Vertrauen Documentation on the files in the Simtel

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Jun 1992)

AAAREAD.ME4KMay 03, 2024Information about the files in this directory
ACCOUNTS.INF2KMay 03, 2024Govt. & contractors can get SIMTEL20 account
DOWNLOAD.INF2KMay 03, 2024How to get SIMTEL20 files via telephone modem
FILDIF.ARC20KMay 03, 2024Compare two copies of SIMTEL20's FILES.IDX
GREP.SIM2KMay 03, 2024Script to view SIMIBM.IDX on Unix systems
IDX2DAT.C7KMay 03, 2024Makes AutoFTP/BatchFTP scripts from SIMIBM.IDX
QUICKREF.LST3KMay 03, 2024Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs
SIM9110.IDX26KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of October 1991 uploads
SIM9111.IDX22KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of November 1991 uploads
SIM9112.IDX21KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of December 1991 uploads
SIM9201.IDX35KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of January 1992 uploads
SIM9202.IDX10KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of February 1992 uploads
SIM9203.IDX47KMay 03, 2024Comma-delimited list of March 1992 uploads
VSIM_PDOX.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024Paradox converter/reader for SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVAX.BAS7KMay 03, 2024VAX/VMS BASIC V3.3 pgm to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT.AWK724May 03, 2024AWK script to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT.BAS903May 03, 2024BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT.C3KMay 03, 2024Unix C program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT.EXC3KMay 03, 2024VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT.SPS2KMay 03, 2024VAX/VMS SPS program to print SIMIBM.IDX
VSIMCVT.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024Compiled BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT2.BAS1KMay 03, 2024BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT2.C7KMay 03, 2024Unix C program to search and print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT2.EXC4KMay 03, 2024VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMCVT3.FOR4KMay 03, 2024VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print SIMIBM.IDX
VSIMCVT3.ZIP27KMay 03, 2024SIMTEL20 .IDX conversion util for Turbo C
SIMCVT_C.ARC11KMay 03, 2024Compiled C pgm for MSDOS to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMDIF.DOC2KMay 03, 2024Documentation for SIMDIF.FOR Fortran program
SIMDIF.FOR19KMay 03, 2024Make SIMTEL20 additions/changes/deletions rept
VSIMDIR21.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Display the SIMTEL20 file list (SIMIBM.IDX)
SIMDISP.AWK1KMay 03, 2024AWK script displays SIMIBM.IDX in outline form
SIMDISP.DOC280May 03, 2024How to use SIMDISP.AWK
SIMDISP.PL2KMay 03, 2024Perl script to print SIMIBM.IDX
VSIMFLT10.ZIP15KMay 03, 2024Extract dirs from SIMIBM.IDX,write to new file
SIMGREP.SH2KMay 03, 2024sh script: search SIMIBM.LST w/nice output
SIMIBM.ARC370KMay 03, 2024Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
SIMIBM.DB3568May 03, 2024How to use SIMIBM.IDX with dBASEIII
SIMIBM.HDR113May 03, 2024SIMIBM.IDX header file for PC-File+ use
SIMIBM.INF168May 03, 2024Information on record structure of SIMIBM.IDX
VSIMIFL26.ZIP19KMay 03, 2024Make SIMIBM.IDX readable but still searchable
SIMLIST.ARC330KMay 03, 2024Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
SIMRAZ13.ARC18KMay 03, 2024Shorten/rearrange SIMTEL20 indices, w/TP src
SIMSERCH.C8KMay 03, 2024Search through SIMIBM.IDX. TC-2.0/VMS-C source
SIMTEL35.ARC158KMay 03, 2024Easy view/search of SIMTEL20 PD file listings
SIMTEL35.INF2KMay 03, 2024Overview of SIMTEL35 catalog view/search pgm
UPLOAD.INF1KMay 03, 2024How to upload programs to SIMTEL20
UPLOADS.DEC20KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for December 1991
UPLOADS.FEB11KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for February 1992
UPLOADS.JAN30KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for January 1992
UPLOADS.MAR40KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for March 1992
UPLOADS.NOV20KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for November 1991
UPLOADS.OCT23KMay 03, 2024List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for October 1991
USERID.DOC2KMay 03, 2024Doc for USERID.FRM account application
USERID.FRM3KMay 03, 2024Application form for SIMTEL20 account

54 files
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