Vertrauen Bulletin board (BBS) programs and utilit

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Feb 1995)

V125ADEV.ZIP31KMay 03, 2024Powerboard BBS 1.25A Developer's Kit
V2AM3_1A.ZIP72KMay 03, 2024Documentation for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw
V2AM3_2A.ZIP121KMay 03, 2024Files and utils for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw
V2AM3_3A.ZIP130KMay 03, 2024System executables for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw
V2DAPNT15.ZIP79KMay 03, 2024FidoNet mail bundler; fully supports points
VABOOT200.ZIP17KMay 03, 2024Monitor disk/modem, reboot BBS if no activity
VACF540R0.ZIP334KMay 03, 2024QBBS/RA/SBBS total file system w/CD-ROM supprt
VALFV10.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Header-maker for SpitFire BBS file-lists
VANSWER2.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Answer modem calls when BBS is down, takes msg
VARCA05.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Multi-format archive creator for BBS mailers
VASLA_120.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS advanced system log analyzer, stats
VASPBBS.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024How BBS can now be an associate member of ASP
VAUU100.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Auto user upgrader for RemoteAccess 2.00
VAVA.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS automated verification algorithm
VBBS10.ZIP71KMay 03, 2024Allows offline searches of BBS Files
VBBS_TIME.ZIP31KMay 03, 2024Various time utilities for BBS (timechek, etc)
VBBSAMT40.ZIP53KMay 03, 2024BBS ANSI Music Tutorial 4.0
VBBSBASE.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024Compare BBS lists
VBBSCOMP2.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024Compares BBS file lists, displays differences
VBBSMAIL2.ZIP267KMay 03, 2024PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 2.0
VBDOC_250.ZIP110KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.30/2.40/2.50
VBDOC_256.ZIP110KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.56 Beta
VBDOS259B.ZIP312KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm 2.59b: Front-end mailer for BBSs
VBEXE_250.ZIP176KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 exe/update doc
VBNKB256.ZIP178KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm 2.56 Beta executables & update doc
VBSML_250.ZIP164KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 Borland C src
VBSRC_250.ZIP422KMay 03, 2024Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 source
VBTAG130.ZIP227KMay 03, 2024Displays tagline to callers of BBS, any system
VCDROM02.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024CDROM Update: Mount/dismount CDROMs in RA v2.x
VCIDPH101.ZIP48KMay 03, 2024Validate Remote Access 2.xx BBS users with CID
VCKIT210.ZIP195KMay 03, 2024Turbo-C/MSC BBS DOOR programming kit
VCLBKV372.ZIP113KMay 03, 2024MY Callback verifier for RBBS and DOOR.SYS BBS
VCMPBBS10.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024Fast compare of two BBS lists, w/QBASIC source
VCNTM092B.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024BBS: generate summaries of downloadable files
VCOMPR212.ZIP34KMay 03, 2024Compare BBS file lists with your directory
VCONF400.ZIP91KMay 03, 2024BBS EchoMail processor with REPLYLINK & RENUM
VD5PRO205.ZIP533KMay 03, 2024Delta-5 v2.05: Highly configurable BBS System
VDGBG100.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Windowed BBS bulletin maker, ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR
VDLX70BBS.ZIP480KMay 03, 2024DLX multi-user BBS. Freeware version, w/TP src
VDORSPED3.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Com port unlocker for QBBS and locked DTE
VDRU_225.ZIP24KMay 03, 2024Controlled-access drop-to-DOS for BBS co-sysop
VECHOINFO.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024D'Bridge v1.30 echomail bulletin generator
VEEXIT101.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024EzyExit V1.02, Convert Ezy EXITINFO to RA BBS
VEPSHELV2.ZIP51KMay 03, 2024Safe BBS shell to DOS with file taging-send
VES_101D.ZIP55KMay 03, 2024EchoSprint dynamic mailer for BBS front-ends
VEXT_PROT.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024External protocol BAT files
VF2M_QBBS.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024File-2-message for QUICKBBS
VFCE10.ZIP56KMay 03, 2024BBS file list comment extractor v1.0
VFDLOG120.ZIP47KMay 03, 2024FrontDoor log analyzer for BBS SysOps
VFDSEC200.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024Security package for BBS Front Door v2.00
