HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for
IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your
computer hardware in as much detail as you
need, including the serial # and phone
support number. Unlimited number of entries,
automatically sorted. Searching by any
field, printing and much more. A similar
format to a regular catalog book makes the
program very easy-to-use. GO SWREG to
register on-line on Compuserve (ID# 3875).
SOFTWARE BOOK for Windows: program for
IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your
software in as much detail as you need,
including the serial # and phone support
number. Unlimited number of entries,
automatically sorted. Searching by any
field, printing and much more. A similar
format to a regular catalog book makes the
program very easy-to-use. You can register
on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID# 3876).
🔎︎ | ASCIIC13.ZIP | 77.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | ASCIICONVERT 1.30 WIN files. Functions include fieldASCIICONVERT 1.30 WIN
AsciiConvert converts and restructures
comma- delimited and fixed-width ASCII
files. Functions include field
re-sequencing, new fields, constants, dates,
field concatenations/merge, reformatting,
trimming, 'line-wrap', etc. Conversion of
fixed-length fields. Versatile and flexible.
🔎︎ | BBASE22.ZIP | 175.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | BUSINESS BASE 2.20 DOS and many report options .BUSINESS BASE 2.20 DOS
Business Base 2.2 Dos data base manager for
small business. Runs on any XT or AT
machine, fast and economical, contains many
functions for maintanance of business data.
Electronic record keeping made fast and
easy. Multiple data bases for Contacts,
Inventory, Scheduling, Telemarketing,
Purchase Orders, Invoicing, Expense ledger,
and many report options .
🔎︎ | BDEM23.ZIP | 487.3K | Mar 27, 2021 | BUILDER V2.3 DEMO PROGRA 2.30 DOSBUILDER V2.3 DEMO PROGRA 2.30 DOS
Builder v2.3 Demo Program v2.30 Demo
of Clipper Code Generator. Fully mousable
with Windows like controls.
🔎︎ | DAT12_01.ZIP | 1.3M | Mar 27, 2021 | DATABASE BROWSER 1.2 WINDATABASE BROWSER 1.2 WIN
DATABASE BROWSER Version 1.2 1 of 2
DATABASE BROWSER for Windows is an easy to
use tool with full edit, query, sorting and
printing capabilities. It supports MS Access
1.1 & 2.0 (.MDB), dBase III, dBase IV,
FoxPro 2.0 and FoxPro 2.5 (.DBF), Paradox
(.DB) and Btrieve (.DDF and .DAT). Records
are displayed in a scrollable grid in which
columns can be resized, moved. Calculated
columns. Masking. LAN and Clipboard support.
🔎︎ | DAT12_02.ZIP | 288.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | DATABASE BROWSER 1.2 WINDATABASE BROWSER 1.2 WIN
DATABASE BROWSER Version 1.2 2 of 2
DATABASE BROWSER for Windows is an easy to
use tool with full edit, query, sorting and
printing capabilities. It supports MS Access
1.1 & 2.0 (.MDB), dBase III, dBase IV,
FoxPro 2.0 and FoxPro 2.5 (.DBF), Paradox
(.DB) and Btrieve (.DDF and .DAT). Records
are displayed in a scrollable grid in which
columns can be resized, moved. Calculated
columns. Masking. LAN and Clipboard support.
🔎︎ | DBROWSER.ZIP | 973.1K | Mar 27, 2021 | DATABROWSER 1.0 WIN on-line help is included!DATABROWSER 1.0 WIN
DataBrowser is a powerful Windows data
access tool that lets you view and search
Paradox, DBase, and text database files
easily. It remembers which fields you want
to view and automatically alters the setup
when you select different data files. Full
on-line help is included!
🔎︎ | DPERF20.ZIP | 219.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | DPERFECT MERGE 2.0 DOS dates.$26DPERFECT MERGE 2.0 DOS
dPerfect Merge v2.0 Translates xBase
data base files (dBase III/IV/5) to Word
Perfect (4.2/5.x/6.x) secondary merge files.
Record and field selection, record sorting,
data base browser, memo-field translation,
substitution of strings for logical fields.
