Vertrauen Memory utilities / managers

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Feb 1995)

V704K.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Increase RAM from 640K to 704K on some PCs
VA20OFF.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set
VA20TEST.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024A20 address line enable/disable/status display
VADDMEM25.ZIP24KMay 03, 2024Increases available memory on EGA/VGA machines
VADDRAM10.ZIP23KMay 03, 2024Add DOS RAM using EMS 4.0
VCTMAP099.ZIP53KMay 03, 2024Mem extender: 286/386/SX using C&T DRAM ctlrs
VDEMM.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Extended memory stats/diags
VDUMPEM.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Display/edit expanded, extended, normal memory
VEATMEM11.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Reduce available memory for testing programs
VEEMRAM21.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Expand DOS RAM to 736K w/Enh. or LIM 4.0 mem.
VEMS40V11.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Driver: use extended memory as EMS 4.0 memory
VEMSAW41S.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Huge Arrays in Expanded Memory 4.1S (updated)
VEMSUIT11.ZIP70KMay 03, 2024Utilities for manipulating EMS RAM
VEXC_DX02.ZIP77KMay 03, 2024Exception handler kit for PharLap 386|DosX
VFREE402.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024Shows free memory, and percent of use
VHIMOV214.ZIP115KMay 03, 2024Upper Memory Manager for 286/386 systems
VJAMBO10.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024Device Driver can increase upper memory
VLOWMEM.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024DOS low memory map, very detailed
VM.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024List memory resident programs
VM_M_KIT.ZIP127KMay 03, 2024DOS 5 Utilities to optimise upper memory
VMAP20.ZIP20KMay 03, 2024DOS Memory map (UMB, XMS, EMS, DD), w/C src
VMAXIMIZE.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO
VMAXMENU.ZIP10KMay 03, 2024Front end menu for 386MAX/386MAX Professional
VMEMSIM32.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Simulates LIM EMS 3.2 expanded memory via disk
MEMSIZ.ASM2KMay 03, 2024Report free RAM
VMEMST101.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Change the DOS memory allocation strategy
VMINLOAD.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Determine amount of mem. needed to load a pgm
VNMI.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Thorough RAM test utility. Safe
VPMAP210.ZIP33KMay 03, 2024Chris Dunford's memory mapper; handles EMS/XMS
VPMODE01.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024DOS extender indep. Protected Mode progrmg API
VRAMTEST.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024RAM test program, Conventional, EMS, EEMS
VRAMTST30.ZIP52KMay 03, 2024Brown bag's RAM test: mother board/emm/abv bd
VREMM431.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024AST expanded memory driver REMM.SYS v4.31
VRT302.ZIP56KMay 03, 2024Tests for bad memory chips (extended/expanded)
VSPRAY.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Copy contents of memory to printer/disk file
VSWAP.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Swap main and expanded memory when SHELL'ed
VTESTX33.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496, 486
VTLB_A252.ZIP206KMay 03, 2024The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Advanced utils and docs
VTLB_T252.ZIP39KMay 03, 2024The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Pgm tests compatibility
VTLB_V252.ZIP264KMay 03, 2024The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Basic utils and docs
VTLB_W252.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024The Last Byte Mem Mgr: What's new in ver. 2.52
VTMAP110.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Memory control block mapper ver1.10
VTRKMEM10.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024Memory usage tracker for DOS programs
VUMAX120.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Umax v1.20: Utility to test upper-memory block
VUMBDR522.ZIP36KMay 03, 2024UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5
VUMBGWJ10.ZIP17KMay 03, 2024UMB mgr for HT-320 chipset, with source code
VUMBMEM.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Provides DOS 5 upper memory blocks on 386/486
VUMM03.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Upper Memory Manager v0.3 - Provides UMBs
VUSE_UMBS.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024Driver to use upper memory blocks on XT/ATs
VVEUM.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Allows use of HD as Expanded Memory
VVRAM40.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Break 640K RAM limit, simulate expanded memory
VVU_XM1C.ZIP35KMay 03, 2024extended memory peeker using LOADALL
VXSPAWN34.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program

53 files
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