Name | Size | Date | Description | |
96CQA.EXE | 15.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS C+ sample code, dynamic array resizing | |
🔎︎ | AE23.ZIP | 30.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Asm Edit 2.3. Updated release of an all new editor tailore Asm Edit 2.3. Updated release of
an all new editor tailored for the
assembly language programmer. Smart
tabs, auto comments, more. Free pgm.
🔎︎ | ALL_C_TI.ZIP | 997.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | All Borland C Technical Information files Direct from the All Borland C Technical Information files
Direct from the Borland BBS. T
🔎︎ | ATC15.ZIP | 80.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Demo C library for Windows 3.1 app toolbars |
🔎︎ | BASXRF20.ZIP | 41.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Basic prog X-Ref v 2.0 : JN Goodale ASP Provides formatted Basic prog X-Ref v 2.0 : JN Goodale |
🔎︎ | BC4P06.ZIP | 107.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Borland C 4.0 Patch #6, Fixes problems in Run time library Borland C 4.0 Patch #6, Fixes problems in
Run time library.
🔎︎ | BMAG01_1.ZIP | 71.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | BMag Volume 1 number 1 April, 1994 edition. Copyright 1994 BMag Volume 1 number 1
April, 1994 edition.
Copyright 1994, Ken Witherow
Magazine devoted completely to
BASIC. This month's issue
describes how to interface
assembly language with BASIC.
Next month, the size will be
_MUCH_ larger and include
dozens of BASIC programs.
BNDREAD.EXE | 17.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS VB3 data control with bound Read only txtboxes MS VB3 data control with bound Read only
| |
🔎︎ | CANIMATE.ZIP | 98.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Visual Basic animation control |
🔎︎ | CLIPEXAM.ZIP | 2.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Visual Basic code sample showing how to clip cursor moveme Visual Basic code sample showing how to clip
cursor movement to a window or rectangle.
COMLYR.EXE | 724.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS Jet 2.0/VB3.0 Compatibity layer for MS Access 2.0 and V MS Jet 2.0/VB3.0 Compatibity layer for MS
Access 2.0 and Visual Basic 3.0 For VB
programers to use new Access 2.0 databases
under VB.
| |
🔎︎ | CZLIS100.ZIP | 231.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | CZLIST v1.00 CZLIST v1.00 |
DB_XL.EXE | 20.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS VBas3 sample transfers dbase data to Excel format MS VBas3 sample transfers dbase data to
Excel format
| |
🔎︎ | DFLAT_94.ZIP | 215.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Latest versions D-Flat and D-Flat+ the compliant C/C+ win Latest versions D-Flat and D-Flat++ the popular DOS text-mode CUA/SAA-
compliant C/C++ windowing libraries from Dr Dobbs Journal with full source code
of the most recent versions of both libraries. D-Flat/D-Flat++
🔎︎ | DFLT19.ZIP | 154.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | C source code for D-FLAT windowing system DDJ |
🔎︎ | DLIB06.ZIP | 136.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Programmers Graphics Library (using DIVE) for OS/2 Programmers Graphics Library (using DIVE)
for OS/2
🔎︎ | DNALIB7A.ZIP | 292.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | PowerBasic 3.0 GUI library supports mouse with many featur PowerBasic 3.0 GUI library supports mouse
with many features. Lib mngr/source.
🔎︎ | DOCZ16.ZIP | 714.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOCZ 1.6 DOCZ 1.6 |
🔎︎ | DVER.ZIP | 61.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | dVERSION is a program that will conditionally translate xB dVERSION is a program that will conditionally translate xBASE code. It
allows the programmer to have many versions of an application in one set of
source code. In addition, dVERSION offers an INCLUDE facility that can
insert code from specified files. ASP approved.
🔎︎ | EMSAW40S.ZIP | 26.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Huge arrays in ems memory. Up to 82mb, in Turbo Pascal, C, Huge arrays in ems memory. Up to 82mb, in
Turbo Pascal, C, Fortran, and other langs.
🔎︎ | FGL305F.ZIP | 54.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fastgraph/Light graphics library v3.05 FORTRAN source code Fastgraph/Light graphics library V3.05
FORTRAN source code for the example
programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide.
