Vertrauen Printer utilities

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Feb 1995)

V1124RS20.ZIP91KMay 03, 2024Panasonic KX-P1124/Epson LQ-2500 printer setup
V2COL54.ZIP47KMay 03, 2024Print 2 columns on dot matrix, deskjet, inkjet
V3812PR27.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver
VAPP105.ZIP180KMay 03, 2024Text printer with many options/abilities
VATRAXPCL.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Autotrax v1.61 HP-PCL (fast) printer drivers
VBANNER85.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Print banners on any printer
VBARCO10.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Print barcode on Espon compatible printer
VBARCODE5.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Prints multi-format bar-codes for dot matrix
VBARMN15E.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024Barcoding system for Epson and HP printers
VBF2FN3.ZIP70KMay 03, 2024Additional Fonts for Bradford 2.0
VBILLIT31.ZIP80KMay 03, 2024Billit v3.1: Prints invoices/statements/orders
VBOOK420.ZIP86KMay 03, 2024Print booklets on Laserjet & Epson printers
VBOTH350.ZIP23KMay 03, 2024Print on both sides of paper
VBRDFORD2.ZIP132KMay 03, 2024NLQ & 40 fonts for dot matrix printer
CAL2TEK.LIB19KMay 03, 2024Cvt Calcomp 81 format to DEC LN03+ (FORTRAN 4)
VCASSLBL2.ZIP40KMay 03, 2024Make audio cassette labels on IBM mode printer
VCOLPR2.ZIP38KMay 03, 2024Prints newspaper style columns of text. (DEMO)
VCOPYCAT.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024Format ASCII file for printing w/hdrs/pgnrs
VCRAM_V21.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024CRAM v2.1, Place 6 pages of text on 1 sheet
VCVTANSI.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Cnvert ANSI print codes to ASCII printer codes
VDBOTH15.ZIP134KMay 03, 2024DJ Bothsides: Double sided print to HP DJ500
VDMP205.ZIP55KMay 03, 2024Resident print spooler, spools to disk, memory
VDOCPRINT.ZIP61KMay 03, 2024Alternative formating/printing of .DOC files
VDOCPRN.ZIP75KMay 03, 2024Format and print text files for EPSON printer
VDOCSM330.ZIP77KMay 03, 2024Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson comp.
VDOTAB10.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Fake margin: insert spaces start of each line
VDPRINT3.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024File printing util, formats and paginates text
VDSP110.ZIP24KMay 03, 2024Compressed/normal print in single/double sided
VDUMP0891.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Dump graphic screens to LaserJet/Epson printer
VDUMPPCL4.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Hewlett Packard PCL file disassembler
VENVE2.ZIP54KMay 03, 2024Envelope printing, save/edit, auto spacing
VENVMKR33.ZIP60KMay 03, 2024Envelope maker for Dot Matrix/Diablo printer
VEP437.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024PC Code-Page-437-to-Epson char set translation
VEPLQFNTS.ZIP116KMay 03, 2024Fonts for Epson LQ800/1000 printers
VEPSON.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Epson printer driver for EGA graphics screens
VEZLBLR10.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024Generate all types of labels quickly
VEZTYPE32.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Print formatter: paginates/headers/margins
VFLOWCNTL.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Alter serial port COM1 to use ^S/^Q handshake
VFOLD341.ZIP59KMay 03, 2024Print ASCII text in many columns. Many options
VFONT.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024FontEdit for IBM ProPrinter
VFONTMSTR.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Dot Matrix printer enhancement
VFORMFEED.ZIP1KMay 03, 2024Sends formfeed to printer
VFRMFIT30.ZIP116KMay 03, 2024Template production for pre-printed forms
VFXMASTER.ZIP17KMay 03, 2024Menu-select 160+ Epson FX fonts/features v3.31
VGRAB57.ZIP343KMay 03, 2024TSR grabs address from letter, prints envelope
VHDLU40.ZIP17KMay 03, 2024List your HD's files & directories on printer
VIMP400A.ZIP196KMay 03, 2024Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2
VIMP400B.ZIP197KMay 03, 2024Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2
VINT5FF.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Sends FormFeed to printer after a PrintScreen
VISIGNS50.ZIP77KMay 03, 2024Make banners (down page) & signs (across page)
VJETCOL34.ZIP82KMay 03, 2024Print 2 columns/both sides on laser/deskjet
VLABELS.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Label program for 5 line labels
VLABLMST2.ZIP122KMay 03, 2024Printer label utility
VLABPLS13.ZIP68KMay 03, 2024LabelsPlus: Shipping/address label design/prnt
VLASER.ZIP230KMay 03, 2024Gen. HiRes data plots on dot matrix/Laser ptr
VLBANNER.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Print banners
VLETHEAD3.ZIP90KMay 03, 2024Print logos and headings on letters, etc.