Supports various index files (.NDX, .MDX,
.NTX). Supports European characters and
🔎︎ | DVER.ZIP | 64.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | DVERSION 2.0.0 DOS Version DVERSION 2.0.0 DOS
🔎︎ | DW4.ZIP | 16.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | DATA WIRE FOUR 1.4.1 DOS Version DATA WIRE FOUR 1.4.1 DOS
🔎︎ | EB106.ZIP | 1.3M | Mar 27, 2021 | EASY BASE 10.6 DOS Muti User network VersionEASY BASE 10.6 DOS
First true Rapid Application Development
System to be available as shareware. Create
sophisticated, menu driven Applications in
record time with Easy Base. Applications
written in Easy Base can be sold by
purchasing the Royalty free runtime module.
Muti User network Version
🔎︎ | FE6.ZIP | 817.7K | Mar 27, 2021 | FILE EXPRESS 6.0 DOS duplicate searching.FILE EXPRESS 6.0 DOS
File Express 6.0 is an easy to use flat file
database manager. It can accomodate over 2
billion records per database and includes
extensive searching, reporting, label
printing, importing, exporting, and
duplicate searching.
🔎︎ | FFCAL2.ZIP | 450.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | FF CARDS & LABELS 2.10 WIN Check it out!FF CARDS & LABELS 2.10 WIN
FF Cards & Labels v2.10 Business cards
and label printing for Windows. Features a
drag and drop interface. Use all of your
fonts and bitmaps. Print in color or black
and white! Features a database engine to
connect to any dbase-compatible file or
create your own! Place text, pictures, lines
and rectangles anywhere on your layout. We
have the best database engine on the market!
Check it out!
🔎︎ | FONEFL60.ZIP | 419.5K | Mar 27, 2021 | FONEFILE 6.0 DOS Complete Mouse support.FONEFILE 6.0 DOS
FoneFile Version 6.0 FoneFile: (TSR) PopUp
Address and Phone Book for DOS. Instantly
access your address list without leaving
your current application! Exceptionally fast
database engine. Autmatically sort by
Company or Contact name. Unlimited number of
names and files. Graphic "Look and Feel" for
easy use. Prints phone lists, detail
reports, and creates 'Mail-Merge' files.
Complete Mouse support.
🔎︎ | HW4.ZIP | 75.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | HARD WIRE FOUR 2.8.1 DOS Version HARD WIRE FOUR 2.8.1 DOS
🔎︎ | IDEX219.ZIP | 716.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | INFODEX 2.19 DOS drop support & improved printing!INFODEX 2.19 DOS
Infodex v2.19 Multipurpose Database!
Infodex is a versatile database manager used
to keep track of names and addresses,
equipment, computer software, books, and
more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add,
delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Search
for text in any field. Import and export to
a delimited text file. Easy push button
interface w/mouse support! Now with drag &
drop support & improved printing!
🔎︎ | INFO-41A.ZIP | 773.3K | Mar 27, 2021 | INFORECALL 4.1a W95 WIN Windows 95INFORECALL 4.1a W95 WIN
InfoRecall 4.1a Not Crippled! Fully
functional demo. 1995 release. Advertised in
PC Magazine. Thousands sold. Store and find
Information FAST and EASY! A few words to
30K plus in a FREE-FORM, Variable size
database. Hypertext, Extensive Search
Features, Help/Sample files Windows 3.x,
Windows 95
🔎︎ | INFO-55.ZIP | 1.3M | Mar 27, 2021 | INFORECALL PRO 5.50 WININFORECALL PRO 5.50 WIN
InfoRecall Pro 5.5 v5.50 Not Crippled!