Use with FGL305A.ZIP.
FINDPRT.EXE | 17.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS Vbas3 sample, use findfirst methods on partial scrtring MS Vbas3 sample, use findfirst methods on
partial scrtrings
| |
FOCUSPRB.EXE | 17.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS Vbas sample design message box for validation MS Vbas sample design message box for
| |
🔎︎ | GCOOPE10.ZIP | 178.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Generic ANSI-C language OOP extension: Generic functions, Generic ANSI-C language OOP extension:
Generic functions, multiple inheritance,
automatic garbage collection, run-time
error checking, etc. No special pre-
processor required, compatible with
standard C libraries and code. Fully
portable ANSI C source code incl. This
is PUBLIC DOMAIN, user's group avail.
GENTHUNK.EXE | 45.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS C sample code, WOW and Generic Thunk | |
🔎︎ | GNUC100.ZIP | 293.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Port of the Gnu/Epsilon C Indenter to CodeWright. Rev 1.0 Port of the Gnu/Epsilon C Indenter to
CodeWright. Rev 1.00
🔎︎ | ICONPAL.ZIP | 56.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Icon Palette is a tool for Visual Basic for Windows. It a Icon Palette is a tool for Visual Basic for
Windows. It allows you to view a whole
directory of icons.
🔎︎ | IPXSPX20.ZIP | 66.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | IPX & SPX custom controls for Visual Basic 3.0. Version 2 IPX & SPX custom controls for Visual Basic
3.0. Version 2.0.
🔎︎ | KPINI.ZIP | 3.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | VB Module providing a higher level of abstraction for deal VB Module providing a higher level of
abstraction for dealing with INI files (i.e.
a set of "wrapper" functions laid on top of
the Windows API). Very nice.
🔎︎ | LANLIB10.ZIP | 94.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | LANLIB v1.0: library of routines written in assembler for LANLIB v1.0: library of routines written in
assembler for communication amongst multiple
PCs using the IPX protocol, the low-level
language spoken by Novell's NetWare;
designed to be called from C, but can with
assembler, C , Pascal, or any other language.
🔎︎ | LCMS.ZIP | 94.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Laurel COBOL Maintenance Support System 2.0 is a maintenan Laurel COBOL Maintenance Support System 2.0
is a maintenance programmer's productivity
improvement tool. This system converts
mainframe COBOL source programs into a
standard, more legible format, making it
easier to get a handle on what they're doing,
and thus shortening the time needed to
implement changes and/or enhancements.
Shareware from Laurel Computer Services, Inc.
🔎︎ | LIBOBJ.ZIP | 4.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | BreaksLIB files into .OBJ files. Handles LIB's that LIB it BreaksLIB files into .OBJ files. Handles
LIB's that LIB itself cannot always
recognise. Source. Programmers Tool.
LSTGRID.EXE | 17.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS sample VBas code, drag from list to grid | |
🔎︎ | LZW4C14.ZIP | 40.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | NAME: LZW Data Compression Library for C KEYS: LZW DATA CO NAME: LZW Data Compression Library for C
FILE: LZW4C14.ZIP VER: 1.4 DATE: June 94
REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $45.00
DSCR: LZW4C is a data compression library for
C programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as
published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv,
and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the
best generic compression algorithm known
today. Supports Borland Turbo C, Microsoft C,
and MIX Power C.
🔎︎ | LZW4P14.ZIP | 30.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | NAME: LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal KEYS: LZW DA NAME: LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal
FILE: LZW4P14.ZIP VER: 1.4 DATE: June 94
REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $45.00
DSCR: LZW4P is a data compression library for
Turbo Pascal programmers which uses the LZW
algorithm as published in research papers by
Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is
probably the best generic compression
algorithm known today.
🔎︎ | MC310PC1.ZIP | 198.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Micro-C 3.10-C compiler that creates SMALL com/exes Micro-C 3.10-C compiler that creates SMALL
🔎︎ | MDF121.ZIP | 119.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | MDIFF-MPATCH a complete shareware software to produce and MDIFF-MPATCH a complete shareware software
to produce and apply patches to your
programs and data files. Executables for
both Dos and OS/2 2.xx 32bit !
