Vertrauen Fonts

[root] / CDROM: Walnut Creek CICA-Windows (1995)

3OF9.ZIP9KJan 31, 2003of 9 Barcode Font for Windows (TrueType)
AARDVARK.ZIP26KJan 31, 2003Aardvark Font
ABCTRAIN.ZIP150KJan 31, 2003The Alphabet Train 1.1 Font (ATM/TT)
ANSIKEY.ZIP33KJan 31, 2003Another Font Viewer
AR1251.ZIP32KJan 31, 2003Architect English-Russian Truetype Fonts
AR866.ZIP29KJan 31, 2003Architect English-Russian (Code page 866)
ARARAT2.ZIP57KJan 31, 2003Armenian Language font (TT and ATM)
ARAX1P.ZIP42KJan 31, 2003Armenian Allcaps-Decorative font (TT and ATM)
ARAXBA1P.ZIP68KJan 31, 2003Armenian Decorative Font (All Caps/Hollow; TT and ATM)
ARC13P.ZIP28KJan 31, 2003Architect Handwriting Type 1 Font
ARCHITEC.ZIP86KJan 31, 2003Yet Another Architect Font
ARKOI8.ZIP28KJan 31, 2003Architect English-Russian (KOI-8 Char Set)
ARMAC.ZIP32KJan 31, 2003Architect E-R Truetype Mac Font
AUTOFONT.ZIP39KJan 31, 2003HP AutoFont Support System
BACH.ZIP157KJan 31, 2003Musicological font (symbols and numbers/Type 1+TT)
BARCOD39.ZIP5KJan 31, 2003Barcode Font
BEDROCK.ZIP18KJan 31, 2003Bedrock Font
BEFIT10.ZIP65KJan 31, 2003Scale fonts to fit document to page
BIZARR.ZIP36KJan 31, 2003Display Caps-Only Font of Shadowed Bizarre Chars
BK1251.ZIP132KJan 31, 2003Bukinist English-Russian TT font (code page 1251)
BK866.ZIP121KJan 31, 2003Bukinist English-Russian TT font (code page 866)
BKKOI8.ZIP118KJan 31, 2003Bukinist English-Russian TT font (Koi-8 charset)
BKMAC.ZIP136KJan 31, 2003Bukinist English-Russian TT font (Mac Cyrillic Charset)
BLKCHA.ZIP27KJan 31, 2003Black Chancery Type 1 Font
BLN_TTF.ZIP9KJan 31, 2003Beth-Luis-Nion Celtic ogham characters
BRLKIAMA.ZIP8KJan 31, 2003BrailleKiama 64 six-dot braille font set
BRUM.ZIP25KJan 31, 2003Birmingham a decorative Art Deco TT font
BURGTT.ZIP22KJan 31, 2003Burgundian v.1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
CAFONT11.ZIP15KJan 31, 2003CheckAllFonts, verification/search for PostScript fonts
CALIGU.ZIP29KJan 31, 2003Crude Calligraphic Bitmap Type 1 Font
CAS_INIT.ZIP12KJan 31, 2003CAS_INIT.TTF - A TT font for drop caps
CHITOWN.ZIP28KJan 31, 2003Chicago-like Type 1 Font
CHPSF301.ZIP89KJan 31, 2003Chinese characters in Kaishu style
CMPS1_64.ZIP83KJan 31, 2003View Fonts/Compose Chars
CO1251.ZIP151KJan 31, 2003Kurier English-Russian TT font (code page 1251)
CO866.ZIP128KJan 31, 2003Kurier English-Russian TT font (code page 866)
COCACOLA.ZIP13KJan 31, 2003Coca Cola Font
COKOI8.ZIP131KJan 31, 2003Kurier English-Russian TT font (Koi-8 charset)
COMAC.ZIP151KJan 31, 2003Kurier English-Russian TT font (Mac Cyrillic Charset)
COP_GOTH.ZIP29KJan 31, 2003Engraver-Light PS Font
CW_SRC.ZIP60KJan 31, 2003Source for
DIEGO1.ZIP50KJan 31, 2003San Diego?-like Type 1 Font
DMPFM153.ZIP26KJan 31, 2003DumpPfm: Printer Font Metrics Dumper (ver 1.53)
DOSFONTS.ZIP11KJan 31, 2003Change Fonts in DOS Window
DURANGO.ZIP54KJan 31, 2003Durango Font
DW101.ZIP22KJan 31, 2003DownWind: Soft font downloader
E_C.ZIP22KJan 31, 2003Capital letter TTF intended for ornamental Drop Caps
E_C_2.ZIP21KJan 31, 2003More Capital letters for Drop Caps
EGLATT.ZIP21KJan 31, 2003Eglantine v1.1 - Scriptorium Font Library
EMP_BLDR.ZIP72KJan 31, 2003Empire Builder 1.0 TT Font
ENYA.ZIP26KJan 31, 2003Inspired by Enya's Watermark Album
EUROPE20.ZIP66KJan 31, 2003European letters with diacritical marks (TT and ATM)
FINFO.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003FontInfo: Print/Display All Fonts
