Vertrauen Programs for plotters

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Jun 1992)

3D_PLOT.FOR8KMay 03, 2024Plots a surface using Plot 10 commands
3DBAS03.ARC7KMay 03, 2024BASICA pgm plots z=f(x,y) in three dimensions
V3DF.ZIP25KMay 03, 2024D func. plot displays F(x,y) ortho proj,w/src
V3DGRAPH.ZIP85KMay 03, 2024d/3d plotting program with printer capability
3DPLOT02.ARC210KMay 03, 2024Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src
3DSURFAC.ARC50KMay 03, 2024dimensional surface plotting
BIKE31.ARC18KMay 03, 2024Bicycle gearing calculator
CGPLT.ARC88KMay 03, 2024Plot graphs (CGA)
CHART13.ARC74KMay 03, 2024Screen print bar line graph
VFCNPLT41.ZIP98KMay 03, 2024Rectangular/polar/data online function plotter
VGNUPLOT3.ZIP193KMay 03, 2024Interactive function plotting pgm
VGPLOT_3D.ZIP181KMay 03, 2024Gnuplot 2 (patchlvl 2) with 3d extensions
GRAFDEMO.ARC132KMay 03, 2024Graphics plotting pgm v1.0, functional demo
VLASER34A.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 1of5
VLASER34B.ZIP162KMay 03, 2024Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 2of5
VLASER34C.ZIP170KMay 03, 2024Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 3of5
VLASER34D.ZIP146KMay 03, 2024Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 4of5
VLASER34E.ZIP185KMay 03, 2024Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 5of5
VLG_DOC1.ZIP68KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10
VLG_DOC2.ZIP212KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10
VLG_DOC3.ZIP134KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10
VLG_DOC4.ZIP156KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10
VLG_DOC5.ZIP69KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10
VLG_DOC6.ZIP144KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10
VLG_EXE1.ZIP168KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10
VLG_EXE2.ZIP190KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10
VLG_EXE3.ZIP149KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10
VLG_EXE4.ZIP241KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 10of10
LG_READ.ME6KMay 03, 2024Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector pkg. info
VMGVGA401.ZIP103KMay 03, 2024Master-Graph v4.01: 2D graph plotter (req VGA)
VMVIS.ZIP53KMay 03, 2024Function plot of an elipse from a 2x2 matrix
VPLOT3D_A.ZIP70KMay 03, 2024D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src
PLOT61.ARC94KMay 03, 2024CGA/VGA 2d function plotter
VPLOTD11A.ZIP68KMay 03, 2024PlotData v1.1: A plotter with analyzing data
VPRTGL118.ZIP95KMay 03, 2024Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT
VRK_PLOT.ZIP59KMay 03, 2024Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal
VSFPLOT1B.ZIP4KMay 03, 2024BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D
SPLOT57.ARC183KMay 03, 2024Screen Plot, two & three-dimension via prntr.
USAMAP2.ARC74KMay 03, 2024US Map calculates distance - CGA

39 files
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