VFDUSER10.ZIP143KMay 03, 2024Log analyzer for Front Door 2.01/2.02/comcl
VFEBBS170.ZIP196KMay 03, 2024Manage multiple FILES.BBS w/ RA/QBBS/SuperBBS
VFIDOQ125.ZIP281KMay 03, 2024FidoQwk v1.25: QWK <-> FidoNet converter
VFILSL11.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Offline Zippy scan, works with most BBS lists
VFINFO16.ZIP10KMay 03, 2024Updates time/date in dir list of files
VFLASH.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Instant pop-up screens for BBS & its users
VFLASH32.ZIP94KMay 03, 2024Daily News file generator for any BBS
VFLSORT11.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Very fast BBS file list sorting utility
VFMAIL092.ZIP200KMay 03, 2024Fast echomail tosser for Hudson messagebase
VFMQT131U.ZIP52KMay 03, 2024Quoter for 'FM' BBS FrontDoor message editor
VFNNR16.ZIP234KMay 03, 2024FidoNet newsreader for Hudson messagebases
VFNP101A.ZIP182KMay 03, 2024FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 1of4
VFNP101B.ZIP329KMay 03, 2024FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 2of4
VFNP101C.ZIP234KMay 03, 2024FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 3of4
VFNP101D.ZIP298KMay 03, 2024FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 4of4
VFRAME201.ZIP67KMay 03, 2024File headers and system bulletins for RA BBS
VFRNTD211.ZIP611KMay 03, 2024FrontDoor FIDONET-compat. BBS mailer/front-end
VFWKCS117.ZIP344KMay 03, 2024Automatically process uploaded files on BBS
VGAMEST11.ZIP42KMay 03, 2024Track's BBS online game usage w/color & graphs
VGAPCTTY.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Enhanced replacement for DOS CTTY. No I/O rdir
VGAPDEMO1.ZIP333KMay 03, 2024GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (1 of 3)
VGAPDEMO2.ZIP323KMay 03, 2024GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (2 of 3)
VGAPDEMO3.ZIP195KMay 03, 2024GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (3 of 3)
VGATEWAY2.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Simultaneous use of COMx and CON
VGCHAT140.ZIP35KMay 03, 2024Generic BBS Chat v1.40. DESQview aware, free
VGHOST230.ZIP114KMay 03, 2024Create msgs, file attchs, for QBBS/RA/SuperBBS
VGMSG415.ZIP51KMay 03, 2024GenMsg: FidoNet reader/editor w/PGP Interface
VGNEWS203.ZIP72KMay 03, 2024Generates news bulletins for RA, QBBS and SBBS
VGRAF_104.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS newuser stats door/graph system usage
VHMBED3.ZIP60KMay 03, 2024A lowlevel editor for Hudson Messagebases
VHSRC_117.ZIP132KMay 03, 2024HeadEdit v1.17 Sysop/Point reader source code
VIDCCOM12.ZIP134KMay 03, 2024IDC's COMM/HOST/BBS, uses just over 80k of RAM
VIDCFORM.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024IDC's BBS question/survey utility, SDF file
VIDCHK33.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024BBS: Lock out phone #'s. Use w/FD2.12.sw & up
VIMAIL121.ZIP320KMay 03, 2024Fidonet echomail processor for Hudson msgbase
VISCALLN1.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024Is this call #? for DOOR.SYS BBS's
VJETBBS30.ZIP321KMay 03, 2024Highly configurable BBS, multi-line capable
VJVAS110.ZIP59KMay 03, 2024JVArcServ v1.10: 'Archie' server for FidoNet
VKBBS_40.ZIP333KMay 03, 2024KISSWARE BBS v4.0 - easy install, operate, run
VLASTON12.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Creates last BBS user info screens.Tribbs/more
VLOGLIST.ZIP34KMay 03, 2024QUICKBBS system.log analyzer
VLOGMGR16.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Automatic log management for BBS mailer system
VLSTGEN15.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Generates ALLFILES.LST from BBS file lists
VMAT.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Match two RBBS directories
VMAX202C.ZIP433KMay 03, 2024Maximus BBS v2.02 - installation, common files
VMAX202R.ZIP485KMay 03, 2024Maximus BBS v2.02 - DOS executables
VMBBSTD62.ZIP2MMay 03, 2024The Major BBS Test Drive with quick start docs
VMBU_110.ZIP49KMay 03, 2024MBUtils v1.10: QBBS/RA message base utilities
VMKRD101.ZIP204KMay 03, 2024MK/RA/QBBS/SuperBbs/Ezycom SysOp's msg reader
VMLNK_10C.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Message linker for BBS conference msg areas
VMLS130.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024MLS 1.3: Search BBS file listings for keywords
VMM034.ZIP59KMay 03, 2024Menu Master v0.34 for QuickBBS
VMM20B31.ZIP136KMay 03, 2024MarkMail v2.00B31: QWK mail door for PCBoard
VMNET210.ZIP45KMay 03, 2024MNET v2.10: QWK- network conversion util.
