Vertrauen Assembly language source code, libraries

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Feb 1995)

V80X0393.ZIP169KMay 03, 2024ASM snippet collection from 80XXX FidoNet echo
V8668_101.ZIP33KMay 03, 2024x86 to 68000 source-code converter v1.01
VA86CNVRT.ZIP35KMay 03, 2024How to convert MASM files to A86 format
VA86V372.ZIP167KMay 03, 2024Isaacson's ShareWare assembler v3.72
VAFIXV100.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Conversions for 61 PC Mag MASM files to A86
VALIB30.ZIP785KMay 03, 2024Library of assembler functions with source
VAMISL091.ZIP64KMay 03, 2024Src lib to create highloading removable TSRs
VASM_0_M.ZIP686KMay 03, 2024ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 1/2
VASM_N_Z.ZIP670KMay 03, 2024ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 2/2
VASMED_1.ZIP84KMay 03, 2024Editor making integrated env for TASM/MASM
VASMENV19.ZIP118KMay 03, 2024ASMEnv v1.9: Borland-style IDE for TASM/MASM
VASMHELP.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024MASM Assembler help files w/docs & examples
VASMLIB37.ZIP177KMay 03, 2024Herr's library of ASM language subroutines
VASMTUTOR.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024A well done ASM tutorial by Joshua Auerbach
VASMU22.ZIP29KMay 03, 2024ASM PD/ShareWare addons directory, Dec'94
VASMV22.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Directory of assembler addon producers, Dec'94
VASMWIN13.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Assembly language windowing routines for TASM
VASMWIZ16.ZIP79KMay 03, 2024Assembly Wizard's Lib. 1.6 for ASM programming
VBIN.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Drop-in replacement for EXE2BIN
VBLUEBOOK.ZIP58KMay 03, 2024Waite Groups ASM language Bluebook source code
VBXD26.ZIP24KMay 03, 2024BrandX full-screen debugger, v2.6
VCHASM4.ZIP104KMay 03, 2024CHeap ASseMbler (freeware)
CKCOMPAQ.ASM2KMay 03, 2024Return if system is COMPAQ
VCONV_A11.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Case conversion util for Assembly language src
VD86BIOS4.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024D86's BIOS interface for unusual machines, v4
VD86V372.ZIP88KMay 03, 2024Isaacson's ShareWare debugger v3.72
VDBUG2.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024Inspect and change bytes in a file
VDDKIT.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Device driver writing kit
VDEBUGTUT.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Tutorial on the use of DEBUG
VDOSEXEC.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Demonstrates how to use MS-DOS EXEC function
VEMSTULKT.ZIP345KMay 03, 2024Multi-language EMS library w/docs from Intel
VEXECOM14.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Exe2Com v1.04 by Chris Dunford (w/MSC source)
EXTND.IQC4KMay 03, 2024MASM macros for NEC V20/V30 instructions
VGOSPEED.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Sample code to detect if TSR is already loaded
HRESLINE.AQM12KMay 03, 2024Hires graphics routine to draw lines on CGA
VLOADEMS.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024ASM example of load & execute from EMS memory
LOOP.ASM3KMay 03, 2024Demonstrates block transfers of memory
VLW286.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference
VLW86.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Pop-up help for 8086/80186 instruction set
VMAC8080.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024TASM macros to assemble 8080 code
VMASTRENV.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024ASM source - find the DOS master environment
MRESLINE.AQM24KMay 03, 2024Mediumres graphics routine to draw line on CGA
VNEWTSR1.ZIP1KMay 03, 2024TSR function for assembly language programmers
VNOR_ASMB.ZIP93KMay 03, 2024Norton ASM langauge rtns for disk file patcher
VOVL301.ZIP91KMay 03, 2024Overlay manager, linkable+standalone versions
VPDVIM.ZIP34KMay 03, 2024Virtual machine PC-AT emulator
VPRENV.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Read a program's parent's environment w/ASM
VPRIAC1.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Displays IAC area at 40:00F0 w/ASM
VPRIMER2.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Whitman's ASM language primer for beginners
VPROBE.ZIP34KMay 03, 2024Analyze program performance
VREADOBJ.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Dump Microsoft .OBJ & .LIB files, w/'C' source
VRTOOLS.ZIP247KMay 03, 2024Macro assembler/editor w/high-level structures
SALLY.ASM3KMay 03, 2024Structured Control Macros for MASM
VSOUNDEXA.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Assembly language source for soundex routine
VSTDLIB.ZIP143KMay 03, 2024Standard Library for 8086 ASM programmers
VSTRUCA86.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Macros for structured programming in A86
VSWITCH.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Demonstrates how to read command line switches
VTBONES07.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024Skeletal ASM programs for programming TSRs
VTEMPLATE.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Douglas Boling's MASM template for a TSR pgm
TESTNMI.ASM2KMay 03, 2024Fiddle with NonMaskable Interrupts
VTRACE.ZIP38KMay 03, 2024Interrupt tracer w/ASM/com files
VTSRDEMO.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM)
VTSRDEMO2.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM)
VUNLOAD86.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Unload executable to Intel HEX format
VUSOFTPD.ZIP31KMay 03, 2024Assembler macros for use with MASM 5*.*0
VWASM202.ZIP91KMay 03, 2024Wolf's Shareware assembler
VX2B11.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024EXE2BIN replacement (tweaked ASM src) v1.1
VXLT86.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024to 8086 ASM translater, w/ASM source
VXRAY15.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Displays interrupts/calls during pgm execution
VZENDISK1.ZIP63KMay 03, 2024Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #1
VZENDISK2.ZIP106KMay 03, 2024Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #2

71 files
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