No Nag Screens! Store and find Information
FAST and EASY! A few words to 30K plus in a
FREE-FORM, Variable size database. Developed
for the Power User. Has very sophisticated
search engine with Boolean Logic, Search-
Anything Total Hard Disk Search Hypertext,
Hypergraphics, Print, Print Preview, DDE,
Delimited Import/Export, Spell
Checker,Templates,Help/Sample file Win3.x/95
🔎︎ | INFOPL30.ZIP | 497.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | INFORMATION PLEASE 3.0 DOS databases.INFORMATION PLEASE 3.0 DOS
textbase (database) for anyone who wants to
store textual information, such as product
descriptions, catalogs, memos, descriptions,
etc., then retreive, view or print by a
keyword search. You can also link a graphic
to each text record. Includes sample
🔎︎ | INFOTK15.ZIP | 880.0K | Mar 27, 2021 | INFOTHEK 1.50 WIN AutoText.INFOTHEK 1.50 WIN
Complete information Manager for business
and personal use. Popular relational
database engine. Easy-to-use, intuitive, yet
powerful SQL-based query method. Database
can be created and restructured in minutes.
Labels, POSTNET and Code39 barcodes, merge,
import, export, cross-tabs, graphs, reports.
🔎︎ | JOB.ZIP | 418.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | SUB-CONTRACTOR BILLING 2.2.1 DOS Version SUB-CONTRACTOR BILLING 2.2.1 DOS
🔎︎ | LLIST32.ZIP | 192.7K | Mar 27, 2021 | LITTLE LISTS 3.2 DOSLITTLE LISTS 3.2 DOS
Little Lists is a database program designed
for users who want to keep things simple.
You can create exactly the kind of list you
want, without any prior knowledge of
programming database systems. Add, view, and
change records, browse through the list,
print a columnar report or labels including
only the fields you want, sort the records
any way you like, perform simple math
functions, add and change fields.
🔎︎ | MAL.ZIP | 401.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | DMAIL4 4.0.1 DOS Version |
🔎︎ | MPLUS24A.ZIP | 309.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | M-PLUS 2.4a DOS user-configurable features, supportsM-PLUS 2.4a DOS
Simple yet full-featured mailing system has
user-configurable features, supports
international mailing needs, duplicate
checking, phone dialing, record tagging,
import and export, form letters, and more!
Perfect for home or business.
🔎︎ | POPDBF.ZIP | 133.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | POPDBF 4.05 DOS Also, Delete, Pack or Zap files. $35POPDBF 4.05 DOS
POPDBF 4.05 PopDBF is a 4K TSR dBase file
editor that provides 'Instant Access' to any
dBase compatible file. Add, Browse, Copy,
Delete, Edit, Print & Search records. You
can even create your own database views.
Also, Delete, Pack or Zap files. $35
🔎︎ | PVLAB402.ZIP | 129.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | PLAIN VANILLA LABELS 4.02 DOS etc.PLAIN VANILLA LABELS 4.02 DOS
Plain Vanilla Labels v4.02 Easy-to-use
label maker and label database. Prints 1, 2,
and 3 across labels on any printer. Features
include easy data entry and powerful search
functions. Labels can be indexed on any
space and line. Hidden comments can be
placed anywhere on each label. Label lists
can be searched and printed by searching for
a string such as a postal code or a name,
🔎︎ | QDBW-20.ZIP | 666.7K | Mar 27, 2021 | Q&DBASE FOR WINDOWS 2.0a WINQ&DBASE FOR WINDOWS 2.0a WIN
q&dBase for Windows v2.0a Database
creation and report writer. Create and
define your own databases. Drag and drop
fields to design data entry forms. Store
report queries and layouts. Search on any
combination of fields, uses wildcardsm too!
Data is stored in MS-Access 2.0 format for
easy portability to popular commercial
programs. Includes Print Preview feature and
online context- sensitive Windows Help
🔎︎ | QL20.ZIP | 406.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | Q_LABELS 2.0 DOSQ_LABELS 2.0 DOS
Q_LABELS v2.0 Unlimited labels, home
or business. Mouse, pulldown menus, contact
sensitive help, emvelopes, post cards, index
cards ... Prints Postnet barcodes. Powerfull
but easy to use database can hold up to a
million records. Multiple databases.
🔎︎ | RECAP51.ZIP | 143.0K | Mar 27, 2021 | RECAP 5.1 DOS RECAP will go through any dBase III-RECAP 5.1 DOS
It can be very frustrating to find that some
of your database records have been entered
in all caps when you didn't want them that
way, or that some have not been entered in
all caps when you did want them that way!