VMNET2APP.ZIP31KMay 03, 2024MorrisNet/2! application & information package
VMP102_2.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Patch #2 for Maximus 1.02; fixes Xtern DOS bug
VMSGTALLY.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Total messages in conferences QBBS/RA/SuperBBS
VMSTRV12.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Enhanced AllFiles generator for Maximus BBS
VMWIZ3G2.ZIP108KMay 03, 2024Enhanced menu editor for RemoteAccess 2.0x
VNEWHOST.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024CTTY addition - local echo/typing on console
VNOBOG134.ZIP53KMay 03, 2024Search .PKT files for bogus and dupe messages
VORASHARE.ZIP305KMay 03, 2024Oracomm v5.M.6P multi-user BBS, 1 node version
VPB125A_1.ZIP135KMay 03, 2024Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 1 of 4
VPB125A_2.ZIP324KMay 03, 2024Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 2 of 4
VPB125A_3.ZIP229KMay 03, 2024Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 3 of 4
VPB125A_4.ZIP96KMay 03, 2024Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 4 of 4
VPBBSW35A.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024PowerBBS v3.5 for Windows . (Disk 1/2)
VPBBSW35B.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024PowerBBS v3.5 for Windows . (Disk 2/2)
VPBNET172.ZIP154KMay 03, 2024Fido mail processor for Powerboard 1.25A/1.45
VPCC300.ZIP245KMay 03, 2024PC Connect BBS version 3.0, part 1 of 3
VPCCARK1.ZIP10KMay 03, 2024PC Connect BBS utility, part 2 of 3
VPCCEDIT.ZIP73KMay 03, 2024PC Connect BBS utility, part 3 of 3
VPCON102.ZIP46KMay 03, 2024Phoenix all-purpose BBS doors converter, v1.02
VPCPN41A1.ZIP148KMay 03, 2024PCPN BBS v4.1a, installation utility, 1of5
VPCPN41A2.ZIP774KMay 03, 2024PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 2of5
VPCPN41A3.ZIP931KMay 03, 2024PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 3of5
VPCPN41A4.ZIP937KMay 03, 2024PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 4of5
VPCPN41A5.ZIP949KMay 03, 2024PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 5of5
VPCREDITS.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024CREDITS.DLL add-on for PowerBBS
VPOWRND1.ZIP131KMay 03, 2024PowrNODE v1.0: PowerBBS Node Status Bar
VPRIVACY.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Articles on computer privacy
VPRIVACY2.ZIP20KMay 03, 2024Electronic Communications Privacy Act
VPSDKV35.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024PowerBBS Software Development Kit v1.00
VPSORT21.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Pack, sort, list & purge USERS.BBS, QBBS 2.75+
VPSTLG300.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Generates bulletin for # of messages - QBBS/RA
VPTIME10S.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Makes graphs of Powerboard BBS usage patterns
VPXDOS_20.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Multi-format archive extractor for BBS mailers
VQ2PCB120.ZIP80KMay 03, 2024QBBS2PCB: Runs PCBoard v14 doors on QuickBBS
VQANU20.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Purge records in NewUser.Asw not in Users.BBS
VQBBS276D.ZIP166KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Documentation
VQBBS276E.ZIP353KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Executables
VQBBS276O.ZIP351KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Overlay version
VQBBS276U.ZIP271KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Mail/other util
VQBFBST10.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024Generates ascii, ANSI bulletins stats for QBBS
VQCKTOP26.ZIP78KMay 03, 2024WILDCAT!/QuickBBS/PowrBBS Top 40 user utility
VQLIST2.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS on-line file lister, extra features
VQMAIN_22.ZIP81KMay 03, 2024QuickBBS maintenance system for sysops
VQNE30.ZIP70KMay 03, 2024Quick News Editor v3.0 for bulletins-QuickBBS
VQUFE122.ZIP52KMay 03, 2024User editor for use with QBBS/SBBS/RA
VQUICKED1.ZIP64KMay 03, 2024Full-screen editor for QBBS/RA/SuperBBS
VQUIKTP31.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024QuikTop: QuickBBS top users bulletin generator
VQUM_120.ZIP110KMay 03, 2024QBBS/RA/SuperBBS user editor
VRABIR210.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024Birthday utility for RA 1.11/2.00/PB 1.30
VRADLC200.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Remote Access BBS download counter
VRAHELP13.ZIP35KMay 03, 2024Full screen help file viewer for RA BBS v1.x
VRAMAIL20.ZIP78KMay 03, 2024QWK mail door for Remote Access BBS
