Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | 3NSH160.ZIP | 179.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | NETSHIELD version 1.60 (V113), anti-virus (04-01-94) NLM f NETSHIELD version 1.60 (V113), anti-virus
(04-01-94) NLM for Novell NetWare
3.11/3.12/SFT-III servers. Tested and
Approved by Novell, Inc.
🔎︎ | ANSICHK8.ZIP | 58.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Ansichk v8.0, checks for ansi bombs |
🔎︎ | APGP200.ZIP | 135.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | AutoPGP v2.00 rel 5.4.94 Offline e-mail encryption with PG AutoPGP v2.00
Revised 1994/05/04
Offline e-mail encryption with PGP.
Supports XBoard and Offliner, as well as
any QWK mail reader. Encrypts, decrypts
and signs messages or part(s) of a
message; inserts/extracts public keys
and ascii armoured files + much more!
Requires PGP23A.ZIP. Shareware.
🔎︎ | AVPUP20E.ZIP | 53.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Antiviral Toolkit Pro by: Eugene Kaspersky This archive co Antiviral Toolkit Pro by: Eugene Kaspersky
This archive contains UPDATE E for version
2.0 released 7/13/94. Contains USA
Order Form see -=> USAORDER.DOC
🔎︎ | AVS154.ZIP | 309.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | AVS v1.54 Virus Scanner package from Germany. Excellent p AVS v1.54 Virus Scanner package from
Germany. Excellent package.
🔎︎ | BLK401.ZIP | 17.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | BootLock 4.01 04/18/94 Foley Hi-Tech BootLock 4.01 04/18/94
BootLock allows you to lock out the use of
[CTRL][ALT][DEL], [CTRL]C, and/or
[CTRL][BREAK]. New version can be loaded
as a Device Driver or TSR. You can also
define a "user defined" key to lock out.
BootLock can be unloaded and Loaded into Hi
Memory. Shareware registration form and
manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
🔎︎ | CHILLNAV.ZIP | 95.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fix for the Chill Touch Virus from Norton Anti-Virus Fix for the Chill Touch Virus from Norton
🔎︎ | CLEAN117.ZIP | 269.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | CLEAN-UP Virus Remover version 117. (07-15-94) Removes vir CLEAN-UP Virus Remover version 117.
(07-15-94) Removes viruses from MS-DOS
computers and MS-DOS compatible network file
🔎︎ | CODEIT_.ZIP | 29.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Decodes messages by Replacing characters. Can be used to c Decodes messages by Replacing characters.
Can be used to code messsages also.
🔎︎ | CRYPCHAL.ZIP | 53.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bob Stout's experimental encrypt/deccrypt program from the Bob Stout's experimental encrypt/deccrypt
program from the C Echo.
🔎︎ | CRYPT25.ZIP | 35.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Crypt Newsletter #25 Monthly Newsletter concerning Compute Crypt Newsletter #25
Monthly Newsletter concerning Computer
Viruses and assorted topics of interests.
Written by: *Urnst Kouch*
🔎︎ | DES16.ZIP | 37.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | DES16 - 16-Bit MS-Windows DLL and MS-DOS libraries perform DES16 - 16-Bit MS-Windows DLL and MS-DOS libraries perform
the NBS Data Encryption Standard (DES) in Electronic Code
Book (ECB) mode. ANSI Standard X3.92-1981.
🔎︎ | DSAV0494.ZIP | 30.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Anti-Virus DOS signatures for MS-DOS v6.x or Central Point Anti-Virus DOS signatures for MS-DOS v6.x or
central point anti-virus v1.x. dated 4-8-94
on sig listing. Direct from CP/MS bbs.
🔎︎ | EID220.ZIP | 128.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Encrypt-It v2.20 for DOS - Secure File Encryption. Encrypt-It v2.20 for DOS - Secure File
🔎︎ | EZPGP107.ZIP | 29.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | EZ-PGP version 1.07. Simple, self-configuring program to l EZ-PGP version 1.07. Simple and
self-configuring program to link PGP and any
off-line mail-reader. Includes installation
instructions for Bluewave and OLX. Handles
the Fidonet to Internet addressing kludge
very well! Best of all, this program is
freeware, distributed to help mankind! Free
voice support! (Really)
🔎︎ | FP212C.ZIP | 473.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | F-PROT version 2.12c - June 1994 The F-PROT anti-virus pac F-PROT version 2.12c - June 1994
The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a
virus scanner combined with a disinfection
program, as well as a resident monitoring
program for intercepting known viruses.
This program is free of charge for private
users, but others are required to register
or obtain the 'Professional' version - see
the documentation for details.
🔎︎ | FP_213.ZIP | 472.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | 7/94 release of excellent antivirus program; free to indiv 7/94 release of excellent antivirus program;
free to individual users.
🔎︎ | I_M222.ZIP | 317.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.22a Virus scanner and and data Int INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.22a Virus scanner and
and data Integrity! Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses!
Hardware glitches, software bugs, even
deliberate sabotage are detected. If a virus
strikes, Integrity Master identifies it by
name and (unlike other programs) also
indentifies any damage caused by the virus.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and now provides full CMOS protection!
🔎︎ | KOH.ZIP | 25.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | On-the-fly disk encryption system |
🔎︎ | MPACK4PC.ZIP | 40.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mpack/Munpack for en/uncoding binary files in MIME format Mpack/Munpack for en/uncoding binary files
in MIME format
🔎︎ | N1A08.ZIP | 109.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | NORTON AntiVirus for NetWARE 6.1.94 |
🔎︎ | NAVUPDAT.ZIP | 95.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Norton Anti-Virus update includes Chill Touch |
🔎︎ | OCLN117.ZIP | 283.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | CLEAN for OS/2 2.0(GA) and above (07-15-94) virus remover CLEAN for OS/2 2.0(GA) and above (07-15-94)
virus remover Version 117. Works with HPFS
and OS/2 extended filenames.