C++ libraries included.
🔎︎ | MFGUIDE.ZIP | 210.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mainframer's Guide to the IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 Assembler Langu Mainframer's Guide to the IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2
Assembler Language 3: A textbook supplement
for mainframe programmers incorporated with
the user manual for the Laurel PC Assembler
Program Development System. The software
supplies services for main programs by macros
and external subroutines similar to those in
MACLIB and LPALIB for the mainframe MVS OS.
Includes disk I/O, keyboard, printer, and
monitor facilities plus packed decimal math.
🔎︎ | MIKMOD43.ZIP | 52.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | MikMod V.0.43 - Source on how to make a modplayer using th MikMod V.0.43 - Source on how to
make a modplayer using the GUS V2.10
Lowlevel ToolKit and BC 3.1.
🔎︎ | MSGBLAST.ZIP | 84.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Message Blaster is a Visual Basic tool that allows VB prog Message Blaster is a Visual Basic tool that
allows VB programs to capture and respond to
any Windows message. W/docs, examples.
🔎︎ | OALRS100.ZIP | 53.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Online Assembly Language Reference Sample: v1.00. SAMPLE Online Assembly Language Reference Sample:
v1.00. SAMPLE from Expert Help database,
Describes 8086-80586 processors. Includes
assembler syntax, timing info., instruction
encoding, extensive discriptions, examples,
247 entries, 18,000 lines. By todd niec.
🔎︎ | OBJEAS30.ZIP | 734.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | ObjectEase 3.0 - The ULTIMATE interface library for all ve ObjectEase 3.0 - The ULTIMATE interface
library for all versions of Borland C++.
Complete support for both text and graphics
🔎︎ | OLE2BM.ZIP | 7.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sample VB code showing how to use OLE 2.0 in-situ editing Sample VB code showing how to use OLE 2.0
in-situ editing to edit a bitmap using MS
Paintbrush applet - from CIS MSBasic forum
OUTLNDRG.EXE | 17.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS VBas sample code, drag from outline to list MS VBas sample code, drag from outline to
| |
🔎︎ | PBINTX.ZIP | 20.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Clone of QuickBASIC's INTERRUPTX routine for PowerBASIC pr Clone of QuickBASIC's INTERRUPTX routine for
PowerBASIC programmers. Supports Absolute
Read/Write interrupts as well as half
registers which PB does not support natively.
🔎︎ | PCL4C41.ZIP | 85.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | NAME: Personal Communications Library for C KEYS: LIBRARY NAME: Personal Communications Library for C
FILE: PCL4C41.ZIP VER: 4.1 DATE: May 94
REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $65.00
DSCR: Asynch comm. lib supporting COM1-COM16
to 115200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, all
memory models, dumb DigiBoards & BOCA boards,
16550, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow
control. Supports Turbo & Borland C, MIX
Power C, Microsoft C, & Quick C. Includes
🔎︎ | PCL4P41.ZIP | 60.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | NAME: Personal Communications Lib for Pascal KEYS: LIBRARY NAME: Personal Communications Lib for Pascal
FILE: PCL4P41.ZIP VER: 4.1 DATE: May 94
REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $65.00
DSCR: PCL4P is an asynch communications
library supporting COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud,
4+ ports concurrently, dumb DigiBoards and
BOCA boards, INS16550, interrupt driven,
RTS/CTS flow control. Includes terminal
🔎︎ | PCOOPE21.ZIP | 140.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Polymorphing C language OOP extension: Virtual Functions, Polymorphing C language OOP extension:
Virtual Functions, multiple inheritance,
automatic garbage collection, run-time
error checking, multi-tasking, etc.
Fully portable ANSI C source code incl.
With basic library including threads,
sema4, named pipe, stream, etc. This is
PUBLIC DOMAIN, user's group available.