VRINGDET2.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Telephone line ring detector resets computer
VRMLAST10.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Graphic Last Callers List for Renegade 07-17+
VRNET107U.ZIP173KMay 03, 2024RNet 1.07: QWK networking software for PCBoard
VROS403.ZIP318KMay 03, 2024ROS multinode DESQview-aware BBS by Steve Fox
VRTS20.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024RTS and DTR toggling utilities for BBS doors
VRYBBS65.ZIP254KMay 03, 2024RyBBS mini BBS and mini host program
VS_VER092.ZIP88KMay 03, 2024New-caller verification for SBBS/QBBS/RA
VSBBS_116.ZIP717KMay 03, 2024SuperBBS: QBBS-compatible multi-node BBS,v1.16
VSE401A.ZIP333KMay 03, 2024Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 1 of 5
VSE401B.ZIP299KMay 03, 2024Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 2 of 5
VSE401C.ZIP319KMay 03, 2024Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 3 of 5
VSE401D.ZIP319KMay 03, 2024Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 4 of 5
VSE401E.ZIP364KMay 03, 2024Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 5 of 5
VSF_31.ZIP414KMay 03, 2024SpitFire multi-node BBS system, version 3.1
VSFUED108.ZIP64KMay 03, 2024StormFront User Editor for Opus 1.7x BBS
VSKIM102.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Skim BBS file list for keywords
VSLBBS131.ZIP261KMay 03, 2024SearchLight full-screen BBS v1.31, shareware
VSQSH_100.ZIP293KMay 03, 2024Squish 1.0-DOS; FidoNet EchoMail processor
VSQSH_111.ZIP654KMay 03, 2024Squish EchoMail processor v1.11 (DOS mode)
VSRCH132S.ZIP45KMay 03, 2024Search captured BBS msgs for up to 39 strings
VSWR101.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Allow BBS users to switch full screen editors
VSX405A.ZIP135KMay 03, 2024Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 1 of 2
VSX405B.ZIP301KMay 03, 2024Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 2 of 2
VSX503H1.ZIP595KMay 03, 2024AgX v5.03: maildoor for Hudson-based
VSX503M1.ZIP553KMay 03, 2024AgX v5.03: maildoor for Maximus v2.0x
VSYSREC11.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Mark BBS echo msgs as received (RA only)
VTB042.ZIP333KMay 03, 2024TurBoard BBS - NAPLPS/EGA/VGA/mouse/Fido BBS
VTB042FDO.ZIP148KMay 03, 2024TurBoard BBS - FidoNet executables/programs
VTICFN110.ZIP61KMay 03, 2024TicToss v1.10 FDN pgm for FeatherNet Pro BBS
VTICK200.ZIP96KMay 03, 2024Automated handling of BBS .TIC dist. files
VTICSF110.ZIP61KMay 03, 2024TicToss v1.10 FDN pgm for Spitfire Pro BBS
VTICTR110.ZIP61KMay 03, 2024TicToss v1.10 FDN pgm for TriBBS
VTOPED100.ZIP78KMay 03, 2024ANSI/Avatar fullscreen editor for RA/SBBS/QBBS
VTOPS102.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Top Ten users for various catagories-QuickBBS
VUBBS208A.ZIP278KMay 03, 2024UltraBBS 2.08; Executables and main files. 1/3
VUBBS208B.ZIP227KMay 03, 2024UltraBBS 2.08; Executables/docs/help/etc. 2/3
VUBBS208C.ZIP160KMay 03, 2024UltraBBS 2.08; Non-overlaid version. 3/3
VUFLAG20.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Change flag settings at DOS prompt, QBBS 2.75+
VUSA_100.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024QBBS/RA/SuperBBS statistics generator
VVAREA610.ZIP102KMay 03, 2024VBBS subscriber/unsubscriber for VNET
VVBBS61A1.ZIP595KMay 03, 2024Virtual BBS 6.1 multinode/multinetwork BBS 1/2
VVBBS61A2.ZIP527KMay 03, 2024Virtual BBS 6.1 multinode/multinetwork BBS 2/2
VVP407.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024VPurge: Enhanced BBS Conf/EchoMail processor
VVUUCP223.ZIP153KMay 03, 2024UUCP interface for VBBS; requires Waffle 1.65
VWABIRD.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Carrier watchdog and COMx re-direction utility
VWATCHCAT.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Much improved watchdog timer for BBS use
VWATCHDOG.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Monitors carrier loss for Host programs
VWATCHKAT.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Reboot BBS if carrier lost or after 20 rings
VWATCHKIT.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Reboot crashed BBS after four rings, w/ASM src
VWEDIT210.ZIP172KMay 03, 2024FidoNet message editor, Fido or QuickBBS base
VWMAIL230.ZIP177KMay 03, 2024FidoNet Echomail processor, Fido/QuickBBS base
VZSXD_310.ZIP66KMay 03, 2024ZSX v3.10: BBS file xfer multi-protocol driver

208 files
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Mon Jan 13 2025 18:30:59 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)