FMONST35.ZIP431KJan 31, 2003Font Monster v3.5 Font Management Util (ATM/TT)
FNTCNT.ZIP31KJan 31, 2003Font Control Panel
FNTLIN10.ZIP9KJan 31, 2003Stretch or rotate a line of text
FNTPRN.ZIP38KJan 31, 2003PCMAG's Font Cataloging Utility and Source
FNTSEE24.ZIP21KJan 31, 2003FontSee: Print All Available Fonts
FONTBO.ZIP90KJan 31, 2003FONTBOOK view onscreen or print typeface specimens
FONTC123.ZIP540KJan 31, 2003FontControl: ATM/TT/Type 1 Font Installer/Mgr [554k]
FONTER60.ZIP63KJan 31, 2003View, print, select from all installed fonts
FONTLIST.ZIP18KJan 31, 2003Font Enumeration Program (with C Source)
FONTS.ZIP801KJan 31, 2003PostScript Type 1 Screen Fonts
FONTSEE3.ZIP52KJan 31, 2003FontSee 3.0 font viewer for Windows
FONTSLZH.TXT2KJan 31, 2003Listing of files in fonts.lzh
FONTSPEC.ZIP198KJan 31, 2003FontSpec Pro Font Utility Program
FPOWER11.ZIP1MJan 31, 2003FontPower 1.1 - ATM/TrueType font manager
FSP60.ZIP342KJan 31, 2003FontSpec Pro font manager
GAEILGE1.ZIP60KJan 31, 2003Old Style Irish TT font
GAELACH.ZIP18KJan 31, 2003Irish/Gaelic/Gaeilge TrueType Font
GAL_TT.ZIP41KJan 31, 2003Gallaudet TrueType font
GARMND1.ZIP44KJan 31, 2003Garamond Type 1 Font
GARRETT.ZIP58KJan 31, 2003Yet Another Font
GC0651.EXE75KJan 31, 2003Latest update of the MS LineDraw font
GOODTT.ZIP22KJan 31, 2003Goodfellow v. 2.6 - Scriptorium Font Library
GRALIG.ZIP28KJan 31, 2003GraphicLight Type 1 Font
HEIDELBE.ZIP37KJan 31, 2003Calligraphic Heidelberg Font Like MacHumaine)
HERATT.ZIP25KJan 31, 2003Heraldry v 1.0 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
IGLESIA.ZIP48KJan 31, 2003Iglesia Font
JUGETT.ZIP85KJan 31, 2003Jugend v 1.3 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT)
KASHMIR.ZIP21KJan 31, 2003Houses Of The Holy/Led Zepplin Font
KAUFMANN.ZIP27KJan 31, 2003Kaufmann:Bold Screen Font
LOADFONT.ZIP152KJan 31, 2003Point-and-Shoot Fonts to the Printer
MACFONTX.ZIP279KJan 31, 2003Mac => PC Font Conversion Toolkit (Type 1 and Truetype)
MACHINEB.ZIP39KJan 31, 2003MachineBlock Font
MARIAGE.ZIP27KJan 31, 2003Mariage Screen Font
MASIS1P.ZIP100KJan 31, 2003Armenian Text font. (Previously Ararat; both ATM/TT)
MASNI1P.ZIP98KJan 31, 2003Narrow version of Masis Font (Armenian Lang; ATM/TT)
MIAMIB.ZIP27KJan 31, 2003Miami Beach Light Font
MIDD1.ZIP67KJan 31, 2003Middleton Type 1 Font
NEWS.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003News Screen Font
OKFONTS.ZIP24KJan 31, 2003Util to Check Systems Fonts
OLDTOWN.ZIP18KJan 31, 2003Old Town Screen Font
PA57.ZIP447KJan 31, 2003Printer's Apprentice Font Management System (v5.70)
PARSZIBA.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003Persian/Farsi True Type Fonts for Windows 3.1
PCX2FONT.ZIP35KJan 31, 2003Convert mono .PCX images to HPLJ portrait soft font
PFBVIEW.ZIP42KJan 31, 2003PFB File Viewer (beta)
PIE4MAP.ZIP10KJan 31, 2003Pie charts for maps - TrueType symbol font
PPFONT10.ZIP24KJan 31, 2003Windows font family, list, textmetrics function library
PREVIE.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003Preview1.0: A Tool to Preview Windows Fonts
PRIOR.ZIP25KJan 31, 2003Small Caps intended for ornamental use
PSX200.ZIP69KJan 31, 2003PSX - PostScript Soft Font Downloader
QUENYA11.ZIP15KJan 31, 2003Win3.1 Truetype font, Tengwar-Quenya ver 1.1
QUENYA16.ZIP114KJan 31, 2003Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT & ATM font w/ docs & util
