Name | Size | Date | Description |
01A.GIF | 249K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Suzuki and a Dragster |
01B.GIF | 220K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Suzuki and a Dragster |
01C.GIF | 256K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Suzuki and a Dragster |
2BADCARS.GIF | 238K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 454 Chevelle SS and a 454 | Camaro SS A GIF picture of a 454 Chevelle SS and a 454
| Camaro SS
454CAM01.GIF | 239K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro |
454CAM02.GIF | 212K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro |
454CAM03.GIF | 223K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro |
454CAM04.GIF | 213K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 454 Camaro SS |
454CAM05.GIF | 216K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro SS | smoking the A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro SS
| smoking the tires
454CAM06.GIF | 221K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really nice 454 Camaro |
454CVLL.GIF | 184K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a white\blue 454 Chevelle SS |
68CAMAR1.GIF | 218K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of 68 Camaro at the track |
68CAMAR2.GIF | 226K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of 68 Camaro at the track |
AL2.ZIP | 83K | Jun 25, 2003 | AL2.SEC (c)Andy Stewart | Created with The Disney AL2.SEC (c)Andy Stewart
| Created with The Disney
| Animation Studio. FLICK.EXE
| needed to view. (Included)
| Now with sound!
BEE1.GIF | 155K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE2.GIF | 167K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE3.GIF | 173K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE4.GIF | 163K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE5.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE6.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE7.GIF | 158K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE8.GIF | 175K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BEE9.GIF | 159K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a wood boring Bee |
BIRD.GIF | 230K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a bird |
BIRDS.GIF | 274K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a dove and a cardinal |
BRIDGE1.GIF | 191K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the sign to viewing path | for the world' A GIF picture of the sign to viewing path
| for the world's longest single-arch steel
| span bridge
BRIDGE2A.GIF | 182K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the sign for Whitewater | rafting in the A GIF picture of the sign for Whitewater
| rafting in the New River gorge
BRIDGE2B.GIF | 178K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the sign mapping the | New River's rapids A GIF picture of the sign mapping the
| New River's rapids
BRIDGE_1.GIF | 217K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the New River Bridge the | world's longes A GIF picture of the New River Bridge the
| world's longest single-arch steel span bridge
| At 876 feet above the river it is 2nd highest
| bridge in America.It's in W.Virginia
BRIDGE_2.GIF | 285K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the New River Bridge |
BRIDGE_3.GIF | 212K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the New River Bridge |
BRIDGE_4.GIF | 310K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Fayette Station Bridge |
CHEV_SS.GIF | 163K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a red Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS1.GIF | 196K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 454 Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS2.GIF | 252K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 454 Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS3.GIF | 201K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS4.GIF | 211K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 396 Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS5.GIF | 135K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a white Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS6.GIF | 193K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Chevelle SS smoking | the tires A GIF picture of a blue Chevelle SS smoking
| the tires
CHEV_SS7.GIF | 204K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS8.GIF | 235K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice red\grey Chevelle SS |
CHEV_SS9.GIF | 259K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a black Chevelle SS |
CHEV_Z28.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of an early 70's red Z28 Camaro |
CHEVY2.GIF | 188K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a red Chevy II |
CHEVY_1.GIF | 206K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of pink\black Chevy streetrod |
CHEVY_2.GIF | 248K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of pink\black Chevy streetrod |
CORVETTE.GIF | 203K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a teal Corvette |
CRANE.GIF | 269K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a crane in a pond |
CTIO_23.ZIP | 7K | Jun 25, 2003 | GIF and TXT files of Shoemaker-Levy 9 | crashing into Jupi GIF and TXT files of Shoemaker-Levy 9
| crashing into Jupiter.