🔎︎ | PDSUTIL4.ZIP | 357.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Collection of Utility/Programming Examples in PDS 7.1 Collection of Utility/Programming Examples
in PDS 7.1
🔎︎ | PETERN.ZIP | 5.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | PeterN Turbo Pascal 7 Programmers Attach/Display text file PeterN Turbo Pascal 7 Programmers
Attach/Display text files to EXE
For programmers only
🔎︎ | PJ110.ZIP | 273.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | PJ V1.10 PJ V1.10 |
🔎︎ | PLPAK1.ZIP | 78.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | C+ custom controls for Windows 3.1 apps |
🔎︎ | PMASST.ZIP | 61.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Program Manager's Assistant - Windows Tool written in Visu Program Manager's Assistant - Windows Tool
written in Visual Basic - allows Program
Manager groups to be renamed, moved, and
🔎︎ | PMC08B.ZIP | 117.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | PMC 0.8b pre-release. 32bit extender for Borland C+ 4.0. PMC 0.8b pre-release. 32bit extender
for Borland C++ 4.0. Includes PMODE
3.01 extender and all source.
Experienced C/ASM programmers only!
🔎︎ | PROBO4.ZIP | 376.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | P-ROBOTS version 4.0 An action game for PASCAL programmers ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ ░░░░▒▒ P-ROBOTS -- Version 4.0 ▒▒░░░░ ║
║ A game for PASCAL programmers. Battle ║
║ robots programmed by others in a fight ║
║ with flying missiles, shields, cloaks, ║
║ and bombs. Ideal for the PASCAL "pro" ║
║ or beginner alike. Includes new "IDE" ║
║ or Integrated Development Environment. ║
║ *Freeware* Includes PASCAL source code! ║
╚════════════════════════════════════ |
🔎︎ | Q41SRC.ZIP | 106.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | DDJ Quincy interpreter v4.1 source code for Borland C, nee DDJ Quincy interpreter v4.1 source code for
Borland C, needs DFLAT 19 or higher
🔎︎ | QNC41.ZIP | 163.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | DDJ Quincy 4.1, interpreter for Borland C |
🔎︎ | RAYCST.ZIP | 150.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sample C+ code for ray casting |
🔎︎ | RES102.ZIP | 41.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | RES 1.02 - RES is a resource file management package for C RES 1.02 - RES is a resource file management
package for C++ developers. The advantages
of using resource files (files containing
other files) are increased speed, less wasted
disk space, and a much more professional
appearance. RES is a must for programs with
many data files.
🔎︎ | RKEY31TP.ZIP | 204.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | RegKey 3.10 Registration key system for Turbo Pascal. Add RegKey 3.10 Registration key system for Turbo
Pascal. Add registration key support to your
Turbo Pascal (DOS and Windows) programs.
Allows distribution of your software for
demonstration purposes. When a user pays for
your program, they receive a registration key
which switches your application into
registered mode, possibly enabling additional
🔎︎ | RKEY31VB.ZIP | 184.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | RegKey 3.10 Registration key system for Visual Basic. Add RegKey 3.10 Registration key system for
Visual Basic. Add registration key support to
your Visual Basic for Windows programs.
Allows distribution of your software for
demonstration purposes. When a user pays for
your program, they receive a registration key
which switches your application into
registered mode, possibly enabling additional
🔎︎ | RUKQ1D.ZIP | 512.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | RUCKUS: BASIC tool kit for Soundblaster, AdLib, OPL synth. RUCKUS: BASIC toolkit for SoundBlaster,
AdLib, OPL synth. Digital VOC,WAV,MOD,
& MIDI in GM & MT-32, CMF, and ROL-cnv.
Has MM demo of GUS, OPL3 2/4op stereo,
MPU-401 playback sequencer.
🔎︎ | SCH110A.ZIP | 587.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | SCHOONER 1.10A SCHOONER VERSION 1.10 |
🔎︎ | SCH110B.ZIP | 587.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | SCHOONER 1.10B SCHOONER VERSION 1.10 |
SEEKLST.EXE | 18.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS VBas sample code, seeking with table object MS VBas sample code, seeking with table
| |
SETUPK3.EXE | 101.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS Visual Basic 3 fixes for Setup toolkit/wizards MS Visual Basic 3 fixes for Setup
| |
🔎︎ | SIMPWN70.ZIP | 177.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mouse routines for C with source |
🔎︎ | SK210F.ZIP | 128.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Ten TP/BP non-OOP units incl. color sel., cmd line parsing Ten TP/BP non-OOP units incl. color sel.,
cmd line parsing, complex arith., file crc
calc., date manipulation, error message
control, financial calc., generic lists,
long strings, low level utilities. Now
supports protected mode. TPRO 5.22+ req.
