Vertrauen Utilities for MicroSoft Windows

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Jun 1992)

BROW31.ARC62KMay 03, 2024Browser file viewer for MS Windows
DIGICLOK.ARC9KMay 03, 2024WIN: Digital clock for windows
DISKJU.ARC13KMay 03, 2024Graphic disk tree display for MS Windows
DUMPMSP.ARC6KMay 03, 2024WIN: Create screen dump file from CGA/EGA/Herc
FIRE42.ARC33KMay 03, 2024MS Windows screen blanker v4.2
FONTSQ.ARC4KMay 03, 2024WIN: Proportional system font for VGA/SuperVGA
FREEDI.ARC7KMay 03, 2024WIN: Displays free disk space as an ICON
FREEMM.ARC9KMay 03, 2024WIN: Displays expanded memory usage
GCP42S.ARC50KMay 03, 2024New GIF, PCX, MAC viewer for MS Windows
JOURN201.ARC11KMay 03, 2024Saves keystrokes and replays them for Windows
MEDIC11.ARC37KMay 03, 2024MS Windows hardware configuration display v1.1
MEMTIP.ARC34KMay 03, 2024Tips about memory usage for MS-Windows
SYSGRAPH.ARC10KMay 03, 2024Windows 2.xx system usage graphic display
WINPRTSC.ARC21KMay 03, 2024PrtSc command for windows and any display

14 files
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