CTIO_COL.ZIP | 100K | Jun 25, 2003 | Shoemaker-Levy 9 colides with Jupiter |
CTIO_IMP.ZIP | 27K | Jun 25, 2003 | GIF and TXT files of Shoemaker-Levy 9's | fragments unitin GIF and TXT files of Shoemaker-Levy 9's
| fragments uniting with Jupiter
| European Southern Observatory
CUTL_442.GIF | 171K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a white 442 Cutlass |
DEMON1.GIF | 216K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Demon smoking tires |
DEMON2.GIF | 157K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Demon smoking tires |
DEMON3.GIF | 227K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Demon |
DEMON4.GIF | 244K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a blue Demon |
DOG1.GIF | 305K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of what appears to be a dog | swimming in th A GIF picture of what appears to be a dog
| swimming in the upper rapids at Niagara Falls
DOG2.GIF | 285K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of what appears to be a dog | swimming in th A GIF picture of what appears to be a dog
| swimming in the upper rapids at Niagara Falls
DOOMMORF.ZIP | 475K | Jun 25, 2003 | FLI of various DOOM characters morphing. | Includes AAPLAY FLI of various DOOM characters morphing.
| Includes AAPLAY.
DRAGST_1.GIF | 222K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice looking Dragster |
DRAGST_2.GIF | 242K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice looking Dragster |
DRAGST_3.GIF | 245K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice looking Dragster |
DRAGST_4.GIF | 175K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice looking Dragster |
ESOIMPAC.ZIP | 90K | Jun 25, 2003 | Spectacular images from the European Southern | Observator Spectacular images from the European Southern
| Observatory of Shoemaker-Levy 9 meeting its
| maker.
FALLS_1.ZIP | 3M | Jun 25, 2003 | Full-screen, executable video of Silver Creek | Falls- 20 Full-screen, executable video of Silver Creek
| Falls- 20 mi. E of Salem, OR. 386 or better
| .EXE format w/accompanying .VOC MultiMedia
FARM.GIF | 182K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a farm bordering on the | Susquehanna Riv A GIF picture of a farm bordering on the
| Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania
FIREBIRD.GIF | 201K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a grey Firebird |
FORD.GIF | 247K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a really sharp old Ford | StreetRod A GIF picture of a really sharp old Ford
| StreetRod
GEESE1.GIF | 288K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a flock of Geese in a pond |
GEESE2.GIF | 322K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a flock of Geese in a pond |
HELICOP.GIF | 264K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a helecoptor |
HELICOP1.GIF | 163K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Helicopter |
HORSES1.GIF | 312K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of some horses |
HORSES2.GIF | 347K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of some horses |
HORSES3.GIF | 338K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of some Horses |
HORSES4.GIF | 328K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Horse |
ISLAND.GIF | 268K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Goat Island in Niagara Falls |
LAKE.GIF | 170K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice lake at dusk |
LAKE_1.GIF | 159K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a lake |
LAKE_2.GIF | 210K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a lake |
LAKE_3.GIF | 152K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a lake |
MMIST01.GIF | 266K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Maid of the Mist VI |
MMIST02.GIF | 246K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Maid of the Mist III |
MMIST03.GIF | 239K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Maid of the Mist |
MODIFI_1.GIF | 233K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a homemade race car |
MODIFI_2.GIF | 244K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a homemade race car |
MOON1A.ZIP | 124K | Jun 25, 2003 | Detailed, self-viewing picture of the moon | PEGASCAN Part Detailed, self-viewing picture of the moon
MOON_1.ZIP | 127K | Jun 25, 2003 | ┌=-=-┤ YOU'VE GOT TO SEE THIS! =-=-=┐ | AN AMAZING PH ┌=-=-┤ YOU'VE GOT TO SEE THIS! ├=-=-=┐
| ║ Self Viewing * No Viewer Required! ║
| │ an original PEGASCAN │
| ║ Part of the SUN AND PLANETS SERIES ║
| └-=-=-=-=┤ UNBELIEVABLE!!!├=-=-=-=-=-┘
MOTORCYC.GIF | 192K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a motorcycle taken from | another motorcy A GIF picture of a motorcycle taken from
| another motorcycle
MUSTANG1.GIF | 208K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice Ford Mustang |
MUSTANG2.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a nice Ford Mustang |
N_FALLS1.GIF | 175K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
N_FALLS2.GIF | 241K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
N_FALLS3.GIF | 198K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
N_FALLS4.GIF | 161K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
N_FALLS5.GIF | 154K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
N_FALLS6.GIF | 239K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of Niagara Falls |
NOVA.GIF | 223K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 327 Chevy Nova |
OLDNOVA.GIF | 225K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a white older Nova |
OPEL_GT.GIF | 188K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a red Opel GT at the track |
PEPPER.GIF | 252K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a cat named Pepper |
PLAYHOUS.ZIP | 566K | Jun 25, 2003 | FPLAYH.FLI 3D animation in fli format for | Fantasy Playho FPLAYH.FLI 3D animation in fli format for
| Fantasy Playhouse BBS, San Diego, CA.