Integrated test suite. Free for non-
commercial use. Upl. by Author.
🔎︎ | SNPDW3.ZIP | 125.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP_P) DW3.0 StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP_P) DW3.0 |
SQLSMTS.EXE | 18.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS VBas sample, using SQL from list | |
🔎︎ | SVGACC21.ZIP | 213.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | SVGACC.LIB-ver 2.0-is a high-res, 256-color graphics libra SVGACC.LIB-ver 2.0-is a high-res, 256-color
graphics library for MS & Borland C/C++. It
recognizes 20 different SVGA cards, allows
programming in 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and
1024x768 256-color modes. Capabilities:
hardware id; simple primitives; 2D/3D points,
joystick/mouse support, GIF encode/decode;
paging; XMS; palettes; bitmaps and sprites.
🔎︎ | SVGAPB21.ZIP | 236.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | SVGAPB.LIB v2.1 - high-res, color graphics library for SP SVGAPB.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics
library for SP PowerBASIC. It recognizes more
than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in
320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x1024 256-color modes. Functions include
hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick and
mouse support, 2D & 3D functions, sprite
animation, and GIF encoding & decoding.
🔎︎ | SVGAPV21.ZIP | 225.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | SVGAPV.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics library for M SVGAPV.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics
library for MS PDS/VBDOS. It recognizes more
than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in
320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x1024 256-color modes. Functions include
hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick and
mouse support, 2D & 3D functions, sprite
animation, and GIF encoding & decoding.
🔎︎ | SVGAQB21.ZIP | 223.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | SVGAQB.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics library for M SVGAQB.LIB v2.1 - a high-res, color graphics
library for MS-QBasic 4.x. It recognizes more
than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in
320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x1024 256-color modes. Functions include
hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick and
mouse support, 2D & 3D functions, sprite
animation, and GIF encoding & decoding.
🔎︎ | SWAG9405.ZIP | 428.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 5/28/94. OVER 150 New Items. NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 5/28/94.
OVER 150+ New Items. From Sourceware
Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v2.8 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your
disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group)
is a collection of source code and
program examples for the PASCAL
language. Over 56 catagories covering
every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST
complete PASCAL reference libraries
available. This is ONLY the update. Get
🔎︎ | SWAGA_C.ZIP | 222.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | SWAG PASCAL snippets from A-C. 05/28/94, Needs READER.EXE SWAG PASCAL snippets from A-C. 05/28/94,
Needs READER.EXE contained in SWAG.ZIP.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. There
are 56 catagories covering every aspect
of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete
PASCAL reference libraries available.
Over 150+ NEW items in this release.
🔎︎ | TCYBER20.ZIP | 234.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | TURBO VISION CYBERTOOLS v2.00 - Turbo Vision graphics, Par TURBO VISION CYBERTOOLS v2.00 - Turbo Vision
graphics, Paradox and async tools for TP7 and
BP7. Provides fast fonts, graphics, PCX
images, sprites, bit map animation, DAC
palettes, 256 color animator, powerful
generic browser window, memo editor, easy
Paradox engine configuration, automatic
locks, validation, and complete multi-
session ANSI/VT100 terminal package.
🔎︎ | TOOLBR11.ZIP | 64.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Visual Basic controls that allow easy creation of button b Visual Basic controls that allow easy
creation of button bars and status bars in
any Visual Basic 2.0 or higher application.
🔎︎ | TPAL4C10.ZIP | 100.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | TPAL4C v1.00 library for C/C+ users. 11 routines for fadin TPAL4C v1.00 library for C/C++ users...
11 routines for fading the current TEXT
palette! Make your programs look alot
more professional with fading palettes
in TEXT mode not a graphic mode!
Also 32 fonts to use in your programs!
Easy to add custom fonts to your program!
Shareware ($15) by Peak Computing.
June 1994 - -
The monthly electronic magazine containing
Turbo Pascal source code given out over
echoed conferences such as Rime and
All code is listed by subject and author.