🔎︎ | OSC_210E.ZIP | 326.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | VirusScan for OS/2 version 2.1.0 7/19/94 virus data files VirusScan for OS/2 version 2.1.0 7/19/94
virus data files by McAfee, Inc. Scans
and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new
viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.
🔎︎ | OSCAN117.ZIP | 251.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | VIRUSCAN for OS/2 2.0(GA) and above (07-15-94) virus detec VIRUSCAN for OS/2 2.0(GA) and above
(07-15-94) virus detector Version 117.
Works with HPFS and OS/2 extended filenames.
🔎︎ | RISK10.ZIP | 175.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | RISKIT automates Risk Analysis of sabotage and attack on y RISKIT automates your fight against
computer warfare by IDENTIFYING risks,
MEASURING the likelihood & impact of
loss using a modified ALE approach,
and CONTROLLING risks by building
ACTION PLANS. DOS 5.0+, less than
1 MB. Contact: Brian Risman .
🔎︎ | SCANV117.ZIP | 250.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | VIRUSCAN Version 117 - scans (07-15-94) for known and unkn VIRUSCAN Version 117 - scans (07-15-94) for
known and unknown computer viruses. detects
all common viruses (file, boot sector,
partition table infectors) with option to
overwrite and delete infected files. Now
scans both local and network
drives--replaces NETSCAN.
🔎︎ | SCN_210E.ZIP | 298.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | VirusScan for DOS new version 2.1.0 7/19/94 by McAfee, Inc VirusScan for DOS new version 2.1.0
7/19/94 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new
viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+.
🔎︎ | SCN_SMEG.ZIP | 95.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Emergency release from mcafee anti virus to scan for the S Emergency release from mcafee anti virus to
scan for the SMEG Virus. May 1994
🔎︎ | SEC15.ZIP | 38.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | THE Security System for your PC Security! V1.5
THE Security System for your PC
║ Security! v1.5 ║
🔎︎ | SECDEV13.ZIP | 110.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Disk encryption system using device driver & |
🔎︎ | TBAV620.ZIP | 259.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The Most Complete Anti-Virus Syst Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete
anti-virus system available. Included are
TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,
TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.
🔎︎ | TSCN504.ZIP | 412.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | TranScan 5.04 - Update patch. This file contains an update TranScan 5.04 -- Update patch.
This file contains an update patch to
update TranScan 5.00, 01, 02, or 03 to
5.04. This patch MAY be distributed
on BBSs. TranScan v5+ is a commercial
program available for $35 from
Shareware Services. Call 1-800-578-3061
or 913-266-2287. MC & Visa accepted.
🔎︎ | TSCNTD.ZIP | 262.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | TRANSCAN Test Drive ASP - The Premium File Scanner & Conve TRANSCAN Test Drive |
🔎︎ | VDS30K.ZIP | 261.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0 An up-to-date anti-virus VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0
An up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM
PCs with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support.
It features a fast scanner, a robust
integrity checker, real-time decoy launcher,
and a generic virus remover. Its user
interface is one of the most functional in
the market. This is the shareware release of
the military-grade "Pro" version.
🔎︎ | VDS30M.ZIP | 269.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0 An up-to-date anti-virus VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0
An up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM
PCs with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support.
It features a fast scanner, a robust
integrity checker, real-time decoy launcher,
and a generic virus remover. Its user
interface is one of the most functional in
the market. This is the shareware release of
the military-grade "Pro" version.
🔎︎ | VIRDT116.ZIP | 74.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Virus Data File 116 for Netshield 1.60 from McAfee BBS. Virus Data File 116 for Netshield 1.60 from
McAfee BBS.
🔎︎ | VIRL7053.ZIP | 20.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Virus l digest |
🔎︎ | VIRL7054.ZIP | 22.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Virus L digest |
🔎︎ | VIRL7055.ZIP | 21.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Virus L digest |
🔎︎ | VSH_210E.ZIP | 389.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | VShield version 2.1.0 7/19/94 by McAfee, Inc. Memory-resi VShield version 2.1.0 7/19/94 by McAfee,
Inc. Memory-resident (TSR) virus
protection and prevention. Auto-loads
into RAM above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3+, 67Kb.
🔎︎ | VSHLD117.ZIP | 143.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | VSHIELD Virus Prevention TSR (07-15-94) Version 117. Memo VSHIELD Virus Prevention TSR (07-15-94)
Version 117. Memory resident program to
monitor program loads on ALL drives, prevent
known viruses from becoming resident or
spreading on systems. Also Prevents Boot
Sector infections.
🔎︎ | VYNCH_2.ZIP | 65.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | VOYNICH - data encryption program |
🔎︎ | WCRK10.ZIP | 12.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | WinCrypt Decryption Program Cracks ASCII text encrypted wi WinCrypt Decryption Program
Cracks ASCII text files that were
encrypted with PC Magazine's
WinCrypt utility. Works best
on files 10K or larger. Pascal
source code included.
🔎︎ | WSC_210E.ZIP | 461.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | VirusScan for Windows new version 2.1.0 7/19/94 by McAfee, VirusScan for Windows new version 2.1.0
7/19/94 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new
viruses. Requires Windows 3.1+.
🔎︎ | WSCAN117.ZIP | 303.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | WSCAN Version 117 SCAN for WINDOWS 3.x Windows Version of WSCAN Version 117 SCAN for WINDOWS 3.x
Windows Version of VIRUSCAN
47 files listed
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