LIST.PAS4KMay 03, 2024Formats the printing of labels on Epson FX-80
VLM51.ZIP332KMay 03, 2024LabelMaster v5.1, printer label maker w/dialer
VLP.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024LP file printing utility
VLP13.ZIP10KMay 03, 2024Unix-like file printer
VLP_OKI.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024V.Buerg's Print OKI file w/ headings
VLPR_LPQ3.ZIP44KMay 03, 2024Utilities to enhance DOS's PRINT.COM
VLPT2DSK.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Capture LPT output to a disk file
VLPTCOM02.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Redirect LPT to COM2
VLPTX600.ZIP20KMay 03, 2024Redirect printer output to a file
VLPTX700.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Updated LPT (redirect PRN to file) [.ASM src]
VLQ15TSR.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024TSR printer controllers LQ1500/KXP1524/KXP1091
VLQ235.ZIP226KMay 03, 2024Enhances 9-pin printers; lots of fonts, NLQ.
VLQ570V11.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Menu-driven printer setup (Epson LQ570)
VLQCHR121.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Design own char sets for Epson LQ compat prntr
VLQMX444.ZIP341KMay 03, 2024Fonts & soft font editor for 24 pin printers
VLT50_1.ZIP587KMay 03, 2024Lasertwin5 HPIII emulation 4 all printers, 1/2
VLT50_2.ZIP703KMay 03, 2024Lasertwin5 HPIII emulation 4 all printers, 2/2
VLXB10.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024Print letters using CG Times on LJ/DJ printer
VMB_LP15.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Unix-style paginating file printer
VMODMAIL3.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024Mailing list generator. Remembers zip codes
VMPAGE113.ZIP24KMay 03, 2024Print multiple pages per sheet on PS printer
VMPMPR2.ZIP62KMay 03, 2024IBM graphics characters for Epson printers
VMPP.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Make your printer look like a Laser printer
VMPRINT40.ZIP67KMay 03, 2024Multicopy/multifile print, now DESQview-aware
VMSPOOL2.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024Print spooler handles LPT1-4 and Com
VMTXT31.ZIP73KMay 03, 2024MicroText 3.1, print 4 pgs on 1 pg, tiny type
NLIST.PAS13KMay 03, 2024Epson MX80 printer controller/ASCII file print
NOBS.C4KMay 03, 2024Removes backspaces from text
VOKI.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Printer setup util for Oki 192/193 IBM ver
VOKISET.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024okidata ml-92 printer setup utilities
VONSIDE13.ZIP110KMay 03, 2024Sideways printing for PC-compatible printers
VP1123MZ4.ZIP214KMay 03, 2024Print mazes in 3D on Panasonic 1123 printer
PAGE.C2KMay 03, 2024Print files with tab expansion and pagination
VPASCII17.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Prepares ASCII file for printing
VPC_LABEL.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024PC-Label ver 1.2, label maker
VPCBANNER.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Printer banners
VPCLCM128.ZIP33KMay 03, 2024Compresses HP-PCL raster data. With C source
VPCPR130.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Text formatter: multiple files to printer/disk
VPCROFF.ZIP33KMay 03, 2024Text formatter like Unix 'roff'
VPFEPSON.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Text formatter for Epsons & compatibles 5/88
VPGRAF130.ZIP171KMay 03, 2024BGI-like printer drivers for C & Turbo Pascal
VPIV101.ZIP86KMay 03, 2024AsEasyAs sideways/pretty print utility
VPLBL27.ZIP74KMay 03, 2024Power Label v2.7 mailing label software
VPPP107.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024Pop-up printer utility
VPPRINT55.ZIP108KMay 03, 2024Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.5
VPR.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Flexible and fast text file printer
VPREPRINT.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024Determine how many printed pages in a file
VPRFONTS2.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024Font designer/downloader for 9 pin printers
VPRFORM17.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024Multi-function printout formatter, w/C source
VPRINT.ZIP28KMay 03, 2024Formatted printer output
VPRINTDOC.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Print text files on both sides of the paper
VPRINTFIX.ZIP16KMay 03, 2024Corrects problems in program printer output
