If You Stutter, You're Not Alone is the axiom of the National Stuttering Project. National Stuttering Project is a non profit organization that provides Help and Hope for the stuttering community of America. NSP helped thousands meet the challenge f stuttering, and has local support groups nationwide. Milwaukee has an NSP support group and we meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the University Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Our normal meeting place and time are Cunningham Hall 1921 E. Hartford room G-40 at 5:30 p.m. On January 25 we plan to view a video of highlights at the NSP XI National Conference. The meeting place and time for this will be UWM Enderis Hall, 2400 E. Hartford, Room 859 at 5:30 p.m. If you are a stutter and feel alone or just interested in stuttering please come to our meetings. You will find a lot of support and caring. For more information please contact Tom Nowalis at 414-421-7131 after 6:00 p.m.