| Created by PCH Graphics Studio.
| Fantasy Playhouse BBS 619-268-3325
| PCH Graphics BBS 619-528-1546
RACCOON.GIF | 328K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Raccoon looking for a | handout A GIF picture of a Raccoon looking for a
| handout
RAINBOW.GIF | 200K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a rainbow |
RAPIDS1.GIF | 201K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the upper rapids at N.Falls |
RAPIDS2.GIF | 232K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the upper rapids at N.Falls |
RAPIDS3.GIF | 246K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the upper rapids at N.Falls |
RIVER1.GIF | 112K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the New River in W.Virginia |
RIVER2.GIF | 287K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the New River in W.Virginia |
ROADRUN.GIF | 197K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a RoadRunner at the track |
SHERATON.GIF | 147K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Sheraton Hotel over- | looking Niagar A GIF picture of the Sheraton Hotel over-
| looking Niagara Falls
SKYLON.GIF | 96K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Skylon Tower in N.Falls |
SL9V03.ZIP | 140K | Jun 25, 2003 | Image of comet impact on Jupiter. Same one | that is being Image of comet impact on Jupiter. Same one
| that is being shown on TV. >GIF format
SPIREXA.ZIP | 37K | Jun 25, 2003 | Shoemaker-Levy 9 + Jupiter = wonderful | images. This is Shoemaker-Levy 9 + Jupiter = wonderful
| images. This is from the South Pole Infrared
| Explorer. Fragment A
SPIREXG.ZIP | 48K | Jun 25, 2003 | Shoemaker-Levy 9's fragment G becomes dust. | Taken from t Shoemaker-Levy 9's fragment G becomes dust.
| Taken from the South Pole Infrared Explorer.
SRIVER1.GIF | 190K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Susquehanna River which | runs throug A GIF picture of the Susquehanna River which
| runs through the Appalachian Mountians in
| Pennsylvania
SRIVER2.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Susquehanna River |
SRIVER3.GIF | 180K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Susquehanna River |
SUPERBE1.GIF | 204K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a green SuperBee |
SUPERBE2.GIF | 176K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a green SuperBee |
SUZUKI_1.GIF | 234K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a Suzuki racing bike at the | track A GIF picture of a Suzuki racing bike at the
| track
SUZUKI_2.GIF | 194K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the same Suzuki. |
TOCA_ANS.ZIP | 7K | Jun 25, 2003 | ■≡=═-∙· -─═=≡■ | Toca ANSi Pictures ■≡=═----∙∙··· ···∙∙---─═=≡■
| │ Toca ANSi Pictures │
| ■-──────────────────────────────--■
| │ Amazing set of beautiful ANSi's │
| │ from the brazilian board named │
| │ TOCA DA RAPOSA. 4 outstanding │
| │ ANSi's drawn by the best at the │
| │ business. │
| ■-──────────────────────────────--■
TRANSAM.GIF | 203K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a 79-81 model TransAm at the | track A GIF picture of a 79-81 model TransAm at the
| track
TUNNEL.GIF | 242K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of the Big Walker Mountian Tun- | nel in Vir A GIF picture of the Big Walker Mountian Tun-
| nel in Virginia
VEGA_1.GIF | 201K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a red Vega at the track |
VEGA_2.GIF | 201K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a gray Vega at the track |
WHEELIE.GIF | 273K | Jun 25, 2003 | A GIF picture of a motorcycle doing wheelie |
ZEDCOMET.ZIP | 347K | Jun 25, 2003 | Here they are! First pics of the | Shoemaker-Levy Comet co Here they are! First pics of the
| Shoemaker-Levy Comet colliding with
| Jupiter taken from 3 different
| telescopes including the Hubble!
| Pics are in GIF format with info
| included direct from JPL/NASA
129 files
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