VPRINTQ11.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Microsoft C interface to PRINT.COM
VPRINTSC.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024EGA/VGA graphics printscreen to Epson or HPLJ
VPRISC.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Selective print screen by lines, disk option
VPRN2FILE.ZIP10KMay 03, 2024Redirect printer to disk (w/asm)
VPRNDSK.ZIP18KMay 03, 2024Redirect Printer Output To Disk
VPRNF246.ZIP253KMay 03, 2024Set Printer & manicure ASCII text for printing
VPRNTEST.ZIP33KMay 03, 2024Printer test and diag. utility
VPRNTFIX.ZIP1KMay 03, 2024TSR fixes printer busy timeout problem
VPROFF.ZIP67KMay 03, 2024Roff-like printer driver
VPRSWAP.ZIP1006May 03, 2024Swap Graph chars for ASCII (PCMag v4 #19)
VPRT2SCRN.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Redirects & stops shift PrtSc lock
VPRTDR803.ZIP34KMay 03, 2024COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file
VPRTFILE.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Text file list utilities w source
VPRTLABL5.ZIP70KMay 03, 2024Menu-driven label printer
VPRTSC1.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Enhanced PrtSc replacement, sets print sizes
VPSEND.ZIP8KMay 03, 2024Sends controls to printer from text file
VPSTASH20.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Redirects lpt output to file
VQP2.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Quick Print for Panasonic KXP1124
VQZIP.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024Label printer with Post Office barcodes
VROD_FX.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024TSR printer setup utility for Epson FX
VROD_PR.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024TSR printer setup utility for IBM Prowriter
VRPRN.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Redirect printer output to disk file
VRPTP40.ZIP100KMay 03, 2024Ron's Print to Printer, a text file formatter
SCRNDUMP.BAS4KMay 03, 2024Herc. graphic card screen dump to Epson FX ptr
VSETPRINT.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Send printer function cmds
VSETPTR22.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024Ptr ctrl pgms for Epson,Oki,Citizen,HPLJ2, etc
VSFNEC.ZIP69KMay 03, 2024Utilities for NEC 8023 printer
VSHOWPCL.ZIP20KMay 03, 2024Hewlett Packard PCL file disassembler
VSIDER.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Print spreadsheets sideways, TP Source & .COM
SIDEWAYS.PAS3KMay 03, 2024Print Rotate 90 Deg. (Public Domain)
VSMPSQZPR.ZIP31KMay 03, 2024Squeeze Print for Epson dot-matrix printers
VSP.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024Print spooler, with documentation
VSPOOL.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Printer spooler
VSPOOLER.ZIP6KMay 03, 2024Dynamic print spooler uses EEMS (LIM 3.2/4.x)
VSPOOLG.ZIP3KMay 03, 2024Fast print spooler
VSPOOLRII.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024Background print spooler
VSQC250.ZIP17KMay 03, 2024Powerful command-line printer control utility
VSUPLABL.ZIP88KMay 03, 2024Label program - many options, fast
VTAGPRINT.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024TSR PrtScr replacement
VTAPECVR2.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024Cover Maker v1.01 audio cassette cover utility
VTPI325.ZIP43KMay 03, 2024Professional source/text print to PCL & others
VTSPRN16.ZIP107KMay 03, 2024Timo Salmi's printer setup utilities
VTW100.ZIP54KMay 03, 2024Simulates a typewriter with a non-laserprinter
VTWOSIDE.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Utility for printing on both sides of the page
VUBAR22.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Prints 11-digit Postal Delivery Point bar code
VUPLABEL.ZIP13KMay 03, 2024Formats 1-up label text for multiple-up labels
VVPRINT51.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Captures printer and/or AUX output to disk
VVSPOOL.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Versa-Spooler v1.01 multi-printer spooler
VWBAR42.ZIP85KMay 03, 2024Print Postnet bar codes on labels/letters/env.
VWML22B.ZIP301KMay 03, 2024Mailing list mgr print labels/env/zip barcodes
VWSD40E.ZIP266KMay 03, 2024Formatter for 24 dot-printers (hyph., fonts)
VXONXOFF3.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024XON/XOFF interrupt-driven serial printer drvr
VYA2SIDE8.ZIP28KMay 03, 2024Printer utility for 2 sided printing

162 files
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