RECAP will go through any dBase III-
compatible database file and make the
desired adjustment, and can be set to find
unusual words and acronyms that need special
🔎︎ | SAC.ZIP | 844.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | SAC ASTRONOMY DATABASE 2.7.2 DOS Version SAC ASTRONOMY DATABASE 2.7.2 DOS
🔎︎ | SC2532.ZIP | 149.2K | Mar 27, 2021 | SC-SCRIPTER 2.5 W95 SQL Server and Sybase supported.SC-SCRIPTER 2.5 W95
SC-Scripter Version 2.5 Fast and easy
SQL Server management assistant for windows
NT & 95. It will generate SQL scripts for
entire databases or individual objects. MS
SQL Server and Sybase supported.
🔎︎ | SCH250.ZIP | 484.0K | Mar 27, 2021 | SCHOONER 2.50 DOSSCHOONER 2.50 DOS
SCHOONER 2.50 GUI - is a complete
application development system that lets you
create true DOS Graphical User Interface
software. Dbase III+ file and Clipper '87
compiler compatible. Registration bonuses:
Report Writer, Run Module Compiler, Royalty
Free Runtime Module, Image Processing Tools,
Wallpapers and Icons. $39.95. Jonathan Cook.
For more information call: (209) 299-4958
Credit card orders only: (800) 242-4775
🔎︎ | SCSCRP.ZIP | 91.4K | Mar 27, 2021 | SC-SCRIPTER 2.2 DOS Server and Sybase supported.SC-SCRIPTER 2.2 DOS
SC-Scripter Version 2.2 Fast and easy
SQL Server management assistant for MS-DOS.
It will generate SQL scripts for entire
databases or individual objects. MS SQL
Server and Sybase supported.
🔎︎ | SHL.ZIP | 363.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | FOXPRO SHELL 1.2.3 DOS Version FOXPRO SHELL 1.2.3 DOS
🔎︎ | SNS35.ZIP | 262.9K | Mar 27, 2021 | SEARCH-N-STORE 3.5 DOS format.SEARCH-N-STORE 3.5 DOS
Search-N-Store v3.5 Search-N-Store is a DOS
based database ready for single or
multi-user use. Version 3.5 includes a phone
dialer. Many search and print options.
Comes with a database utility, and a utility
to convert v3.4 databases to the v3.5
🔎︎ | VCM.ZIP | 461.6K | Mar 27, 2021 | VERSION CONTROL & MAINT. 2.8.1 DOS Version VERSION CONTROL & MAINT. 2.8.1 DOS
🔎︎ | WINBRS15.ZIP | 1.4M | Mar 27, 2021 | WINBROWSE 1.5 WINWINBROWSE 1.5 WIN
WinBrowse v1.5 - Multiple database
utility program for Windows. Allows
browsing, editing, and reporting using
popular PC database formats including dBase,
FoxPro, Paradox, Access 2.0, Excel, Lotus
1-2-3 and CSV (comma delimited). Convert
data from one format to another quickly and
easily. Contains sorting and filtering
features, too! Includes full blown Windows
Help System. A must have for all serious PC
🔎︎ | WINWAMP.ZIP | 353.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | WAMPUM FOR WINDOWS 9 WIN locking. VBRUN300 reqd.WAMPUM FOR WINDOWS 9 WIN
WAMPUM FOR WINDOWS .9 The dBASE-compatible
Windows data base manager featuring a
spreadsheet browse mode as well as record
edit mode. Supports BMP image files in
standard dBASE memo fields. Multi-user
supported is included with automatic record
locking. VBRUN300 reqd.
🔎︎ | WORK431.ZIP | 228.8K | Mar 27, 2021 | WORKBASE 4.31 DOS you'll love this handy utility.WORKBASE 4.31 DOS
Interactive environment for over 340
commands and functions, including some that
may be new to you. Create a DBF; append,
edit and browse records; restore from and
save to MEM files; display memory; display
structure, modify structure; and many other
commands necessary for development,
troubleshooting and support. If your
applications use dBASE-compatible files,
you'll love this handy utility.