE 1.50 WIN
WebParse WWW E-mail survey form data parser.
If you collect data via Mailto survey forms
on web pages, WebParse will parse and
extract the relevant data from your email
in-box file and create a comma-delimited
ASCII text file for easy import into
databases or spreadsheets. View tabulated
file or print. WebParse also reformats
individual emal messages.
🔎︎ | WFX40.ZIP | 46.0K | Mar 27, 2021 | THE BEST & EASIEST WINFA 6.0. DOSTHE BEST & EASIEST WINFA 6.0. DOS
The Best & Easiest WinFax Macro for WinWord
6 WinFax Pro 4.0 and Word 6.0 DDE Fax Macro
and Template: Faxing has never been so easy
or convenient. Takes full advantage of
WinFax Pro 4.0Æs vast programming options.
Now allows storage and changing of USER
information. Rid yourself of that annoying
Send To screen! Easy to use and operate.
🔎︎ | WNMAI260.ZIP | 1.1M | Mar 27, 2021 | WINNET 2.60 WIN including Clarinet. The Software hasWINNET 2.60 WIN
WinNET is a Super Fast Internet Software and
service that provides a Flat Rate Package
throughout the US and Canada which includes
Toll-Free 800 Access and Tech Support, a Web
site, an FTP site, UUCP, PPP, 28.8v.34 and
ISDN access, and all USENET Newsgroups
including Clarinet. The Software has
integrated mail and news readers, text
editor for files of any size, integrated
uuencode, folders with long names and more.