Vertrauen TELEGARD

[root] / CDROM: So Much Modem Madness (1993)

ADDSTATS.ZIP31KAug 21, 2002Telegard: Add-Stats - rewrite status.dat.
AGE27.ZIP8KAug 21, 2002Age-27; Creates age distribution graph for Telegard 2.7.
AGE27U.ZIP9KAug 21, 2002User-27 v1.00; This program will make a list of all (undel
AUTOLOGN.ZIP5KAug 21, 2002Auto-Logon features for Telegard 2.7 or Renegade 1.0 Beta
AVALID8.ZIP13KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Auto-Validate - let user autovalidate themse
BIGARD27.ZIP18KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Bi-Gard - the bimodem interface for Telegard
BW270_TG.ZIP179KAug 21, 2002Blue wave mail door for Telegard BBS, v2.7.
CALLGRAF.ZIP54KAug 21, 2002CALLGRAF v1.0: The actual graph consists of the number of
CENSOR10.ZIP12KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Censor v1.0.
CHCKUL10.ZIP12KAug 21, 2002CheckUL; Checks and modifies 'uploaded by' status in the f
CNUM10.ZIP7KAug 21, 2002CNUM is a utility designed to allow sysops to change the t
COLCU101.ZIP9KAug 21, 2002Color Changing Utility v1.01; This program rewrites the Us
DELUSR10.ZIP13KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Delete unvalidated users.
DESQTLGD.ZIP4KAug 21, 2002Telegard BBS set up for DESQview.
DISKM100.ZIP8KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Diskmetr v1.0 - lets sysop produce ANSI and
DUPCHECK.ZIP12KAug 21, 2002Telegard Duplicate User Checker v1.04 for Telegard v2.7+
DVTGSET4.ZIP6KAug 21, 2002How to get Telegard to work with Desqview.
EMRGCHAT.ZIP26KAug 21, 2002Emergency chat door for Telegard and Renegade BBS's. Passw
FDINSTAL.ZIP18KAug 21, 2002How 2 Setup Frontdoor w/ Telegard
FILPNT10.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002FilePnt v1.0 for Telegard BBS
FIXDSZ10.ZIP8KAug 21, 2002FixDSZLG v1.1 witten by Jack Lee. Fixes the DSZ log file p
HANGUP35.ZIP23KAug 21, 2002Send a nasty note to users who hang in TG2.7
HSL_TGB5.ZIP33KAug 21, 2002HSLK-TGI v1.00; HS\Link Bidirectional Protocol Interface f
IFGEN.ZIP12KAug 21, 2002Infoform Generator - a windowed information form generator
IMPORT21.ZIP30KAug 21, 2002AUTOMATIC; CD-Rom To Telegard Import Utility Used in conju
LOG200.ZIP18KAug 21, 2002Telegard multiple log viewer, for front-end mailers. 06/05
MDATE200.ZIP23KAug 21, 2002Msgdate v2.0 - for use with Telegard 2.5q - 2.7. Scans mes
MFILE300.ZIP28KAug 21, 2002MagnaFile v3.0 - ultimate file list compiler for Telegard
MGSUD151.ZIP38KAug 21, 2002Mgsudel v1.51 - use file delete utility for Telegard 2.7.
MMAIL101.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002MassMail v1.01 - a mass E-mailer utility for Telegard 2.7.
PASS27.ZIP34KAug 21, 2002Telegard password monitor v2.7e.
PBFLST41.ZIP59KAug 21, 2002PBFLIST v4.10 standard; "The ANSI Masterlist Generator for
Q_WHY.ZIP19KAug 21, 2002What Happened Yesterday! - Version 'Q' (for Telegard BBS)
QFGEN110.ZIP43KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7 - Quality Factor Generator.
QWTHR21.ZIP35KAug 21, 2002Weather Bulletin for Telegard bbs.
SCRLON10.ZIP5KAug 21, 2002Telegard: Scroll Lock On - turns your scroll lock on to in
STATS-37.ZIP31KAug 21, 2002Telegard Top Ten User Statistics v3.7 T-Stats is a door pr
SUPSC30.ZIP61KAug 21, 2002SuperScan Version 3.0β; - Upload integrity Shell Interface
T-TOP-2B.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002The Record Keeper v2.1β for Telegard BBS
TCALL142.ZIP37KAug 21, 2002Telegard callbBack utility. V1.42. Some things fixed/impro
TELE_TOP.ZIP20KAug 21, 2002Telegard Top Utility v1.0 -Platinum
TELEVIEW.ZIP19KAug 21, 2002Telegard archived text file viewer for 2.7
TELPAK_6.ZIP73KAug 21, 2002Telegard Utils for TG 2.7.
TFM26.ZIP71KAug 21, 2002Telegard File Manager v2.6
TG27.ZIP456KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7 Standard BBS System
TGATEST.ZIP8KAug 21, 2002Telegard Archive File Integrity Tester v2.0.
TGBDAY10.ZIP21KAug 21, 2002TGBDAY v1.00; Telegard Monthly Birthday Bulletin Generator
