Vertrauen Hyper-Text

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Jun 1992)

VARJHLP23.ZIP320KMay 03, 2024HyperText helpfile for ARJ v2.3. Can be TSR
CPPTOUR.ARC70KMay 03, 2024Hypertext-based tutorial on using C++
VDOSEA5.ZIP126KMay 03, 2024Hypertext program explaining DOS 5.0.
VEBK.ZIP47KMay 03, 2024Topic-oriented hypertext viewing program
VEBKSRC.ZIP55KMay 03, 2024Borland C++ src for EBK.ZIP hypertext viewer
HS25.ARC294KMay 03, 2024HyperShell hypertext browser, v2.5
VHTEX06.ZIP240KMay 03, 2024Hypertext authoring system,create/convert/edit
VHYCLASS.ZIP68KMay 03, 2024Hypertexed LC class &computer-related material
VHYDOS10.ZIP85KMay 03, 2024Hypertext browser for all DOS commands, v1.0
VHYENVOY1.ZIP63KMay 03, 2024Hypertext browser for all ENVOY100 commands
HYPER.ARC168KMay 03, 2024Construct your own hypertext network
VHYPERH15.ZIP62KMay 03, 2024Hypercard-like help util. Make your own stacks
HYPERREZ.ARC111KMay 03, 2024Hypertext reader using plain ASCII files
VHYPLUS.ZIP151KMay 03, 2024Stand-alone Hypertext program from Maxthink
VHYPRVX11.ZIP74KMay 03, 2024Hypertext browser for VAX/VMS mail help, v1.1
VHYTELN50.ZIP341KMay 03, 2024Hypertext browser for finding Telnet addresses
MAGIC15A.ARC204KMay 03, 2024BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 1of3
MAGIC15B.ARC212KMay 03, 2024BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 2of3
MAGIC15C.ARC321KMay 03, 2024BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 3of3
VNUHLP45.ZIP89KMay 03, 2024Norton Utilities 4.5 Hypertext help browser
VSENSES.ZIP106KMay 03, 2024Demonstration of HYPLUS hypertext compiler
TP55TOUR.ARC62KMay 03, 2024Hypertext-based tutorial on using OOP in TP5.5

22 files
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