RECYCLE.ZIP94KJan 31, 2003Recycle Font
REFONT11.ZIP27KJan 31, 2003Type 1 Font Utility: Use MAC Type 1 w/Windows ATM
RENTT.ZIP17KJan 31, 2003DOS Util to Rename TrueType Fonts
ROISSY.ZIP25KJan 31, 2003Roissy:Bold Screen Font
RR_FRGHT.ZIP158KJan 31, 2003Detailed Set of Freight Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/FF)
RR_PSNGR.ZIP125KJan 31, 2003Detail Set of Passenger Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/FF)
RR_ROMAN.ZIP127KJan 31, 2003AKA Railroad Roman TrueType Font, version 1.0
RRHERALD.ZIP117KJan 31, 2003The Railroad Heralds 1.2 Font (ATM/TT)
RRMODPAS.ZIP120KJan 31, 2003Set of Modern Passenger Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/TT)
RRTRACKS.ZIP86KJan 31, 2003Detailed Set of Train Track Segments (ATM/TT)
SAFATT.ZIP17KJan 31, 2003Romulus and Safari Demo True Type Fonts
SASOUN1P.ZIP79KJan 31, 2003Armenian Language Font (Sassoun) TT/ATM
SAVANNAH.ZIP70KJan 31, 2003Savannah Fats Font
SFONTS10.ZIP214KJan 31, 2003Greek/Hebrew/Latin fonts & Right to Left Util
SHOW.ZIP44KJan 31, 2003Type 1 Font
SIL_IPA.ZIP307KJan 31, 2003SIL Encore IPA Fonts (includes Type 1 fonts)
SIMPLE.ZIP18KJan 31, 2003TT Font Intended for ornamental use as Drop Caps
SLABFACE.ZIP91KJan 31, 2003SlabFace Font (very bold)
SMTFNT10.ZIP40KJan 31, 2003SmartFont font previewer with stay-on-top option
SNTFRA.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003Mac San Francisco Font
SORA.ZIP13KJan 31, 2003Korean (Hangul) truetype font
STARTT.ZIP1MJan 31, 2003STAR TrueType Fonts, set #2 for Graphic Artists [1.28m]
STENCILC.ZIP53KJan 31, 2003Stencil Font
STEVE.ZIP81KJan 31, 2003Handwriting font with all standard accents (tt/atm)
STFRANCI.ZIP67KJan 31, 2003StFrancis Font (like Mac San Francisco)
SYMBOL8.ZIP13KJan 31, 2003Symbol Screen Font
SYSFON10.ZIP19KJan 31, 2003Create your own Windows system fonts.
THEOTT.ZIP24KJan 31, 2003Theodoric v. 1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library
TIEMPO.ZIP46KJan 31, 2003Type 1 Font
TKRTAPE.ZIP31KJan 31, 2003Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TT/ATM)
TORAH.ZIP34KJan 31, 2003Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & ATM)
TSOLYANI.ZIP39KJan 31, 2003Solyani language truetype font
TTINFO.ZIP93KJan 31, 2003TrueType Information Utility
TTPRSPRO.ZIP93KJan 31, 2003Prospero TrueType Font
TYPEVW10.ZIP9KJan 31, 2003TypeView: Display/Print Available Faces (uses ATM)
TYPFAC31.ZIP31KJan 31, 2003Typefacial is a powerful typeface viewer
ULTRABLA.ZIP49KJan 31, 2003UltraBlack Font
UN1251.ZIP112KJan 31, 2003Univers English-Russian TT Font (1251 code page)
UN866.ZIP104KJan 31, 2003Univers English-Russian TT Font (866 code page)
UNKOI8.ZIP103KJan 31, 2003Univers English-Russian TT Font (KOI-8 Charset)
UNMAC.ZIP114KJan 31, 2003Univers English-Russian TT Font (Mac Cyrillic)
VBFONT.ZIP7KJan 31, 2003Display/Print Available Fonts
VECTRFON.ZIP12KJan 31, 2003Scalable Vector Screen Fonts
VIEWFONT.ZIP5KJan 31, 2003A small, simple, but attractive font previewer
VIREOFON.ZIP72KJan 31, 2003VireoFonts Font
WESTSD.ZIP53KJan 31, 2003Type 1 Font like the New Yorker Magazine
WGREEK18.ZIP290KJan 31, 2003WinGreek: Greek and Hebrew Package for Windows 3.x
WOAFON14.ZIP23KJan 31, 2003Larger Screen fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes
ZEPHYR.ZIP101KJan 31, 2003Zephyr 1.1 Train Font (ATM/TT)

154 files
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