Over 50 different Turbo Pascal source code
Free of charge.
From the desk of William Rozmiarek.
🔎︎ | TPPICS.ZIP | 92.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | An excellent method of interactively drawing graphics in a An excellent method of interactively drawing
graphics in a Turbo Pascal 7.0 program.
🔎︎ | VB_SMPL.ZIP | 195.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | VisualBasic Code Samples: 5-02-94 BNDREAD.EXE 17517 Bound VisualBasic Code Samples: 5-02-94
BNDREAD.EXE 17517 Bound Read-Only Text
CDPLAY.EXE 44766 Musical CD Player
DB-XL.EXE 20798 from DB to Excel
FINDPRT.EXE 17584 FindFirst on Strings
FOCUSPRB.EXE 17728 Tracking Controls
OUTLNDRG.EXE 17760 from Outline to List
PRTPREV.EXE 28817 Add Print Preview
SEEKLST.EXE 18712 Seeking w/ Table Obj
SQLSMTS.EXE 18787 Using SQL from List
🔎︎ | VBASM.ZIP | 32.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Extremely useful routines written in ASM and bundled in a Extremely useful routines written in ASM and
bundled in a Windows dll for use with VBasic
applications. Included are the DLL, VB
declarations for all routines,
documentation, and sample applications.
🔎︎ | VBFAQHLP.ZIP | 53.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Visual BASIC for Windows FAQ inHLP format |
🔎︎ | VBINT.ZIP | 44.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Extremely powerful DLL that gives VB programmers the abili Extremely powerful DLL that gives VB
programmers the ability to generate
DOS interrupts and evaluate the results.
Simply a *must* for VB programmers!
Written in Visual C++ (DPMI) so it's very
fast and very compatible with the Windows
*FREEWARE* - Free support in MSBASIC
forum on Compuserve.
🔎︎ | VBTIPS17.ZIP | 143.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.7-Help File for VB WIN/DOS. Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.7-Help File
for VB WIN/DOS. Also contains tips and
tricks on Windows Help Files. Topics
included are: Visual Basic for DOS,
Visual Basic for Windows, Windows 3.1
Help Files, Other Sources of Help,
Programmer Tools and VB Program Updates
and more. In this issue you can
enter a contest and win a
programmers book of your choice!
Freeware from DPM Computer Solutions.
Released on 5/30/94
🔎︎ | VCM.ZIP | 446.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Version Control & Maintenance System is an application The Version Control & Maintenance System is an application that allows
either the client or the programmer to maintain source code.
As a client, this system allows you to obtain the latest updated source
code. As a programmer, this system allows you to maintain another
programmer's database of source code. At the same time, other programmers
can keep up with your modifications. All without the need to 'check-out'
program files. ASP approved.
Note: This is a Foxpro application and requires th
🔎︎ | VMAG4.ZIP | 276.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Electrified Visual Basic Magazine Issue # 4. A magazine do Electrified Visual Basic Magazine. A
magazine done as a Windows Help file.
It has hypertext jumps, pop-up windows,
search and print capabilities. It has
reviews of commercial & shareware V.B.
add-ons, how to articles, V.B. Tips
and tricks and more. Reviews have color
screen shots. Issue #4
🔎︎ | VPRT22B6.ZIP | 161.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | VPrint v2.2 Public Beta #6 (exp 5/31/94) Complete package VPrint v2.2 Public Beta #6 (exp 5/31/94)
=> Complete package for new users <=
A new Visual Basic/Windows source code
printer with options for fonts (code,
page header, comments, sub headers,
declarations), indiv subs, line
numbering, print formats, moremore...
[B5:05/18/94 Final Beta]
🔎︎ | VURTUAL.ZIP | 147.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | New programming language/environment |
🔎︎ | WAVMIX.ZIP | 353.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Microsoft's WAVEMIX.DLL update - improves on the one suppl Microsoft's WAVEMIX.DLL update - improves on
the one supplied with MS Arcade and includes
a programming library for Windows games
🔎︎ | WCLIB11.ZIP | 33.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | PC-Mag Utility - A dynamic link library for the WINCMD uti PC-Mag Utility - A dynamic link library for
the WINCMD utility
93 files listed
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