Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | ACTRIM13.ZIP | 11.9K | May 03, 2024 | Activity log trimmer for Wildcat! BBS Activity log trimmer for Wildcat! BBS
🔎︎ | CHGCLR21.ZIP | 30.7K | May 03, 2024 | Perform bulk Wildcat 3.x color changes Perform bulk Wildcat 3.x color changes
🔎︎ | SX503W1.ZIP | 592.4K | May 03, 2024 | AgX v5.03: maildoor for WildCat! v3.90 Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03
from Santronics Software for WildCat 3.90.
The most powerful off-line mail door in the
market. Lantastic, Novell, DigiBoard Support!
RIP Support, Internet and Fido Support, Smart
Keyword Searching, Flexible Mail Packing
Options, File Requesting, Fax Services, Forms
Services, Much More. Sysops registering Door,
get the powerful Silver Xpress Reader for
🔎︎ | UPASS10.ZIP | 51.2K | May 03, 2024 | Wildcat! 3.x user upgrade door Wildcat! 3.x user upgrade door
🔎︎ | UULOG_20.ZIP | 151.3K | May 03, 2024 | FREE - Log Analyzer/Trimmer for WILDUUCP! v1.x UUCPLog v2.00 - The Log Analyzer for the Internet E-mail and Usenet tosser,
WildUUCP! v1.x, by Integrated Solutions. UUCPLog is simply the *MOST*
powerful Log Utility program available!
This version of UUCPLog, which works with WildUUCP! v1.x, is totally,
and absolutely FREE!!! No money is expected from anyone that wishes to use
It reads directly from your log file and calculates the total number
of Messages tossed into each News Group; the total number of Bytes tossed
into each News Group; the total number of Messages extracted from each News
Group; the average Bytes per Message tossed into each News Group; and
produces the output files in .ASC, .BBS, and .RIP forms.
UUCPLog will also calculate the total number of Internet E-Mail
messages received by your system; the total number of E-Mail messages sent
from your system; how many E-Mail messages each user received; how many
E-Mail messages each user sent; and produces the output in .ASC, .BBS, and
.RIP forms.
UUCPLog also comes with a Log Trimming utility which will trim both of
your logs to your specified length of time, and a Utility Program (UUMaint),
which will allow you to change your UUCPLog Configuration, View or Print the
.ASC reports generated when you run UUCPLog, and allow you to read
UUCPLog has the ability to either be run as a nightly event, or run
manually from an on-screen Menu.
🔎︎ | WCAREA10.ZIP | 38.9K | May 03, 2024 | Analyze Wildcat! BBS downloads from file areas WCAREA 1.0: Wildcat! BBS utility to analyze
downloads from each file area. No fee for
registration. From Stephens Advanced Systems.
🔎︎ | WCAT26A.ZIP | 435.0K | May 03, 2024 | Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part A. 921103 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part A. 921103
🔎︎ | WCAT26B.ZIP | 352.4K | May 03, 2024 | Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part B. 921103 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part B. 921103
🔎︎ | WCONVERT.ZIP | 24.3K | May 03, 2024 | Convert Wildcat 3.x BBS WC@-code disp <-> ANSI Convert Wildcat 3.x BBS WC@-code disp <-> ANSI
🔎︎ | WCTIC110.ZIP | 119.3K | May 03, 2024 | File fwd (TICK/HATCH/RAID) for WildCat! 3/4 ░wcTIC is a TICK processor tailored for ░
░WildCat! BBS V3/4. Features include RAID ░
░(Areafix) functionality, report generator,░
░CRC32-Check, flexible configurability, ░
░low memory requirements and passthrough ░
░Areas. Shareware, 30-day evaluation ░
░version (uncrippled). Planet connect ░
░ready! ░
░Release date 29. November 1994 ░
🔎︎ | WCUULG10.ZIP | 39.7K | May 03, 2024 | Analyze Wildcat! UUCP log and create bulletin WCUULOG 1.0: Wildcat! BBS Utility to analyze wcUUCP log to create a unique
informative file. No fee! From Stephens Advanced Systems.
🔎︎ | WCWDTD10.ZIP | 41.1K | May 03, 2024 | Analyze Wildcat! log/create activity bulletin WCWDTD 1.0: Wildcat! BBS utility to analyze
activity log and system activity to create a
unique bulletin. No fee for registration.
From Stephens Advanced Systems.
12 files listed
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