TGCR10.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002TGCR: Copy of a file called TG-REF updated to make it some
TGDEL200.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002Telegard Delete Utility; Deletes all users that have not c
TGDOCPL2.ZIP10KAug 21, 2002Supplemental docs for Telegard 2.7. 02/04/93.
TGDOCS.ZIP84KAug 21, 2002Docs to Telegard v2.7. 02/11/93.
TGFD102.ZIP11KAug 21, 2002TGFDLog! v1.0: A Telegard/FrontDoor Inbound History User L
TGFIL271.ZIP10KAug 21, 2002Telegard File List Utility v2.71.
TGFP4MSG.ZIP16KAug 21, 2002Telegard filepoints for messages posted v1.0.
TGHOW1A.ZIP49KAug 21, 2002Telegard BBS tricks, tips, SysOp help v1.0a
TGHOW_1.ZIP49KAug 21, 2002Telegard Tips: Setting Up and Configuring Telegard 2.7 for
TGHTCH12.ZIP18KAug 21, 2002TG-Hatch v1.2; Telegard Automatic Hatching Utility
TGM101.ZIP53KAug 21, 2002TG Menu Editor v1.01; TG Menu Edit is a replacement for Te
TGMLBL10.ZIP7KAug 21, 2002Telegard 2.7: Mailing Label - prints mailing labels from t
TGMLHELP.ZIP28KAug 21, 2002This is a little packet to help those who have been having
TGNEWS20.ZIP46KAug 21, 2002A news bulletin/manager for Telegard, but should work with
TGPAK.ZIP71KAug 21, 2002Some utilities for telegard bbs.
TGPCR200.ZIP31KAug 21, 2002TGPCR v2.0; Telegard Post/Call Information Door.
TGQUOT41.ZIP67KAug 21, 2002TGQuote v4.1 - Telegard Daily Quote Generator Uses the Tel
TGRSET16.ZIP16KAug 21, 2002TG-Reset v1.6; Do daily file initialization for Telegard o
TGSDN27A.ZIP132KAug 21, 2002Telegard Software Distribution utility for networking freq
TGSENT10.ZIP10KAug 21, 2002TGSENT v1.0; Telegard 'Sent' Status Toggler (for Telegard'
TGTDAY10.ZIP21KAug 21, 2002TGTODAY v1.0; A Telegard User, Who Did What, ANSI Bulletin
TGTYPE21.ZIP23KAug 21, 2002Telegard Type v2.1; Lets you type Telegard messages with c
TGU_140.ZIP95KAug 21, 2002Telegard utilities for 2.7 standard, v1.40.
TGUP141.ZIP81KAug 21, 2002TGUpload v1.41; Powerful file manager for Telegard 2.7 BBS
TGUQUIT.ZIP21KAug 21, 2002TGUQUIT - Telegard User Quit alarm For Telegard (any versi
TOPFLE11.ZIP12KAug 21, 2002Top 10 Downloaded files bulletin maker for Telegard BBS's.
TOPP10Q.ZIP8KAug 21, 2002Top ten posters generator for Teleguard 2.5a.
TOPUSER1.ZIP54KAug 21, 2002Allows the SysOp of a Telegard 2.7 board to rank his/her u
TSTATS10.ZIP14KAug 21, 2002Turbo-Stats v1.0; Reads various system files and relay the
TUSER10N.ZIP39KAug 21, 2002Telegard's TopUsers Bulletins v1.0n - for use with Telegar
TUSERS15.ZIP43KAug 21, 2002TopUsers v1.5 for use with Telegard 2.7 - a user statistic
UINFO94B.ZIP17KAug 21, 2002Information door for Telegard 2.7 BBS
UJUSTM13.ZIP10KAug 21, 2002Makes Telegard .MSG file of Last Caller! For the Telegard
UMV2.ZIP25KAug 21, 2002User Master; Complete offline user editor for TeleGard BBS
URWRD11.ZIP14KAug 21, 2002U-Reward v1.1 for Telegard 2.7.
USEGRF11.ZIP13KAug 21, 2002Usage Graph; Makes Telegard .MSG file of Daily System Usag
USER27.ZIP9KAug 21, 2002User-27 v1.00; Will make a list of all (undeleted) users o
USERCOMP.ZIP5KAug 21, 2002UserCompressor v1.00; Reads in your NAMES.LST and makes a
USERPACK.ZIP25KAug 21, 2002USERPACK v1.0; Userpack scans the Telegard UserList for Pu
USERPROF.ZIP27KAug 21, 2002User Profile v2.7 (for Telegard v.2.7) Creates both an .MS
USERST10.ZIP17KAug 21, 2002Telegard User Status Listing v1.0; Generates a text file o
USRBRT12.ZIP25KAug 21, 2002USERBIRT v1.2; User's Birthday Bulletin Generator. This on
VRES120.ZIP9KAug 21, 2002Voting Results v1.2; VRES is basically a bulletin generato
YELL.ZIP3KAug 21, 2002This is a Sysop menu command to work with Telegard and ren
YINFO130.ZIP15KAug 21, 2002Your Info: Displays Telegard BBS user stats
ZDOOR10.ZIP9KAug 21, 2002ZDOOR v1.0a. Telegard online door bulletin generator.
ZGRAPH10.ZIP16KAug 21, 2002Telegard: ZGraph v1.0 - Zlog usage graphing door.
ZLOGI120.ZIP16KAug 21, 2002Telegard: Zloginfo v1.20 - Zlog statistics message generat

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