What is BBS Direct?

BBS Direct is the direct connection to the best bulletin board systems across the United States. With BBS Direct, you can connect from a CRC Net local access number directly to your favorite bulletin board systems for far less than the long-distance charges you would normally pay.

With a local telephone call, you can connect to CRC Net. Then you can use BBS Direct to travel to a selection of the country's largest and most popular bulletin board systems, using special hardware connections CRC maintains at each site. You will still sign up and create an account on these BBSs, paying their nominal annual fee, but instead of paying outrageous long distance charges, you can connect to these BBSs for a flat monthly rate via a local access number or a very low hourly rate via the 800 number.

BBS Direct offers you connections to dozens of systems, including:

CRC Net is the only telecommunications network that offers direct connections to popular bulletin board systems. Our prices and our selection are not only hard to beat --they're incomparable!

Map of BBS Sites

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